The New Tamagotchi Log...


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Yay! My log is now a hot topic, and I have 113 views. The reason I'm mentioning that is because I really like the number 13. For me, it's not particularily lucky or unlucky, but for some reason I like it! I like how it's so mysterious.

Can't believe I'm posting in my log about how I like a certain number...

Oh yeah, as for my tamas, their skills are currently at 481/398/530 and 552/486/586. They are still only two years old.

Now I'm off to watch Dragon's Den. Bye! :)

Yay, now I have 2 pages in my log! :D

I have some news (in the tama world). The twins are still twins, obviously, they always will be, but they're not identical anymore. The night before last night, Xanders had his Pro Debut while I was in the bath. I just caught the band manager, saying 'Pro Debut!'. I thought Alexis would've had his too, seeing as they've been exactly the same all their lives... But no, he's still a street musician. :( He wasn't paid today. He got a heart instead of 50,000 points like Xanders did. It doesn't matter, though - he's only 3, most of my tamas are like 5 before they qualify! :)

And Xanders likes milk, now. Not baby's milk, just proper milk, like the V4 babies. Weird, seeing as he liked candy the other day... maybe they have several favourite foods? :huh:


:mimitchi: :pochitchi: -_- :nyatchi: :ichigotchi: :ph34r:

Hi readers! (it's such a cheesy way to start off a log entry, isn't it?)

I have my V4 and V4.5 running again! :D Alexis has caught up with his brother and is now a professional mega drummer. In fact, he's overtaken him: Alexis is star ranked at number 9, I think, and Xanders number 10! Well it would've been impossible in real life for them to have both been the same ranking, seeing as they are in different bands, so... they came one after the other! :)

Well, anyway, as for my V4s, I said I would unpause them when both V6s had their Pro Debut. Of course, they have now, so I'm running four tamas again! I now have Alexis, Xanders, Newt's baby boy Tiger, and Dog's baby girl Koala! I started caring for the babies at 9:01pm so they should evolve soon.

I'll tell you what characters I got tomorrow, seeing as I still have babies and I have to go like, now... ;)

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There are new additions to the tama world! :D

At 12:30 today, the V6s got married! Sorry, don't have time to say any more right now, I have to go somewhere, but I'll be telling as soon as I get back! :D

Alexis and Xanders are parents!

Sorry, I said that earlier. Well, here's the story: I was in the car, going to my grandma's. I looked down at my tamas at half twelve, knowing they were five years old... And yes, sure enough, the exclamation mark was above their heads! I went to the door (on the tamas!) and the band manager was there! Xanders mated with a Mimitchi :D and had a baby boy. As for Alexis, he was offered a scary looking character that was rather angry-looking. I was tempted to say no, but I wanted the V6s to be in sync, so I said reluctantly said yes. He's got a cute little boy, too. Now, what to call them? PM me if you have any ideas!

Now, reading what I said yesterday, I promised to tell you what my V4 and V4.5 became. Well, here we go: Koala (V4) is a Mohitamatchi, and Tiger (V4.5) is a KuchiTamatchi. They actually fell asleep before I got chance to see :D , but I put them on pause, so it showed me the character.


PS. This is my 150th post!

They evolved!

Koala and Tiger evolved, that is. Tiger is this odd looking thing, I don't know how to describe it, that his dad and grandad were... and Koala is an Ichigotchi! :ichigotchi:

I'm gonna get Tiger funny points. I don't know what character that'll make him, but hopefully it won't be Ura Togetchi! Newt and Newt's father Puppy (daft name, I know) were both them. As for Koala, I'll be getting her artistic points to grow her into a Memetchi, but not Makiko cos it's too much hard work, and I've had her twice anyway.

Alexis and Xanders are healthy, except this morning Alexis got sick, poor tama! A couple of days ago I noticed Xanders' favourite food was cherries. This V6s' favourite food things are confusing!


Alexis, wife and baby

Xanders, wife and baby


Koala :ichigotchi:

No news on the tamas, but I today I went to Tesco, and I got a new Bratz Lil' Angel! I said I would use this log to keep track of them, so, here goes! She is doll # 179, Yasmin, and she is my 40th one. I've decided to call her Jolene (my grandpa suggested it) ­­and she's really cute! Here's a list of all the ones I have right now:

1. Wonderful Blue Secret Surprise

2. Fabulous Cream Secret Surprise

3. Soaring Yellow Secret Surprise

4. Gorgeous Green Secret Surprise

5. Lili Special Edition Tiana

6. Nessie Vinessa

7. Laura Fairy Talez Yasmin

8. Neve Fairy Talez Cloe

9. Erin Ballerinaz Meygan

10. Ellie Ladybird Insectz Cloe

I'll continue the list later...

Some more of my angelz:

11. Rosie Insectz Jade

12. Maddy Krysta

13. Summer Mermaidz Fianna

14. Asha Ballerinaz Dana

15. Zara Yellow Ballerinaz Yasmin

16. Sienna Leah

17. Polly Pink Ballerinaz Yasmin

18. Kadie Special edition Maribel

19. Ashley Sharidan

20. Savannah Bee Insectz Yasmin

21. Christie Lil' Party Yasmin

22. Stella Doctor Time Yasmin

23. Coco Heavenly Hair Dana

24. Beautiful Purple Secret Surprise

25. Amelie Zoo Lilee

I think I'll go on (Non)tamatalk for a while, then I'll come back and post about the other 15!

26. Heidi Insectz Nevra

27. Precious Orange secret surprise

28. Ola Sleepytime Lela

29. Maisy Sleepytime Cloe

30. Lexi Grasshopper Insectz Cloe

31. Grace Sleepytime Yasmin (special edition)

32. Natasha Zoo ??

33. Roxy Sleepytime Maribel

34. Addy Mermaidz Katia

35. Martha Zoo Yasmin

36. Natalie Spider Insectz Yasmin

37. Faith Katia

38. Trinity Sleepytime Trinity

39. Kirsty Nona

40. Jolene Yasmin

I have a lot of Yasmins, that wasn't intentional; I just buy what I can find.

EDIT: Roxy is a Maribel, not a Phoebe.

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Lol, when Ichigotchi is begging she looks like she's drunk, rolling around on her head!

Not very much news today. I'm being a little lazy with Koala and Tiger, so their skills are low - 3/19/3 and 27/4/5 respectively. The V6s are on pause, because they were stressing me out, being so demanding. I still have no ideas on what to name the babies, PM me someone! That reminds me...

Thanks to BuddiLuvsYew for PMing me about my log!

HanatchiHannah :(

PS. The Bratz Lil' Angelz were reduced to £2.50 in Asda so I bought three, but I haven't even opened them yet! They are Cloe, Yasmin, and I can't remember what the third one is, but she has brown hair and blue eyes.

Just want to tell you what I named my angelz:

The Cloe is called Lucia, after one of my V5s that was reset. It quite suits her, as she has blonde hair and blue eyes.

The Charli is called Charli, as I don't have one called that yet and it's quite a cute name.

The Yasmin is called Della, for no particular reason.

They all now need middle names, which I'll think about. Got them:

Lucia: Diamond

Charli: Topaz

Della: Elizabeth

As for what this log's supposed to be about - tamas - well they're all bobbing up and down next to me, with piles of mess beside them! Better clean that up! Ok, I did. Now, I really should play some more games with Koala, but I can't be bothered. That's good in a way, because I might just get Hanatchi, which is my favourite character. I've only had it once, and that was when I had Harry, my first ever tama. Oh, now I'm so excited!

I'm so excited

and I just can't hide it

I'm about to lose control

and I think I like it!

I haven't been a good TamaTalker, it's the holidays but I haven't been online all day even though I haven't really been busy. Now, here's my excuse: I was trying to get Fly Like A Bird (it's my favourite song) on my phone. That didn't work and I now only have 30 seconds of it, the last two lines of the second verse and the chorus (don't ask why the two lines are in there).

ANYWAY! Something really weird happened today! Xanders left, leaving me his baby boy who I named Dreamer (well I had a Puppy), but Alexis is still on this earth! He's bouncing up and down, his wife and baby beside him. I might set the time this evening, and get my other boy. I know what I'm gonna call him but it's a secret!

Koala and Tiger are now two, and I still haven't played any games with them. They look set to evolve tomorrow, fingers crossed for a Hanatchi!

^_^ Hannah :huh:

I couldn't be bothered to set the time, so Alexis didn't leave until midnight yesterday. Now I have his baby boy, who I named Reivers (Corbin Bleu's real surname). He became a Kuribotchi :kuribotchi: and Dreamer is a KuchiTamatchi, so I have one of each child, yay!

Tiger and Koala haven't evolved yet but it's only 10:13, so I'm sure they'll grow later today!



Koala ;)


Reivers :kuribotchi:

I just went and checked on my tamas.

Koala is not a Hanatchi, sadly. She's a Memetchi. :eek: (Very appropriate emoticon!) And Tiger looks like a girl! :D His skills are 27/4/5. His face looks like a butterfly; I'll find out what he is in a minute! I'm going to mate them as soon as they're old enough, as Koala has loads of bottles of love potion. But first, I want them to get jobs. That's quite difficult for all the tamas in my care, but for these, it'll be a big struggle, with skills so low I was expecting universals! Wow, that was a long sentence! It's the summer holidays, Angel, you don't need to do that!

As for the V6s, I put them on pause to concentrate on Tiger and Koala. When they get married, I'll run the Music Stars again.


Koala :eek:


Just found out Tiger is a Celebtchi! I've also noticed that, on the character chart in Tips & Tricks section, Shitekitchi is shown as a boy, even though I've had a female one called Mint... that's weird!

I'm just gonna give Koala the love potion now:

She just drunk it! Now she's connecting with Tiger... they're partners! They're still only 3, but in a couple of days they should be old enough to have babies! I'm hoping for boys so Koala's son can aim for Tensaitchi, I've never had him, but I know I can get special adults because I've had two Makikos (one called Cloud on my blue V4, and one called Dotty on the pink one).

Lol, I was playing snake in the arcade and my grandma thought I was making graphs! :furawatchi:

Angelz update: They had none in the Asda I got them in the other day, so unfair B)


Koala :lol: Tiger

I'm so sorry...

This morning, I noticed Koala and Tiger each only had one hungry and one happy heart full. I filled them up, then came on TamaTalk for a couple of hours. I would have stayed on, but my grandma wanted me to come out and get some shoes. So, I ran to my room to pause my tamas. I looked at my tamas' screens and there was an angel on my V4. Koala is dead.

Her stats show she had no hungry and no happy hearts full, but I don't believe that. They also show she had zero training, but in fact, she had 6 bars. I think all the next bits are correct: skills 8/19/3, 4 years old, 74lb, Koala, Girl, 23 G, 74950p, username: Lucky.

I'm so sad. I'm not upset that Koala has left me, as evil as that seems. I can't honestly say I care for my tamas much now. I'm sad that an innocent tama lost her life. She deserved to survive, to have a baby, get a job, do those things all tamas do. Now she will never experience them. She lost out, because I was stupid and foolish and neglected her. But in a way, I'm glad. Not glad that I no longer have to care for her, not glad that I have one less thing to worry about. I'm glad that Koala no longer has to suffer. She was sick so many times in life and now she will never be sick again. She went to tama heaven 'cos she knows that it is free of all suffering, all hurt and struggling. I'll always, always, always remember that, and I'll never hate her for it. If I were in her position I'd have done the same. She endured so much pain for so long, if she'd have kept going she'd have gone mad. So, RIP Koala. HanatchiHannah will remember you for ever.

Tiger is five years old now, and he is still fine. Well, except I bet he is sad at Koala's death, seeing as she was his partner... She is still in his friend list, a Memetchi, and shows as four hearts. They could've had babies today, now Koala will never have one and Tiger will have to wait for the matchmaker.

Tiger: When you left I lost a part of me, it's still so hard to believe. (cries) Come back baby please 'cos we belong together!

Yes, he's sad. Very sad.

Tiger: I can't sleep at night, when you're on my mind...

That's actually very true, he wouldn't go to sleep last night. He stayed up til very late (and I mean very).

Tiger: Hannah's beside me, telling me to let her go, but... Wait a minute, she's listening in, so I try to stop, try to calm down, but then I see Koala's ghost and I cry on. It's breaking my heart, I'm trying to keep it together but I'm falling apart...

And to say he only met her once...

(And, Tiger, you missed out half the lyrics to the chorus and all the first verse.)

Tiger just got a job! He is now a travel agent, I really wasn't expecting him to become one. But he is, and seeing as it's a job I'm happy!

I think he's still sad about Koala. (And I also think he needs to learn the lyrics to We Belong Together.)

I posted a memorial for my dead tama Mia (she died three years ago), but it's not been approved yet. I'll post it here as soon as it is.


Tiger, still very sad :D
