The Lost Mimitchi


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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2005
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United States, Texas
"Mimi, are you okay? There are circles over your eyes." Chi said to Mimi with concern. "I'm fine." sighed the mimitchi. The morning "siren" had woken them up. Mimi didn't regard it as much the second time, but she still didn't like the piercing wail. She wondered sleepily whether or not she'd ever get used to the horrible noise. "Well, let's go out to meet our neighbors." Coal said. "Oh, wait Mimi, just so you know: Every other morning we go over to our neighbor's house. We're really good friends with them, and we need to introduce you. There's a robotchi named Gogo, a marumimitchi named Kim, and a mimitchi named...well..." Coal suddenly looked uncomfortable. "He doesn't have a name." Juju explained to Mimi. "He came in four months ago, and he isn't talking. They're nice to him, but he just doesn't talk to anybody. Maybe you could try talking to him, since he might only talk to other mimitchis." "Okay." Mimi said a little too brightly. The four of them trotted off happily.

It was a short walk. Some tamagotchis were in their homes watching TV. Others played darts, rode skateboards, drew, or zoomed around in tiny UFOs. "There's a lot of activity here." Mimi commented as they walked past a tiny kinokomotchi bouncing a ball on its head. "Yes." Chi agreed. Before Mimi could reply, Juju said, "Here we are."

The neighbor's house was slightly smaller than Mimi's. It had only three beds instead of four. Inside of it were a cheerful robotchi and an even more cheerful marumimitchi (presumably Gogo and Kim) and a small mimitchi in the corner. The mimitchi looked sad and tired, and hopelessness filled her big brown eyes. Mimi never saw a sadder sight.

To be continued...
