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Dazzle jumped in after Togetchi. The lifeboat was rocky, but not as bad as the cruise. The wind was picking up. "Umnm... I knew there was going to be a storm." She mumbled. The wind blew in her face, and knocked her off of the lifeboat. Dazzle screamed. She grabbed the edge of the boat, barely holding on as the strong wind attempted to throw her off. "Help me!" She yelled.

Togetchi grabbed Dazzle by her hand and helped her get back on the boat. "You should really wear a life jacket," said Togetchi looking through a box that kept the life jackets. "Here," he said as he handed the life jacket over to Dazzle. "Oh yeah, you never told me your name, and neither did I. I'm amusing it's something along the lines of Dazzilitchi," Togetchi said to Dazzle. "My name's Togetchi."

Gozarutchi jumped in after them. He didn't make it into the boat, however.

"GRAH!" He yelled in frestration, half underwater.

He tried to swim to the boat, but a wave knocked him away.

He eventually caught up with the boat.

"Mind if I got one of those?" Always impatient, he took one.

"What about Mametchi?" he asked.

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Togetchi faced away from Dazzle and towards Gozarutchi. "Well, there's nothing we can do if the boat sinks so quickly," answered Togetchi, and wondering about if Lovelitchi would make it alive or not. He faced towards Dazzle, waiting for an answer.

"Well. Then back in I go."

Before anyone could stop him, he dove into the water and swam over to the ship.

He looked around. Suddenly he saw a fire spreading.


He wished he had Dazzle's map.

"Um... OH! Mametchi's cabin is right across from mine!"

He bolted there.

There was Mametchi.

"Come on!" He grabbed Mametchi and ran. The fire blocked the exit.

"Chiznits." He forgot about Lovelitchi.

"Mametchi, help me out here!"

"Ah, thanks." Dazzle said, taking the life jacket. "I'm Dazzilitchi, but you can call me Dazzle." She turned around and saw fires spreading on the boat. Gozarutchi and Mametchi were on thier way. Oh no... Where was Lovelitchi? Keeping her cool, or trying to, given the circumstances, she sat down on a bench, and took deep breaths. The lifeboat went over a swell. Dazzle fell of the bench. OK, she thought to herself. This is SO not a bad dream.

"Hey guys. I think Mametchi is unconcious from inhaling fumes." Gozarutchi said.

"Sorry I couldn't get Lovelitchi. I have no idea where she is! The boat's completely enflamed. I don't think she can make it."

Lovelitchi simply jumped off the railing considering the fact the railing was on the edge of the ship. She dove straight into the ocean. Luckily, she was on swim team at her school and was a great swimmer, so she managed to float long enough with her life jacket to get her life ring on. For now, she would be alright.

Now that they were all aboard the lifeboat, they needed to get out of the way. Dazzle spotted some oars and pointed them out. "Guys, look! There's oars over there. They are our best chance to getting out of here." Before she could grab an oar, the cruise ship was sinking even faster than she thought possible. She gasped as the entire thing disappeared beneath the waves. Seconds later, the surface of the ocean exploded, and the wet, charred remains of the boat rained down. "Hit the deck" She shrieked, and lay down on the floor of the boat, covering her head with her hands.

As the ship remains continued to rain down, Togetchi noticed the oars. Each one was still in good condition for rowing. He jumped in the water, carefully avoiding the remains. His hand reached out to the oars and grabbed them close by his side. He swam back to the lifeboat and inserted them into the small rings on each side. Togetchi finally went back in the lifeboat safely.

"WAH!" Gozarutchi crouched down. The lifeboat was sent surfing by a wave caused by the cruise exploding.

He spotted Lovelitchi.

"Guys! There she is! Row! ROW!" he yelled.

Lovelitchi saw the tamas from earlier in a lifeboat, rowing toward her crazily. She laughed, knowing perfectly well they weren't going to last in a lifeboat in a storm like this.

Dazzle grabbed an oar and helped. When they reached Lovelitchi, she realized something. "Hey guys, look! In the confusion after the ship sank, the storm slowed down a little! Plus, the sun is coming out. This might be a good sign. Come on, Lovelitchi. Get on the boat. We have no time to waste."

Lovelitchi climbed on. "No time to waste doing what? We're like at least 100 something miles from land. I guess we should get to an island.. Oh look.. There's one right over there. This is like one of those lame TV dramas."

Lovelitchi took a oar and started rowing. Hopefully, there would be edible vegetation and prey there. She stopped rowing for a moment to check her pockets. Good. Her machete was still there.

Gozarutchi sighed. "Anyone have a phone? Not that we'd get reception." he brightened up.

"Ships always have emergency supply kits. With food. And shelter. And Transmition Devices that silently contact airplanes."

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Togetchi opened up the emergency kit. Inside were three 12 once bottles of water, a few cans of fruit, a tiny keychain flashlight, and many packets of towelettes. The first aid kit only came with bandages of all sizes, gloves, and scissors. He closed the lid back and flipped the latch back up.

"Hm. THREE bottles of water. And fruit? FRUIT?!" Gozarutchi said. He started kicking from behind the boat to help propel it toward the island.

Dazzle stopped rowing for a moment. She walked over to a small box she had noticed earlier. She opened it, and there was a radio. "Hey, guys. I have good news and bad news. Good news is, I found the radio." She paused to investigate it. "Bad news is, the radio didn't come with batteries. So, we are stuck until we find them. If there are any somewhere on this lifeboat. I'm guessing there is."

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