The No-Pause Challenge


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Lol, I would get bored doing that. I wish I could run mine non-stop but I can't, how does your Tama survive when you go skiing on 2-metre-thick snow for 5 hours, and what if there was a mystery thief in your class at school? I set them to sleep usually, but pausing sometimes is inevitable, like if you go on a school trip for a week, something I LOVE doing but my Tamas unfortunately don't.

Anyway I know your life must be utterly awesome if you get a TAMAGOTCHI TV PROGRAMME, but really don't your parents...object? Mine only just reluctantly lifted the rule that I'm not allowed to run more than 2 Tamas at once, I'm not allowed on screen stuff after 8 PM except minimal Tama care, and I'm only allowed on the computer for 2 hours a day. I'm kind of allowed to take them into school, I'm lucky they're allowed at my school, but not with the mystery thief. Those are reasonable rules. Your parents are so laid-back if they allow you to stare at the screens for ages! And that's not always a good thing!

~ Dazzmina ~
O_O I...don't go to school because I am home-educated, so it wouldn't get stolen by a classmate. And I don't do extreme sports or anything. And my parents are NOT laid-back. They let me get up at 5:00am every morning to record the Tamagotchi anime... :lol: but they aren't laid-back! XD I play the Tamagotchi Wii game until 12:00am but they are NOT laid-back!!! HAHAHA, I'm laughing myself outta my socks!

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O_O I...don't go to school because I am home-educated, so it wouldn't get stolen by a classmate. And I don't do extreme sports or anything. And my parents are NOT laid-back. They let me get up at 5:00am every morning to record the Tamagotchi anime... :lol: but they aren't laid-back! XD I play the Tamagotchi Wii game until 12:00am but they are NOT laid-back!!! HAHAHA, I'm laughing myself outta my socks!
Really they are SO laid-back!! I was home-educated once and it was amazing except I was about a tenth as Tama-obsessed as you and got banned from anything Tama-related for a week! Yes I do those things you have listed, I get up very early to do Tama stuff and play Tamagotchi Corner Shop 3 until midnight, but I do it in SECRET, and believe me I'm very sneaky because I have never got caught! My brother did once though...but I'm very quiet and I've practiced turning everything off in a matter of seconds if I hear footsteps...

Why is it funny? I bet you're laughing at me for being so unlucky as to have to be sneaky...but it's actually fun, especially if it works, unlike most things I do...

~ Dazzmina ~

Really they are SO laid-back!! I was home-educated once and it was amazing except I was about a tenth as Tama-obsessed as you and got banned from anything Tama-related for a week! Yes I do those things you have listed, I get up very early to do Tama stuff and play Tamagotchi Corner Shop 3 until midnight, but I do it in SECRET, and believe me I'm very sneaky because I have never got caught! My brother did once though...but I'm very quiet and I've practiced turning everything off in a matter of seconds if I hear footsteps...

Why is it funny? I bet you're laughing at me for being so unlucky as to have to be sneaky...but it's actually fun, especially if it works, unlike most things I do...

~ Dazzmina ~
You are not unlucky. You get to use the internet. I tell you, I AM NEVER MEANT to use the internet but I do it sometimes... :lol: Heh heh heh. I am laughing because my parents are NOT laid-back. My Papa doesn't know I spent a lot of money on an id l. Only my Mama knows how much it costed. I am such a sneak. And I play corner shop until 2:00am. HAAAAAAAAAHAHAHA! My Tamagotchis AND my love for them are never on pause!

You are not unlucky. You get to use the internet. I tell you, I AM NEVER MEANT to use the internet but I do it sometimes... :lol: Heh heh heh. I am laughing because my parents are NOT laid-back. My Papa doesn't know I spent a lot of money on an id l. Only my Mama knows how much it costed. I am such a sneak. And I play corner shop until 2:00am. HAAAAAAAAAHAHAHA! My Tamagotchis AND my love for them are never on pause!
Oh I get it lol. My parents both have to know I want to get something, know the price, know the features and approve it if I'm going to get anything. How do you get enough sleep? I'm 10 and I've grown up having 2 hours less sleep than other kids my age since I was a baby (I have always hated going to sleep!), and I'm still getting better at living without much sleep, so on weekends I can easily sneak on stuff till midnight and get up at 6. On weekdays I can sneak on till 10 and get up at 8, because I need lots of energy to make it through the infinite boringness of school, lol.

I personally think you should tone down on this stuff...3 hours sleep is not enough and you can easily get ill. I usually get 6-8 hours sleep which really isn't enough but I can't help it, I end up lying there trying to get to sleep until 12 anyway so I might as well sneak on stuff to pass the time, but you don't have any sleep problems I know of so I think you should do less of the Tama stuff. I definitely don't think it's unhealthy to be obsessed about Tamas during the day, but you are going over the top at night. But that's only my opinion.

~ Dazzmina ~

hehe it's funny reading these stories about how everyone else hides them...i remember back when they first came out, everyone had them. but then when they started getting sick of them, i would still sneak mine to school and hide it in my jumper sleeve n stuff and use it under the table or go on bathroom breaks to play with my tama n feed it. lol tis a bit harder for me to do that these days due to the job i have, but i still sneak out when i can and have bathroom breaks to see how my tama is going. haha....good times

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