The (Not-Really) Misadventures of a Girl and Two Tama-Gos!


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Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Ozzy

Gender: Boy

Age: 3

Character: Kuchipatchi

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Rachel

Gender: Girl

Age: 4

Character: Makiko

So, I think you guys wil be getting married tomorrow.



Yes, probably. Personally, I'm gald it's not today. If it were today, you wouldn't be here when I watch Survivor, therefore, Ozzy would miss out on seeing the person he was named after.

Yeah, a half a second glimpse hardly counts as seeing.

True that!

Great! I think this post starts page 2!



Okay, you want to keep us around for him to see the guy he was named after?

Yeah, and you can see him too. I'll tell you now, Ozzy the tama isn't very much like the person he was named after.

Okay then. Now what?

I dunno. The Tama News isn't on because there's no interesting stuff happening.

How about photos! The very photos I put on my blog yesterday!


Cool huh?

Hey, we look awesome!

Awesome? That doesn't even begin to describe it!

Right! Well, byeeee for now!




Tama-Go status (Blue):

Name: Ozzy

Gender: Boy

Age: 4

Character: Kuchipatchi

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Rachel

Gender: Girl

Age: 5

Character: Makiko

So, I'm sorry it took so long to update today! I've been to my sister's prizegiving assembly, then I've been continuing the beanie I'm knitting.

That's no excuse! They need updates around the same time every day!

No they don't!

Yes, they do!

No, Ozzy, Rachel's right. They don't need updates at the same time each day! Anyway, still no fanmail for this log, however, CuteLilChibiTama<3 sent me a PM about my blog (linked in my signature) telling me to keep being myself.

Yeah, you're awesome, I'd hate to see you be someone else!

She's right!

Yeah, yeah, I like being me anyway. I wouldn't change myself at all! Why be someone you're not?


So, now what?

We watch Phineas & Ferb?



What? It's on right now! And you're not married today, probably because you're too young, so maybe tomorrow? Or Sunday/ either way, you guys are here for Survivor.

Yep! ^.^

Right, well. Byeee!




Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Ozzy

Gender: Boy

Age: 5

Character: Kuchipatchi

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Rachel

Gender: Girl

Age: 6

Character: Makiko

So, still no marriage. That will probably be because Ozzy is still too young, being 5 and all. In other news, I went to the Christmas parade last night! In other, other news, Rachel Crow got eliminated on the X Factor last night! I'm sad, I was going for her, that's how my Tama Rachel got her name!

Yeah, I'm sad too. She was cool, I like having her name!

Yeah, yeah, we're all sad that Rachel Crow got eliminated. Now, back on topic! this is a Tama log, not an X Factor log!

Well, sorry then! I just wanted to tell the viewers, even though they may already know!

Well, okay then! Hey, how long until we watch Survivor?

About 3 and a quarter hours.

Aw man, I can't wait that long!

Neither can I Ozzy, but I'm not complaining, am I?

*sigh* No, you're not.

Okay, so you shouldn't complain either!


What is it, Rachel?

Well... nothing! I just felt like doing that!


So, now what?

I finished the beanie I knitted today!



Yep! the beanie bag is now chock full of beanies, pretty much!

Well, this is boring! TIME FOR THE TAMA NEWS, WHERE STUFF HAPPENS! I'm your log reporter, Ozzy Blue! So, we'll go to our live on-scene reporter, Rachel Pink, for the action! Rachel?

Thank you, Ozzy! Yes, I'm Rachel Pink, here at the scene of nothingness, where nothing has happened! It is very nothing-ish. Here I am, with Mr. Nobody now! So, Mr. Nobody, what is nothingness like?


Uh, Rachel?

Yes, Ozzy?

Mr. Nobody's not saying anything! And we can't see him! And this is the most boring news item ever!

This just in, I'm at the scene of nothingness, where the most boring news item ever is happening! I am here with the reporter that caused it, me! I'm sorry, I couldn't think of anything exciting. Back to you Ozzy!

Well, Rachel's right, nothing exciting is happening! Thank you for reading the Tama News, where stuff happens! I'm Ozzy Blue, signing off this broadcast!

*news end music, fade news scene*

Well, that was quite a news item you guys did. A boring one!

Yeah, we know. If Ozzy hadn't sprung that on, I would have had plenty of time to find something exciting!

You're blaming me for this?

Yes, because it IS your fault!

She's right, Ozzy. It is your fault. If you'd told her sooner, say, before we started the log, that you were going to do the Tama News, she would have been able to find an exciting event. And with that, we're signing off!

Wait, what? We can't be signing off already!

Well, we are! Byeeee!




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Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Ozzy

Gender: Boy

Age: 6

Character: Kuchipatchi

Status: Married to Rachel!

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Rachel

Gender: Girl

Age: 7

Character: Makiko

Status: Married to Ozzy!

Yep, we got married today! And that's the Tama News, where stuff happens!

*news end music, fade news scene*

Um, you guys are aware that you started the Tama News BEFORE I started the log, right?

Oh, shoot! Now we have to start again!

No, Rachel. No, you don't, because the peoples know you and Ozzy are married. It's in your statuses, and Ozzy just said it at the end.

She's right.

You're on HER side? But I'm your wife!

I know, but I really don't want to do the same broadcast twice. Once it's been done, a repeat isn't news. It's old news!

Well, yeah.

Okay, so I have some photos!

Wait, photos?!

Yes, photos! Here are Ozzy and Rachel with their babies!


It's not as good as my other photos I know. But it's as good as I could get!

I also knitted a Tamagotchi cover! It is currently on the blue Tama-Go!


Yep, that's a star on the back! It took forever to get the right size for the cover. It's like knitting a really small beanie!

Where's my one?

Hold up, Rachel, I can only knit one at a time! Yours will be next!

But -

If you're about to ask why the first one goes to Ozzy's case and not yours, it's because I used blue wool. And why? Because I felt like it! Blue with blue, pink with pink. Yours will be pink Rachel.


Okay, great! My mum just came in to tell me she made cheesy herb bread! I can't wait to try it!

So... now what? We've done the news (pre-log unfortunately), we've done the photos...

And now we've done the now what bit.

And now we've done that bit, I find an excuse to sign off, or I just sign off with no excuse!


Okay, I've joined the 12 days of Christmas group hatch, because on the day that starts, the babies will be alone! You can read about it in the topic! For now, byeeeee!




EDIT: Oh yeah, the babies are boys.

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Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Ozzy

Gender: Boy

Age: 7

Character: Kuchipatchi

Status: Married to Rachel!

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Rachel

Gender: Girl

Age: 8

Character: Makiko

Status: Married to Ozzy!

So, today I finished my second Tama-Go cover! It is on the pink Tama-Go!


Yep a heart on the back of this one! Oh yeah, yesterday in TamaCHAT my Aspie friend TicTax said she likes my log! Thank you again TicTax, I told you I'd put it here! And on that note, read her log! It's pretty awesome!

Okay, then, you started with the photos, then the fanmail!

More like fanchat!

Well, even though it's about you guys, it's my log and I can do stuff in whatever order I want!



Uh... I won't even ask!

No. No you won't. I won't either.

Won't ask about what?

Uh... Nothing, Ozzy!

Yeah, double nothing!

Good, and double good!

And we're back to the now what bit. Now what?






So, I might knit more covers and sell them!

That sounds great!

After all, iD covers are made to fit iD and iD L! They won't fit a Tama-Go!

Oh yeah, I got the idea for Tama-Go covers from violetchilluvr3's crochet iD and iD L covers. But in all honesty, from the pictures I've seen, a Tama-Go is bigger than an iD or iD L so the iD covers may not fit the Tama-Go.



'K peoples, byeeee for now!




Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Keith

Gender: Boy

Age: 0

Character: Ahirukutchi

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Chris

Gender: Boy

Age: 0

Character: Ahirukutchi

Yep, Rachel and Ozzy are gone, leaving Keith and Chris in my care! And yep, they're twins! For now anyway.

Hey, people! I'm Keith, the awesome one!

Oh sure, Keith, YOU'RE the awesome one! Hi guys, I'm Chris, and I'm the true awesome one!


Whatever you!

Guys, guys, stop arguing! You're both awesome! Equally awesome! Sorry this is so late peoples. we were in Hamilton all day with no internet access. Also, there will be no photos because my camera battery is dead.

Is it, Teri?

Is it really?

Yes. Yes it is. If you don't believe me, I'll prove it to you!

*Teri turns camera on, and by some miracle, it has enough bettery power to get one good photo of each tamas*

I thought you said the battery was dead!

It was when I posted in the Group Hatch topic!


So, since I got two good photos, I'll post them!


There is Keith ----------------------------------There is Chris

Cool photos!


Thanks! Hey, peoples of TamaTalk, I said good photos, not great. I know they're not as good as usual, but at least you can still see Keith and Chris. Okay, byeeee guys!




Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Keith

Gender: Boy

Age: 1

Character: Korokotchi

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Chris

Gender: Boy

Age: 1

Character: Korokotchi

Yes, the boys are still twins! I didn't expect one Korokotchi, let alone two! It's nice though.


Keith ----------------------------------------------Chris

Hey, cool! We're STILL twins!

We could switch about, pretending we're each other! Hi, I'm Keith!

It doesn't work like that here, Chris!

KEITH is right. You use colours on the log, so your words are colour coded. Your words in green mean you, Chris. So, you can't just tell people you're Keith and expect them to believe you. Because they won't.


I believe he was bumped as a baby.

Yeah, maybe.


Uh, Chris?


You're shouting!


Well, you're not, you're shouting.

OH, SORRY! *ahem* Sorry.

'K now what?

Well, I don't know, Keith, now what?

I don't know either. Let's see what Chris thinks!

Let's find puppies!

Where are we going to look for puppies?




Hm... Well, byeeee!




Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Keith

Gender: Boy

Age: 2

Character: Necktie-tchi

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Chris

Gender: Boy

Age: 2

Character: Necktie-tchi

Yep, they're still identical twins!


Keith ----------------------------------------------Chris

So, what did you do today?

Yeah, when you left us in that bag?

Well, I did some knitting, you were in the bag with the wool, so I could check on you every now and then, then I did some Christmas shopping, buying a present for my dad. Then I came home and checked on you, and had some popcorn!

Where's our popcorn?

And why did you only get a present for your dad?

Keith, there was no tama-popcorn, and Chris, I already got presents for everyone else, my dad was the last person left.



Yep! ^.^





This is boring!

Chris, quit complaining!

You can't tell me what to do! Teri's the boss, not you!

What Keith said, Chris. Quit complaining!

Okay. Hey, when do we get to go on Tamatown?

Soon, Chris.



Keith... You're not Chris.

I know. But I'm happy we get to go on TamaTown! =)

Okay, and with that, we're signing off! Byeeee!




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Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Keith

Gender: Boy

Age: 3

Character: Necktie-tchi

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Chris

Gender: Boy

Age: 3

Character: Necktie-tchi

Well, this day had not much happening! I took the boys to tamaTown!

And I got to wear the Christmas tree tie! It was cool!

Why does Keith always get to wear the outfit? I want to wear the outfit too! Do you like Keith better than me?

No, why would you say that! I'm just used to logging the blue one in first, which is Keith. Sorry Chris. But, I did find a way to get heaps of points! Log in one of your tamas, taking a certain amount of points with them, then refresh the page. You'll still have the points you had on TamaTown before. Log that Tama in again and you get more points! I did that when the server crashed but I didn't log them out.

Thank you for stating the obvious!

Yes, Teri, that way of getting heaps of points is so obvious, I can't believe you didn't think of it until the server crashed.

Yeah, yeah, I'm getting told off by my tamas for stating the obvious. I know it's obvious. Okay, just get off my case!


I'm sorry.


Wait, picture time?!

Yes, Chris, picture time!

Yep, what Keith said! Behold! Pictures!


Keith and Chris in the Swirly Sweet City part of TamaTown, where nobody was, so they couldn't get crowded by Violetchi guests saying "Hi come check out my room!" like they did in the entrance area. Seriously, I'd get ready for the picture, and before I could get the picture, a Violetchi guest, or more, would come right up to Keith and Chris and say things like that.


Keith and Chris chillin' in the Forest Falls hot tub!

Okay, TTers, to unconfuse you, Keith is the one with the Christmas tree tie and Chris is the one with the blue tie! 'K, got it? Good!

You can't even see your username when we're in the hot tub!

I know! Cool, huh?


So now what do we do?

We sign off! Byeeee!




Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Keith

Gender: Boy

Age: 4

Character: Necktie-tchi

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Chris

Gender: Boy

Age: 4

Character: Necktie-tchi

Okay, now we know it's a bad idea to log while chatting!


Because chat is distracting!

Yes, I know I should have done the log before chat!

Multi-tasking is difficult!

In other news, I'm getting a laptop bag for Christmas! I know because mum and dad bought it off TradeMe and it arrived in the mail yesterday. Mum opened it to see what it was and it looks so awesome!

Are you going to put up photos?

Yes, I am, Chris, but I hope you don't mind they're the fat tama photos.


Keith ----------------------------------------------Chris

Yep, I made them fat for photo's sake because they don't do much.


We do a lot of stuff thank you very much!

You just don't get to see us!

Sure, whatever! Byeee guys!




Tama-Go status (Blue):

Name: Keith

Gender: Boy

Age: 5

Character: Ojitchi

Status: Married to a Violetchi

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Chris

Gender: Boy

Age: 5

Character: Ojitchi

Status: Married to a Pipotchi

Okay, so today, both Tamas turned old. I sort of expected it from Keith, having not had a Necktie-tchi on Blue Tama-Go that didn't turn old, but I didn't expect it today. The boys are 5! My Tamas usually turn old at 6! I got them both married.


Keith and his Violetchi wife----------------Chris and his Pipotchi wife

Wait, you expected me to turn old?!

Yes, but look at your ancestors. Mason was the same, Jacob was the same. They were both on Blue, like you Keith.

And you DIDN'T expect it from me?!

Well, I only had one Tama to judge from for you: Davin. And he didn't turn old!



So, I'm gonna have to take you to TamaTown at some point!



I swear those two are children in old man bodies! Well, byeee for now even though it's quite short!




Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Keith

Gender: Boy

Age: 6

Character: Ojitchi

Status: Married to Whitney a Violetchi

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Chris

Gender: Boy

Age: 6

Character: Ojitchi

Status: Married to a Pipotchi

Mika words and Mike swords is an awesome chat meme! Can't forget Ken though! Mika+Mike+Ken=Gay threesome! xD

Although people on YouTube don't understand it!

And who would outside of chat? But what I don't understand is why the person who had a go at TicTax didn't have a go at me when we both said stuff to do with the meme.

People sure are weird.

Right, the TamaTown pictures for today!


No guest mob!


Redone apartment, complete with hotspring!


Chillin' in the hot-tub again!

Okay, this time, Chris is the one in costume! Happy now, Chris?

Yep! Mika's weird!

Yes, Chris, Mika is weird. I think we've already established that.



Google Translate sure is funny! And schools post positive lies on their websites, leaving out the negative truth!

And sometime Google agrees with the lies!

Yes, it does. But sometimes, it busts the lies!

'K, well there's really nothing more to say, so byeeee!




Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Keith

Gender: Boy

Age: 7

Character: Ojitchi

Status: Married to Whitney a Violetchi with a baby boy

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Chris

Gender: Boy

Age: 7

Character: Ojitchi

Status: Married to a Pipotchi with a baby girl

We are dads!!!

Yes we are!

Yes, I think they know you guys are dads. Anyway, pictures!


Keith with Whitney Violetchi -------------Chris with Pipotchi and daughter

and son

Yep! That's us and our kids!

Do they have names?

Yes, I've already given them names, but I'm not telling you what they are.

Why not?

Yeah, why not?

Because it's a surprise!


Good. So, did you enjoy more TamaTown last night, including meeting everyone else's tamas?


All TicTax's tama had to do was remove the guest hat xD

Yes, that's right! Okay, TTer's out there, you're probably confused as to what we're talking about, so I'll unconfuse you. Me and some others were on chat yesterday and we all went on TamaTown. TicTax's ID showed a guest Memetchi, and her tama is a Memetchi, so we were talking about how all it had to do was remove the guest hat!

Yep! ^.^

That was cool!

'K well I'm going to sign off now! Byeeee!




Tama-Go Ststus (Blue):

Name: Keith

Gender: Boy

Age: 8

Character: Ojitchi

Status: Married to Whitney a Violetchi with a baby boy

Tama=Go Status (Pink):

Name: Chris

Gender: Boy

Age: 8

Character: Ojitchi

Status: Married to a Pipotchi with a baby girl

So guys, it's your last night with the babies! I'll take good care of them for you!

So where's the picture?

Not happening today! It was a collage-type thing for the Group Hatch!

Why can't it be here?


Okay, okay, no need to yell!


Keith, don't you mean We are Ken?

Oh yeah, the parody!


Yes, Chris, I think they get it now!


Oh, don't you start, Keith. Please.


New rule! No Mika references unless I allow it!

Okay. But what if we're referring to the meme?

That I'll allow.


So... Now what?

Now we sign off! Byeee!




Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Mika (after the meme xD)

Gender: Boy

Age: 0

Character: Mattaritchi

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Dawn

Gender: Girl

Age: 0

Character: Hoshitchi

Right there's a bucketload of photos today! (Pun xD bucket load of photos - PhotoBucket, where I upload them!)


Dawn, why are you like this?

Don't ask me, I just am! =D

Okay, here's the photos:


Baby Mika ---------------------------------------Baby Dawn


Mika now ----------------------------------------Dawn now

You didn't tell us you got baby photos!

Mika, do I really need to?

Yes, you do, doesn't she Dawn?

No, Mika, she doesn't have to.

Yes, she does!

No, she doesn't!

Yes, she -


So, what you and TicTax did yesterday was funny!

Wait, you know about that?


Even though you and Mika were still babies with your dads?

Yes, I have a super baby memory xD

So, what did we do then? *quizzing look on my face*

TicTax burnt Correia while you flooded TKHS via paint. Then you burnt and flooded your principals, Justin(e) Bieber and Mika.


Not you, Mika, the person Mika! Then you put the pictures on fan club sites!

O_O Wow, you DO have a super baby memory, Dawn!



Mika, you'd better be saying Ken, not golden xD

Okay. WE ARE KEN!!!

Good, because last post, I made a rule saying no Mika references unless I allow it.

But I'm Mika!

I meant the person Mika.

Oh, okay.


Now, I believe it's time to sign off! Byeee!




Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Mika

Gender: Boy

Age: 1

Character: Monpatchi

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Dawn

Gender: Girl

Age: 1

Character: Chuchutchi

So, why didn't I get to go to TamaTown yesterday?

Because Hoshitchi was already unlocked from Nellie, your great-grandma, who was your grand-dad's mum.


So, because Grandma was a Chuchutchi as a teen, you're leaving her again?

No, I'm taking you both, then after Monpatchi is added to the roster from you, you'll get logged out!

Aw, but -

No, Mika, your day was yesterday. Today is Dawn's day, okay?


Good. Now it's picture time!!!


Mika -----------------------------------------------Dawn

I was lonely yesterday. No-one was there. Then Mike showed up!

For those of you who are confused, Mike is TicTax's Music Star. We were in chat when I logged Mika in, and then she logged Mike in too. Read her log after this!


Yes, because the server was Makiko 2 and we talked about how Mika sounds like Makiko and we said Mikako! So, it's not a typo.


Now what?

Hm... We sign off! Because at some point today my mum is supposed to be getting me and my sister out of the house for a Christmas surprise! So, byeeee!




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Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Mika

Gender: Boy

Age: 2

Character: Gozarutchi

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Dawn

Gender: Girl

Age: 2

Character: Marotchi

So, I'm on today because A. It's the last day of the 12 Days of Christmas Group Hatch, and B. I don't get to make a cake yet because we have a huge 11kg ham in the oven! But, I have photos!


Mika --------------------------------------------Dawn

Well, I'm a Gozarutchi. You know what that means? You need me on your roster again! So we're going to TamaTown!

Hold on, Mika, I say when we're going to TamaTown, not you. Besides even if we do go, Dawn is coming too.

I am? Yay!

Aw, fine!

Can we go now? Please?

Not yet, Dawn. But soon.



Now what?

I have no idea what we do now guys. Byeeee!




Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Mika

Gender: Boy

Age: 4

Character: Gozarutchi

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Dawn

Gender: Girl

Age: 4

Character: Marotchi

You din't update yesterday! =O

I'm sorry Mika.

Sorry doesn't cut it! You're supposed to update every day!

Can't you let her off? It was Christmas!

Thank you Dawn. It was Christmas yesterday, here at least! Merry Christmas! It was fun!

So you abandoned your log for Christmas? Oh, the shame! What kind of logger are you?

Uh, one that's allowed to have fun on Christmas Day?

And because of that, I suppose there's no photos!


Are you looking at what I think you're looking at?!

Uh, nothing?

Another Tamagotchi! Version... uh, what version?

2. The seller thinks it's a V1 though. I know it's a V2 because my friend has one just like it!

And you want it?

Yes I do. And I'm going to ask my parents to buy it for me because at buy now, it's only $8. Good huh? The seller says it's in good used condition. Here's a picture, sorry it's sideways, that's the seller's fault! https://www.trademe.c...p-195977586.htm Click the link!

So, you don't care that the flower pattern is slightly worn?

No, I don't. I just want a V2, and even though the seller thinks it's a V1, I know for sure it's a V2 because, as I said before, my friend has one exactly the same which is a V2!

How do you know hers isn't a V1?

Because I've played with it before and I even Tama-sat it once! Now get off my case about the tama please?

One more question though.

Okay, fine.

Which one of us will be turned off for this new tama?

Neither. I can look after 3 tamas. When I tama-sat my friend's tama, I had two others running at the same time, and I looked after all of them very well.


Also, the seller says "Can connect with V3 and V5.5 at least" when V5 and up cannot connect with lower versions! Okay, now we've got that done, it's time to -

Ask to get it!

No, Mika, it's time to sign off. Byeeee!




EDIT: Dawn is now an Otokitchi who ismarried to a Nonopotchi. This just happened after I finished the log entry. At 4 years old. Why Dawn, why?!

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Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Mika

Gender: Boy

Age: 5

Character: Ojitchi

Status: Married to a Makiko

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Dawn

Gender: Girl

Age: 5

Character: Otokitchi

Status: Married to a Nonopotchi

Okay, so like I said in my edit yesterday, Dawn turned old and got married. A few hours later, the same happened with Mika. So now I have two old tamas who are married, but not to each other. In other news, I just might get that V2 after all! My dad said I'll have to pay for it with money from my bank account, and the bank desn't open until tomorrow, but the listing closes on Friday and tomorrow is Wednesday, so I have time! Yay!

Cool, new friend!

I wouldn't get excited yet, Mika. I've been doing a bit of reading. The V2 can only connect with versions 1-4 and that's not us.

She's right, Mika. You guys won't be able to connect with the V2.

Aw, I wanted a new friend.

It's okay, Mika. Connection means nothing when you have a tama-log!

Hey, you're right!


I know I'm right. To refresh your memories, This is the V2. Yes, that's a link, click it if you forgot what the tama looks like.

I think they get it.

I know.

And so, nobody got replaced. The end, yay!

Yeah, there is going to be a downside to this for you guys. But then, you two won't be here when that downside takes place, so it won't affect you.

What is it? Tell us!

Yes, tell us even though we won't be here!

Well, you guys know that I'm going to Dunedin for a science programme from the 15th to the 20th of January, right? Well, I'm going to have to pause whoever's in your places while I'm there, since the Tama-Gos are big and bulky and hard to hide. But, if I get the V2, I'll be taking it with me because it's thi and can be hidden easily.

Man, our kids/grandkids/whoever they are by then are going to be disappointed.

And jealous of the V2.

Yes, I know, no tama likes being paused, or being paused while another taa gets to go everywhere. All your ancestors hated when I had to pause them while I was at school, but I'd take my Music Star with me. But they accepted it.

True that.

How do you know? =O

I read stuff. Including your old log.

Oh, right. So, now there's nothing to do, we sign off. Byeeee!




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Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Mika

Gender: Boy

Age: 6

Character: Ojitchi

Status: Married to a Makiko with a baby boy

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Dawn

Gender: Girl

Age: 6

Character: Otokitchi

Status: Married to a Nonopotchi with a baby girl

Where have you been all day?

At the pool. Mum made me go swimming.

Oh. Okay.

In other news, I am definitely getting the V2! Yay!

And, in other news, I have a son!

And I have a daughter!

I have names reserved for the V2, so I will not use either of them for your kids. Based on the meme, the V2's name will be Ken if it's a boy, or Steph if it's a girl.


What about our kids?

Something will come up, eventually. It always does. Besides, I'm pausing you tomorrow for the New Year's hatch!

Aw, pausing?

Be strong, Mika. The kids will have to be paused too. But Ken/Steph gets to be unpaused when he/she comes!

Yes, I'm sorry guys. Blame Bandai. They made the Tama-Go so big and bulky, and all the others thin enough to be hidden. And they made Tamas fun.

Yeah, true that.

So, since mum made me go swimming today, and I have other stuff to do, like my blog (linked in signature), and there is nothing left for the log, this is it. I know it's short, sorry guys. Byeeee!



