The new 'famitama' aka V5


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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2007
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im sorry if this sounds like im ranting on and on but...

tamagotchis are becoming more and more like people! they arent the lovable little pets you raise anymore! they are more like people who are constantly needing you. but not in a pet way! now with the version five. i have heard you raise multiple characters. how complicated is that? where is the simplicity i love so much in the v1? and there is a tv button. a tv! what happened to when u fed and played with a cute little pet then pretended it was watching TV with you. oh no. not anymore. ur tama now can watch tv BY ITSELF. im very sorry if this is insulting but i felt i had to let it out. when i play with my v1 she's like a pet to me. i love her. she loves me (i think.) i feed her. we play. sometimes i even talk to her. but not anymore with all these high-tech versions. once again i am sorry if this insults you and feel free to play with them, im no dictator. i just wanted to express how i feel and whats on my mind.

Thank You.

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I don't have a v5/Familitchi but I really don't want any more versions.

Here are a few things that I don't think have occured to Bandai when they made the Famitama/Familitchi/v5: Even though Tamagotchi now live with their parents until they grow up and become parents themselves, you still have to feed them, play games with them and give them items. Also the parents don't appear to make a real attempt to look after and care for the children, except for give medicine and play a couple of games.

I've also heard that although you raise multiple characters, they all act as one. Instead of caring for the individual needs of each you care for the collective needs of all of them. When I raise multiple virtual pets, I'd rather care for each one individually- not all of them combined.

It's a bit strange having a TV icon with TV shopping, dating and travelling. I find that a bit odd. If there was TV shopping in real life I don't think you'd get the item straight away, you'd probably have to wait a bit before whatever you bought actually arrived. And with the dating channel you can watch TV then suddenly the matchmaker shows YOUR Tamagotchi a partner- as if the dating channel is focused on your Tamagotchi! Okay, all that might be a bit awkward because I don't have a v5/Familitchi/Famitama.

By the way, v1 characters did watch TV- it's a random animation for Masukutchi and Gozarutchi to watch TV. It was just plain cute watching them sit there.

Also I don't like the games on later versions. On v1, the games are simple to win (or get far enough to lose the maximum amount of weight for that game) and therefore it is easy to keep a Tamagotchi happy. I have a v3 and v4 and you're forced to win those games (including Mimic, which I find very hard). Apparently v4.5 and v5 have even harder games, so I'm going to struggle.

And the final thing I'm going to explain is this: I was looking in the TamaTalk Reference Section and a good deal of the Japanese Tamagotchi manuals are detailed booklets, while the rest of the world has to deal with sheets of paper with vague (and sometimes incorrect) instructions. It was alright with v1, when there wasn't much TO explain, but with the v4 I found myself (and still find myself) answering the same questions over and over- how do you go to school? my Tamagotchi went to a village and then got angry? how do I get a job? what job does my Tamagotchi have? how do I get Gotchi Points from Tamatown? I'm assuming the v5 will be the same, because there are some very strange things, such as the travelling channel (which replaces Pause?!).

I feel that they're just trying too hard with every new version that they make.

They're trying to make them have all of these new features and junk that they really don't need. I liked when Tamagotchis and other virtual pets were simple.

The simplicity was what made me fall in love with them back in '97.

I don't think it's adding on. It is to do with all the latest technology and adapting ideas with different concepts in mind.

(Woah, technical post!)

[SIZE=15pt]N[/SIZE]ot really for me.
Every time they make a new version, it gets more and more complicated.
I loved the v1. It was personally, the most simple and my favorite.
They keep coming up with more and more and more.

I do love the simplicity of the v1 and 2. Great games to play, it was straightforward and the Tamagotchi it grew into had to do with care, and not points. I loved that. I have had all the versions and with the exception of Tamatown (which I love) I don't think they really hit any high notes.

That having been said, I do like the v5. It is taking care of their collective needs, which may seem weird, but the goal of the v5 is different than the others. This version is about creating a happy, healthy cohesive unit. A family. It is about bonding and growing together.

There is a tv option, which may seem weird but I think it works perfectly well without being too crazy. They replaced the pause option with travel. It feels much more realistic to see them lock their front door and go on an adventure rather than seeing them frozen in time with the word PAUSE at the bottom of the screen. The shopping channel is cute, it is just like going to the shops but there is more selection. And the dating channel I think solved the problem of the matchmaker coming and picking a mate for one of your characters. If you have three, different genders, how is she supposed to come and present you with a mate. Also, this is a more proactive approach to furthering the generations.

So, I am on board with the v5s. I can't say they are as great as I had hoped, but I am pleased about the change from the previous versions.

I picked up a v5 today and I have to say I'm not too happy with it. It is way too complicated and it doesn;t even seem like a Tama. : (

The v5 focuses mainly on the internet aspect I think, not on the adorable portable pet we all fell in love with. There are too many features, and I don't like the games at all. You don't feel connected with the Tamas in any way really, and you can't name them.

I do respect Bandai for trying to change it up a bit, but I really wished they hadn't done the whole family thing. The only thing I like about the v5 is the huge screen, great resolution and the new sounds. All the shopping and marrying is a bit much.

I did like the 4.5, though. I enjoyed getting on Tama Town to get points, even if it did get a bit dry after a while. My favorite ever, though is the v2. I loved it's simplicity. Sorry If I sound really negative!

I think I'll be going to Target tomarrow to get myself a BLue MArble 4.5. I need to get the v5 taste out of my mouth.

~ Flying Feathers

I'm sorry you guys feel this way. And I've thought about it. Yes, they are adding a lot more, but the family thing is cool. Well, here it comes, the LONG story:

Once upon a time, at school, one of my best friends had a tamagotchi. I had never known about these beauties. I kept asking her and asking her, what do you do, how do you get a tama, what if they die? And a bunch of questions. She wasn't a whole lot of help. I continued to ask her and ask her and ask her, for at least a month. Finally I googled TAMAGOTCHI and found a web page of Tamagotchis.

What Tamagotchi my friend had was a V4. That was what was newly released at the time. The website I had found had Tamagotchi's like Morino, Santagotchi, and V1. I had read hours and hours and HOURS on this website. And I read this story. I was suddenly attatched and HAD to get a Tamagotchi.

Yes I got my Tamagotchi, but after reading all that stuff about Tamagotchi V1, Morino and all that stuff, this is really sad, and dissapointing. Either Bandai should bring back some old tamas or give it a rest!

I'm still getting one though! :mellow:

Do you know what REALLY gets on my nerves? When someone comes up to you and says, " Look how cool my V5 is. It has a t.v. and all this other stuff!" It's soooo annoying! They don't know what true tama-love is!

:mellow: Girl_123

The v5 focuses mainly on the internet aspect I think, not on the adorable portable pet we all fell in love with. There are too many features, and I don't like the games at all. You don't feel connected with the Tamas in any way really, and you can't name them.
I do respect Bandai for trying to change it up a bit, but I really wished they hadn't done the whole family thing. The only thing I like about the v5 is the huge screen, great resolution and the new sounds.
You know, I absolutely agree with you on the v5 relying heavily on the internet portion. I do dislike that you name the family instead of each Tama and I don't feel as connected to them. I wasn't sure what it was, but you are absolutely right.

Again, I do think it was important for Bandai to branch out a bit and try to change the Tamagotchi but I think that maybe they aren't Tama lovers themselves.. I don't know. We get it, would the Famitama been what we would have come up with? I don't think so.

Any thoughts on that?

Again, I do think it was important for Bandai to branch out a bit and try to change the Tamagotchi but I think that maybe they aren't Tama lovers themselves.. I don't know. We get it, would the Famitama been what we would have come up with? I don't think so.
Any thoughts on that?
I definately wouldn't've come up with the Famitama.

The idea never occured to me until I learned of the v5's details.

Being a fan of the Tama ancestors and various other virtual pets, I would've stuck mainly to the roots, the oldschool.

New ideas like raising a whole family on one screen just don't appeal to me.

My Tamagotchi V5 would've been a lot like the older ones, but of course with some of the nicer new features like connecting to other Tamagotchis and the GP/little ingame store you can buy items for your Tamagotchi with and etc.

I'd give more game options like the newer ones (unlike the originals which only had one type of game) but I'd make sure the most important games can be played fast and are not too difficult. (and most importantly, fun)

I'd also get rid of gender specific characters, or at least only have very few. (like two special gender specific characters, one male and one female)

but that would probably be impossible with the already established gender roles of certain characters. I liked when my Tamagotchi didn't have a gender at all, and I could get any character depending on how I cared for it.

buuut most importantly, I'd give the ability to raise a Tama for as long as its life can be sustained.

and none of the "your Tamagotchi turns into the oldie character if it gets to a certain age, then it can't easily make a new generation" stuff.

I suppose Bandai thinks they need to spice it up in order to get people to keep buying them.

I also think they're catering to new audiences, not the oldschoolers.

and well, its impossible to please everyone. and I'm sure MY vision of the perfect Tamagotchi version is easily considered "eww" by some people reading it right now. ;D

(oh boy, this is a long post o_o)

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