The New Tamagotchi Log...


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Tiger is 6 years old now, he's starting to age really fast. He's pretty fat at 55lb, but that's better than 80lb as he was the other day. I played some games to get his weight down this morning, so now his skills stand at 90/13/55. He might be getting the matchmaker soon - in about 40 minutes, 'cos his clock is about half an hour slow.

In other news, my memorial for Mia still isn't approved. I'm getting a bit irritated about that now. :lol:



Tiger is a dad!

I just glanced at the clock on the computer and it said 19:32! So I looked down at Tiger, and sure enough, the matchmaker was paying him a visit. I pressed 'A' and he got married to some odd ice cream thing and had a boy! I was hoping for a girl, but oh well.

I'm gonna call him either Duck or Frog, not sure which yet!

:) :) :) :lol: :) :nazotchi:

Tiger's just chilling with his son, who I've decided to call Duck. He's 7 years old now, so he should be leaving tonight. I'll let him talk a while:

Tiger: And a hero comes along, with a strength to carry on...

No, Tiger, you're not a singer! You're a bus driver!

Tiger: And you cast your fears aside, and you know you will survive...

He seems to like Mariah Carey as much as me, which is good as we were just listening to her! We listened to Hero and Fly Like A Bird. Bad idea, we're both gonna be singing all night!

My topic for Mia was finally approved today, I'll post the link in a minute.

Today is the month anniversary of me joining TamaTalk! Celebration! :mimitchi:

I'm caring for baby Duck now! I'm currently in the middle of a game of climb. Oh dear, he just fell! He only got 100p but he has 47,810p in total, so I'm happy! I think he is my 6th boy, I'll think...

Maddy - Girl

Maggy - Girl

Erin - Girl

Addie - Girl

Holly - Girl

Noele - Girl

Anne - Girl

Robin - Boy

Milo - Boy

Kelly - Girl

Mint - Girl

Pate - Girl

Puppy - Boy

Newt - Boy

Tiger - Boy

Duck - Boy

Ok, so he is my 6th boy. I'm hoping to care for him perfectly, well, my definition of perfectly! He hasn't had 0 hearts yet, so I'm on my way.

I'm going to Tesco today, so I might be getting a new angel! :lol: I'm hoping...

Duck is a Hitodetchi! :( He actually evolved more than a day ago, but I couldn't be bothered to update. I've been taking good care of him, so far. Anyway, here's his stats:

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: 3 bars

Age: 0 years

Weight: 12lb

Name: Duck

Funny: 39

Beauty: 25

Love: 26

Gender: Boy

Generation: 16G

Point: 50,210p

User name: Tama

So, there you go. He's a very healthy tama!

As for the Angelz, Tesco didn't have any, and neither did Asda today. :( So unfair. But my grandma bought me one off eBay America (even though I'm English) and it's coming in about 2 weeks! :D Ok I won't get it for ages, but it's an angel!


Duck :hitodetchi:

Duck is the 284th tama I ever raised, I think. I'll just go and check. Yes, he is. At first I thought he was the 288th... But it turns out I miscalculated how many I had on my pink V5, I've only had 26, not 30!

PS. This is my 300th post!

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Duck's a teen! I don't know what his character's called, but it has big lips! I'm hoping he will become the special character. His skills are currently 41/29/82, so he's on his way.

Until 10 minutes before his bed time, he only had 42 love points... Then I remembered he hadn't been to school all day, so I sent him 10 times!




A lot has happened since I last updated! Firstly, I unpaused the Music Stars, so now I'm caring for Reivers and Dreamer again. They have since evolved: I've got a Kikitchi again, but I also have a Hinotamatchi! I always get them on V2-4 but I don't mind! Dreamer (Kikitchi) is bound to be a bad character though, as he has been sick three times! I'm keeping a very close eye on him, because I know if he gets sick again, he'll die... And that won't be very nice, so soon after Koala.

As for Duck, his skills are now 50/29/222 and he's three years old! Fingers crossed for an UraKuchipatchi so I can get the secret character.


Duck (hopefully :) )



That reminds me, I'm hatching my pink V4 again for a hatch on TamaSpot.

Yay! Duck did end up being Ura Kuchipatchi, I'm so happy! ;)

TamaSpot has been pretty much abandoned, so I haven't hatched my V4. There'd be no point anyway, as I'm going on holiday tomorrow! :D I posted a topic in the departures if you're interested.


Nothing in a week because of holiday! I'm a little disappointed to say my log was on the second page of logs, for the first time ever. :( I had a great time but that's not what this log's about!

Anyways, Duck's my only currently running tama (I paused them all when I went on holiday). He's still an UraKuchipatchi and his skills are now 50/29/323. He's almost the secret character, just another 27 love and 21 other points to go! I'm so excited! :D


Duck :)

I'm so happy!

Very late on Wednesday night, Duck got some final funny points and evolved! ;) He's my first special on my V4.5, so I'm so proud! He is now four years old but still doesn't have a job, so work and babies should be coming up soon!

And the V6s grew whilst asleep last night! Reivers is a Dorotchi (good) but Dreamer is an ANDROTCHI! :) I'm so pleased! :p All my tamas are beautiful characters!

My grandma text me yesterday and told me my Bratz Lil' Angel had come from the US! So now I'm even more excited. I can't wait to go to my grandma's and open my angel, who I will call Hero.

A very happy HanatchiHannah B)



Dreamer :)

There's a new band on the block! Dreamer's band, Dreamy, had their Pro Debut yesterday. Now they are ranked at no. 47 with Latin genre, I'm hoping to get them to number 1! Magic, Reivers' band, is still 999th because they are not professionals yet.

Duck's 6 and should have a baby today (I was hoping yesterday but the matchmaker never came). His skills stand at 73/29/377, but I'm not really bothering with them any more.

Angel :ichigotchi:



Dreamer :ichigotchi:

10:30 and 3:00 have both passed - but still, Duck's not had a baby, despite being 7 years old. It's got to be soon, surely?

I hope he has a girl, Duck's my 4th or 5th boy in a row!

Magic haven't had their Pro Debut yet, but that's all for now, people. Bye!

Duck's a dad!

He just had a baby girl with a very adorable UraMemetchi. I'm thinking of calling the baby Fly, bacause I was just researching Fly Like a Bird (it only reached 104 in the US charts!).

And Magic has now had their Pro Debut, both them and Dreamy are number 5 in the world (don't know how that's possible). Now I'm gonna have to try and get them no. 1!


Ps. Feel free to comment.

I have 2 new babies! Yesterday, some of my friends came round. One of them brought his brother (I didn't ask him to but he did). They went upstairs and the brother rehatched my pink V4. I was furious! Worse, I didn't see if it was a boy or girl. I guessed it was a girl and named it Panda. Luckily I was right! :mametchi: She's a Mizutamatchi now and my 285th tama.

Who's the other one? Fly of course! She is now a Kuchitamatchi, and my 286th baby!

Here's what happened now Koala is dead: she's in my history list, although Koala's parent, grandparent, etc, are in the parent list (but the cell phone numbers are missing). I was left with 70,000 points, but lost all my items :( .

And yesterday it was also exactly 3 months till my birthday, can't wait to open my new V3!

Angel and all her tamas

Wow, I haven't updated in ages! But I haven't played with my tamas in ages either! Panda and Fly did eventually grow into an Ichigotchi and UraYoungMemetchi, but then I took the batteries out of all four on Sunday, because 1) I don't really play with them anymore, and 2) I've been using them for 3 months so soon they'll run out anyway.

I bought 3 new batteries on Sunday, so I'll be setting up some different tamas this week, probably. I'm gonna use my blue V4 (Mouse), green V5 (Spice), and orange V6 (Ashley).

I went to my grandma's last week, I was expecting the bundle of an angel and two pets, but I only got the doll :wacko: . Oh well, I should be getting the pets at some point as well.

Angel all alone

I actually ended up putting the batteries in my tamas yesterday ^_^ .

Unfortunately, my V5 reset: the download screen never came up :( . So I had to start again with the Angel family. The triplets are currently called Charlotte, Nick and Mary and they are a Sakuramotchi, Ahirukutchi and Tororotchi. They bring my total to 289 tama babies!

My V4 and V6 both made very weird beeps when I put the batteries in (sort of like a double reset beep) but at least I got Mouse and Ashley back. They are both Ichigotchi and very rich.


Angel family

Mouse ^_^

Ashley ^_^

Five evolutions!

Ashley grew a couple of days ago, into a Masktchi :ph34r: . At first when I saw her, I thought: where did I go wrong?! But, she's grown on me, and I haven't had Masktchi in quite some time, so I'm rather happy now.

The Angels and Mouse both became new characters today! I have an Ichigotchi, Bakutchi and ChaMametchi, as always, but Mouse is a Violetchi! :furawatchi: I've had her before on pretty much every tama I own, but I did choose to have her, getting her kindness points!


Mouse :furawatchi:

Angel family :D

Ashley :ph34r:

PS. Thanks to **Rainbow** to PMing me about my log! I haven't had chance to reply yet, but I will... eventually.

Come on everyone else reading, give me some feedback!

Wow, I haven't updated in years!

Mouse left her baby girl (who I will name Lady) last night. She's on pause, because I don't feel like caring for a baby right now.

The Angels, meanwhile, evolved into an Onputchi, Mumutchi and Violetchi (yes, another one), but I only have the two girls left, because...

I sent Nick over to marry Ashley! They now have a cute baby boy, who will be ready to be cared for soon!

As for Mouse and Ashley's careers: Mouse only had about 53 kindness points, so, despite my best efforts, she never got a job ;) . That was frustrating, but of course it's too late to worry about now. Fortunately, Ashley was more lucky. Just as I gave up, she passed her Pro debut! I didn't realise until I put it on the clock screen and noticed her ranking was no. 1! Her genre is R and B, so I should be getting another reward (fingers crossed).

