The New Tamagotchi Log...


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Sorry for being so slow to update... I've been a little busy, sorry B) .

Anyway, I've not been using my tamas that much lately. I just have one unpaused, my V4, Lady. She's a Ringotchi (she was a Puchitchi child), is 1 year old, weighs 60lbs (need to get that down, I know) and has skills of 1/10/4. I'm hoping for a Maidtchi when she grows up!


Lady (tama number 290)

PS. I got two new Bratz Lil' Angelz! Wel, actually they are only pets, but still... They are the ones that go with Hero. I'm so pleased! B)

I unpaused my V5 today, so I have the Angel family again! They're old enough to mate, but how can I choose between Charlotte and Mary?! Well, I'll have to, but not right now. When Lady evolves I'll think about it. Hey, she's 3, so that won't be too far away! Here's her status:

Hungry: 2/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 4/9

Intelligence: 19

Fashion: 40

Kindness: 10

Age: 3

Weight: 52lb

Name: Lady

Gender: Girl

Generation: 23G

Point: 62,080p

User name: Stars

Can't wait for my Maidtchi!

What about Ashley? When Lady has a baby I'll pause her and run Cameron (what I decided to call my new baby V6!).

That's all for today, I think.

:huh: Angel :)


The Angels

I'm such a bad blogger!

Well, to be honest, I only started playing with my tamas again a couple of days ago! I got a little bored of my V5, because I got the bond up to 100% to try for the Violet family with Mary, but the matchmaker wouldn't give me a Sukatchi at all until the 39th (!!) attempt. Planetchi even showed up 3 times! :angry: But now I finally have my precious pure family, only my 2nd ever! Of course, I got a Violetchi (yes, another one) and a Kizatchi. I decided to name them Angela and Scott (bet you can't guess why). They are old enough to use the dating show, but I want to keep them a while longer.

I also unpaused my V6, I currently have Ashley's baby Cameron. Here is his growth so far:

Petitchi --> Kuchitamatchi --> Kikitchi (as always :) )

He is 1 year old with skills of 305/287/342 and 30,683,420p. He plays the boom box (don't ask) and has a toy robot. Actually, he has a lot of toys, but that's the one on his screen right now.




PS. My tama baby count has reached 293!

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Here's some general updates:


Lady is 4 years old now and has skills of 28/47/13. She got a job as a fire fighter yesterday, so I'm just waiting for the matchmaker to come.


I still have the Violet family, Angela and Scott, and they are currently on the travel show... Have been for about a week.


Cameron is an adult KuroMametchi now. He is only 2 years old and I haven't had time to play games with him so he hasn't had his Pro Debut yet, but I hope he will soon!

Angel ^_^

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Wow... I really need to update my tama log more often.

Sunday was a sad day. I decided to take the batteries out of all my tamas, after just two generations since the batteries were last changed. I asked my dad to remove them for me, 'cause it always upsets me, even if they're dead. He agreed, so I'm sat here with three empty shells.

I plan to open my new (frogs) V3 very soon, maybe today! I'll post when I do.


Did I ever mention that just before I took the batteries out of my music star on Sunday, Cameron got married and had a baby boy? No, I didn't. Well now you know!

Ps. My next baby will be my 294th!

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I'm gonna open my frogs V3 today!

I'm so excited, and yet at the same time, I'm slightly scared. But I know it's gonna turn out all right!

It's a boy! I named him Lord. He is 0 years old - obviously - and weighs 11lbs. I am tryinng to play with him, but get is hard when you've only got one hand (my other is required to type)!

Wow! He had 80p, just enough for a plant, so I bought him one. I expected an evil sun, like always, but it actually gave me 800 points! My tama is rich (well, not surprising, seeing as his name is Lord!).

Hungry: 4

Happy: 4

Training: 0

Age: 0

Weight: 17lb

Name: Lord

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1G

Point: 800p

User name: Frog

Baby number: 294

Lord's all set to turn one year old!

It would have been at around 4pm today, but I've been at school so it'll be closer to midnight, meaning he won't evolve until tomorrow. I should be seeing a teen in the morning... Wonder what character he'll be? I'd like a Young Mametchi. I never said, he is a Tamatchi right now, I quite like him so I'm not bothered!

I want to update about my Bratz Lil' Angelz: After Hero, I got six ( ;) ) when I went on holiday: Ana, Sapphire, Mimi, Esther, Ebony and Nikki. Then, for my birthday, I got two from eBay: Mariah (Mermaidz Vinessa) and Hope (old school Ashley). And finally, today I ordered a new one! She is an old school Cloe and I'm gonna name her Joy.


Woohoo! Lord has grown! He's now a teen with wings (he looks like a girl!). I forgot what it was called, I'll go have a look.

I found out, he's a Patapatachi and he's cute! I know some people don't like him, but I love him!

Lord is now 1 year old, weighs 20lb and has 1700p. He has 1 item, sun glasses. He is also sleeping right now, 'cause it's only 8:36 where I live.


Lord finally evolved!

He is a Pyonkotchi (so girly, I know). I've just tried out the items on him: he looks cute in the sun glasses, and just, well, weird listening to the music! :D

So, his growth is complete:

Teletchi (Boy) --> Tamatchi --> Patapatatchi --> Pyonkotchi

I'm expecting a matchmaker visit around Monday, so long as it all goes to plan. He has already not aged as he should... I was expecting him to grow yesterday, but it wasn't 'til today!

Name: Lord

Age: 4

Weight: 30lb

Money: 1812p

Joy also arrived safe on Monday, she is Bratz Lil' Angelz no. 82 with two pets, for just £2.99 with £1.85 shipping!

A very happy Angel :furawatchi:

Lord's a father!

I changed the time at about 7:40 last night (I had the sound off so I couldn't have heard the matchmaker coming, if she did come by herself yesterday) and everyone's favourite Otokitchi appeared. She brought Lord a cute Dorotchi for a wife, and I thought, how can I say no? So I allowed her to mate with my precious Lord, and I got (drumroll)... a (drumroll)... girl! She's so cute. :D


Lord and very adorable Emma

Lord left at 5:15pm today... so sad. :( I wish he didn't have to go, I really loved him.

Maybe you people out there don't know what it feels like to just run one tama. Well if you don't, I'll tell you: you're completely devoted to it, spending all your time playing games, feeding it, generally just caring for it, and because you have such a strong bond with it it's so painful to let go, even if you get to care for its baby, like today. I'm currently looking after Lord's daughter, Emma. She is still a baby (a very sweet one) and I'm expecting an evolution at around quarter past six tonight.

Hungry: 3/4

Happy: 3/4

Training: 1/9

Age: 0

Weight: 11lb

Name: Emma

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2

Point: 3800p

User name: Frog

Baby number: 295


Well, on Tuesday, Emma became a KuchiTamatchi, but I forgot to say (I'm so terrible).

Today, she grew into a teen! I was taking a picture of her at the time when I heard the little evolution noise... I took the photo, had a look at it, and... a Hinatchi was sat at the bottom of the screen on my tama (in the pic)! :furawatchi: I'm really excited 'cause I haven't had one of those little birds in ages!



I've ordered a new angel! Yes! :(

She is a special edition Cloe, number 94 with 2 pets for £6 plus £2.25 shipping. She is expected to arrive around Friday and I already have a name for her: Elizabeth Flavie. It's such a beautiful name for a beautiful angel.

Emma is now 2 years old and she has managed to get her training up to 7 bars, she's such a good girl! She never beeps at me (apart from when she needs time outing!). If only all tamas were like her...

Angel :)

Emma :D

Emma is 7 now and I'm expecting a matchmaker visit at 7pm tonight!

Hey, now I look back I never said she was a Debatchi! Well, now you know. I'm quite happy because I don't think I've ever had one on V3 before.

I still haven't opened my angel yet, I was planning to do so yesterday but I never got round to it. I've decided to name her Sparkle Liberty and save Elizabeth Flavie for another one.

Also, my grandma called me and told me she found two V3s in B and M and she might get me one! B) I hope she does, I looooooooooooooooooooooove V3s! Sorry, but I'm reeeeeeeeeeally excited. I want a new V3! :(



Sparkle, in box

Ms. Busybody came to Emma right on target yesterday. She married a cute l'il character I can't remember the name of and had a little girl. So now my third generation is here! I'm gonna call her Hero, of course, and she should be ready to care for tomorrow.

I plan to set up a new log for Hero because she will be my old timer attempt. I'll link when I do!




A new beginning...

Emma has left Hero, although I haven't officially named her yet, 'cause it's 8:49 and I've only just got out of bed. But I plan to start caring for her today, and I will be making a new tama log, so I won't need this one at least until I set up some new tamas. I don't know when that will be. Maybe when Hero grows up? I know which ones I want to use: my other open V3 and my white V4. Fingers crossed!

Also, my grandma got me that white V3! I'm so happy! :D

