The Lonely Tama


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March 2008 Contest Winner
Jan 2, 2008
Reaction score
Once there was a lonely :huh: .....he had no friends.....but one day....

He met a ^_^ named Sarah and he fell in love with her. One day, Sarah noticed him and approached him. She told the ;) and told him...

that he had a piece of salad in his teeth and that she wanted to go to a movie with him and <_< and her friend lola when they got to the movie

Suddenly a dark figure :mimitchi: comes up behind Sara and stuffs her in a bag. Then he pulled out a machine gun and shoots at Lola. Luckily he missed, but he ran away with Sara in the bag.

there was :p named bruno that was a police and whanted to help find shara

Bruno's wife :mimitchi: snuck up behind the evil :nazotchi: and handcuffed him. Bruno :p ripped open the bag.

"My hero!" Sara cried, and she went to celebrate with bruno and his wife. She forgot all about :wacko: .

Now the lonely tama was lonely once again. He dragged the :nazotchi: to the jail and locked him up.

Then :) saw a beautiful ^_^ . He fell in love with her instantly.

:) was looking for a friend as well! She liked what :( liked, and they got along like two peas in a pod. Then one joyful thing happened.....
-_- went up to :D and proposed! He was about to say yes when he saw Sara ;) walking by.

"My love!" he shouted, and Sara and :D ran to each other.

But Sara said, "Guess what? I'm getting married tomorrow!" and she ran off. :( went up to ;) . "You are my true love, yes." and they kissed.

But <_< was very angry that :wacko: had the nerve to run away after he proposed, call another girl his love, and run back to her, calling HER his love. She was so angry she said "I will never marry you!" and kicked him down a cliff that happened to be there.

But :p 's new friend was a mean Tamagotchi. :angry: said, "I like you," at a dinner party, and :mametchi: said, "Yeah, yeah. So, are you paying?" :eek: then...

:D said of course! and paid without a problem. One day, he saw Sarah again, crying her heart out on a bench. So he walked over to her and said...
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