The lonely Tamagotchi


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it was to do a suiciding bombing. They looked like soldiers running around. Shookle was no longer a problem- She realized the real thing about life is to be nice- treat others great and with respect. But a new boy....Named Arnold was a bully. He made all the 10th graders, 9 and 11 graders cry and go to the nurse's office. He always accused little Nick the kindergardner. Sherri and friends were all hearing about him and they feared him terribly. They always went into the little hole that was next to a staircase. They always whispered gossip to each other.

Named Arnold became Shookle's friend and did Sherri's wedgie then burped in Cathy's face.

Cathy was the smartest in class so she had a ocean scuba diver gear on. Unfortaulny now the teacher knew Shookle and Arnold were big bullies she yelled at the two so they were banned for 2 weeks. In those weeks Sherri became the baseball team star. She was the best. People at school adored her. Even a bully who didn't too much anymore loved her. Except two tama hated her and that was..(Snookle and Arnold are back..)

unfortunately, snookle and arnold had ganged up to hurt sherrie and they hatched out a plan...

but there was never a chance to strike.many tough boys were always around her. She was the baseball star, the track star, football star, tennis star and all these other sport stars. Many girls and boys loved hr and looked up to her and Sherri had apprentice. Her friends were really good too and were admired a lots too. Shookle knew if she and Arnold struke at that time then all the boys would kill them. The boys in the football team could crush them. However..

she tried to pounce at them."aaaggg"she screamed in agane.She ran to the nurse. later she found out she broke her right arm .

"HAHAHA!No one will like you now!We can hurt you without any interference!"laughed Shookle and arnold. but how wrong were they. the boys helped her carry her stuff and the girl continued to look up at her. "what the **!!!***!!*"yelled Shookle and arnold and Ms mel, Sherrie's new teacher(the other was on holidays in New York) heard and busted them a lot cause loads of little kids who didnt know a lot about bad words heard and had started talking about the 'new' words they learnt. :D :D Shookle and arnold got sent out of school for a week and in that week, Sherrie recovered. when S&A the new nickname they made up came back, everything was back to normal. everyone was looking up at Sherrie and her friends and football stars were surrounding them. S&A struggled to hatch out a new shookle's house. shielek :D was making them fairy floss for tea and giving them ideas for their "project" like atomic bombs and stuff like that.

;) :( ~Tama-Girl#1~ ;) :wacko:

then a new boy came to school a :D named cola. he was made to sit next to sherrie and they became best buddies... but sherrie had a secret crush on him. :pPPP

Then a few days later Sherri found out why she had been dumped: Not because of her, that was a lie, but because Cola was cheating on her with her sister, Sadie. :D <- That's Sadie.

But when they did they had awsome suntans! They had got married in Hawaii!

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