The 'Masktchi petetion'


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:huh: ;) One time I had a Maskutchi for the first time and then when I had another one I felt so happy so go save the Maskutchi :ph34r: I love those characters there living Tamagotchis too.

p.s. What about the Gozarutchi whys everybody don't like Maskutchi what about Gozarutchis. :(

m its me!!! All ive ever had is.........MASKTCHIS!!!!!!!!!!! ;) ;) ;) :p :angry: Save the masktchi race!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I luv masktchi!!!

:D :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

Masktchis are cute!!! Musktchis r cool!!!

Masktchis are cute!!! Musktchis r cool!!!

Masktchis are cute!!! Musktchis r cool!!!

Masktchis are cute!!! Musktchis r cool!!!

Masktchis are cute!!! Musktchis r cool!!!

Masktchis are cute!!! Musktchis r cool!!!

Masktchis are cute!!! Musktchis r cool!!!

Masktchis are cute!!! Musktchis r cool!!!

Masktchis are cute!!! Musktchis r cool!!!

Masktchis are cute!!! Musktchis r cool!!!

I've had one wuns

It looks lIk a super-Hero!
no mamachis rool. not stinkin :ph34r:

YAY!! I love Masktchis!

Go Masktchis! :lol:

Its ya birthday!! :lol:

We're gonna party like it's ya birthday! :(

How could anyone say that Masktchis are ugly!!! :rolleyes: They're adorable!!


:( ----- :eek: ----- :D ----- :eek: ----- :eek: ----- :eek: ----- :ph34r: ----- :ph34r:

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Even though they are "easy to achieve" i love them! I despise their oposite: gozarotchi! But I love my masktchis when I get them but I only got one :) . Ah well. Great petition :)

I love Maskitchis! Rally, my friends! Our hour is upon us to save the Maskitchi from prosecution!

I have never gotten a Masktchi before,however,I think they are a great character and they deserve our respect.



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