The Mimitchi


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Kate and Kki both turned into :eek: . Then, the matchmaker came for them and....

they each married and stayed with their husbands for the longest time.

Kate married with a :wacko: and gave birth to 2 baby boys.

Kiki married with a :eek: and gave birth to 2 baby girls.

Then one day, when everyone was enjoying their lives...

...An old wise Grandpa came in the door. (By the way, nice way of getting out of them getting killed.) Some one is coming for you, he said. Bewere! "He must mean Katie," said Kiki. Kate and her husband, Sam held their babies close. Kiki remembered the time they were almost taken. She and Johnathon held their babies, too. Jenny, Sam, Cutie, and Zach all were very worried. "When I was younger I thought my sister was a fool," said Cutie. "But I was wrong." They all agreed: they must leave. So they each packed a suitcase and, in the cloak of night, headed for the train station. They took the train going the farthest away and payed for tickets.

Kiki thought she saw a dark shadow among the trains. She felt relief when she saw it was the grandpa, his wise eyes shining. She realised where she had seen him before. He was Sammy!

She heard his voice, I'll come for you when the time is right! The train began to move, and Sammy threw her something through the open window. It was a Pansy. Pansy was the name of one of her children. The tag said, keep your children safe -Sammy.

Part 2


So begins a journey, a hard one for that matter. Where will it lead? That is up to you. Please continue this story. Don't kill anyone or have violent things happen. PLEASE. TT

Thank you, ~Tulip

They road the train. 2 hours later the train stopped and all the lights went out. everyone was scared. then the babys started to cry so the mothers gave them binkies. the lights went back on and there on the wall in pink paint it said 'Give me cooki... then they saw a young mimitchi painting the rest. the young mimitchi was named Julie and she got in BIG trouble. But at least the family was safe. then a furwatchi ;) came and asked for what the family wanted for dinner....

The :angry: looked suspicious, so Cutie followed it. In The kitchen, she saw it was Cuta!!! When she left for a minute, a :eek: put poison in her families food. When the food was brought into the compartment, Cutie came bursting and knocked the food away from Kiki's mouth. Then Cutie said...

"I'm to late!" "Do suicide or else tonight you will turn into a wait oh yeah you will turn into the creature like that guy was turning into on An American werewolf in London!"Then Kiki looked at the full moon.AAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOhhhOOOOOOOOOOOO,said Kiki in a blood curdling howl! :angry:

"I'm to late!" "Do suicide or else tonight you will turn into a wait oh yeah you will turn into the creature like that guy was turning into on An American werewolf in London!"Then Kiki looked at the full moon.AAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOhhhOOOOOOOOOOOO,said Kiki in a blood curdling howl! :huh:
:p I never wrote that the Kiki actually ate food. Please Ignore this post, people, as This event did not happen. :D

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