The (Not-Really) Misadventures of a Girl and Two Tama-Gos!


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Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Mika

Gender: Boy

Age: 7

Character: Ojitchi

Status: Married to a Makiko with a baby boy, and paused for the New Year's Hatch

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Dawn

Gender: Girl

Age: 7

Character: Otokitchi

Status: Married to a Nonpotchi with a baby girl, and paused for the New Year's Hatch

Okay guys, so with Mika and Dawn paused for a few days, so their last day can be the day before the hatch, and no V2 yet, this is just me. So, this is going to be a short entry to let you know that I have no Tamas to log until further notice. Signing off. Byeeee!


Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Mika

Gender: Boy

Age: 7

Character: Ojitchi

Status: Married to a Makiko with a baby boy

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Dawn

Gender: Girl

Age: 7

Character: Otokitchi

Status: Married to a Nonopotchi with a baby girl

So, since it's New Year's Eve here, and New Year's Day here is New Year's Eve on the other side of the world anyway, I've unpaused Mika and Dawn who will leave their babies tonight!

Why were we paused for two days?

The hatch, remember?

Yes, Dawn, you are absolutely right! And Tamatown is still failing!

And you didn't take photos either, did you?

Nope! But the V2 is officially mine! Dad bought it on Thursday night, and now all I have to do is wait. My dad thinks it will take about a week due to the holidays for New Year's and stuff. But I want it now!!!

Yeah, we know.

I know you know! Everyone knows, probably! I also got a PM from Violetchilluvr3 (who has an awesome log, by the way), regarding the Tama-Go covers. She asked about a pattern, but I don't really have a pattern, so I said I'm making a third one, which I may sell!

Yes, do it!

Although, there would be a lot of money converting involved, as not everyone lives in New Zealand, like me.

Yeah, okay.

Does anybody want a Bieber bowl?


We were talking about it on Chat yesterday. It's not real, it's made up. When it said "Also available in adult sizes" we made up all sorts of random sizes. I said "WHAT ABOUT LAPTOP SIZES! CECE WANTS ONE!" (Yes, people, my laptop's name is Cece, which has been her name since a few days after I got her. Got a problem with that?)

It's not really a bowl if it's laptop sized, is it?

I know that. I also said that later too.

Can I have one?

NO! I mean, no Dawn. Just, no.

It's okay, I don't want one anyway. I just said that to see what you'd say!



I think we've said enough for today.

So do I. Byeeee!




Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Jack

Gender: Boy

Age: 0

Character: Mattaritchi

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Melanie

Gender: Girl

Age: 0

Character: Hoshitchi

HAPPY NEW YEAR TAMATALKERS! My family and I woke up and about five minutes to midnight to see in the new year (It's New Year's Day here in NZ) and I managed to get pictures of Mika and Dawn leaving Jack and Melanie.


Mika leaving Jack -------------------------Dawn leaving Melanie

I took Dawn's picture first and my dad told me to hurry up and go to bed before I could take Mika's picture. Sorry it's blurry. I also have pictures of Jack and Melanie as babies.


Baby Jack ------------------------------------Baby Melanie.

Cute huh? Now, current pictures of Jack and Melanie.


Jack --------------------------------------------Melanie, saying Happy New Year!

That's it for pictures.

Hey guys, I'm Jack!

And I'm Melanie!

And this is...

Not iCarly! Or iJack or iMelanie! No iCarly-type things on this log! This is a log, not a webshow!

But I love iCarly!

When did you watch iCarly?!

While you were eating lunch!

That's it, no more iCarly! I'm blocking it!

Really? =(

No, not really! But you're still not watching it!

Aw, okay.

In other news, Jack breaks my Tama generations record of 13 generations, shared by my V5, Music Star and blue Tama-Go (until now), by being 14th generation~


Okay, here's a question: Who is Stephanie?



You both win 10 cents! I mean, 10 Gotchi points!



This is based off a game we played in chat yesterday. We asked random questions and anyone who got it right won money (not really), usually 10 cents.

Sounds fun!

It was!

So... now what?

Now, we sign off! Byeeee!




Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Jack

Gender: Boy

Age: 1

Character: Monpatchi

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Melanie

Gender: Girl

Age: 1

Character: Chuchutchi

So, not much happened today, and my V2 still hasn't come yet. But then, it is New Year's Holiday, January 2 here. Which is a public holiday. So it should come some time next week, says my dad.

I'm Melanie.

I'm Jack.

And what did I say about iCarly-type things on this log?

Not to do them...

Exactly. Now I have pictures of Jack and Melanie!


Jack --------------------------------------------Melanie

I take good photos, don't I?

Can we go on TamaTown?


If it works, then yes. But it might not work, it's been not working for about a week now. Maybe a bit more.


I know, Melanie. I know. I've also learnt I'm not taking points with either of you to TamaTown again. I lost 40,000 points trying to log your mum in, Melanie.

=O That's a lot!


Yes guys, I know 40,000 is a lot of points, can we please talk about something else?

Like what?

Hm... Well, I saw my friend down town today, and when I told my sister who it was, she couldn't believe it!

Which friend?


Oh, she's Kaycee's sister, isn't she?

Yes. But surprisingly, Kaycee wasn't there! =O


I know!

So... now what?

Now, we sign off! Byeeee!




Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Jack

Gender: Boy

Age: 2

Character: Gozarutchi

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Melanie

Gender: Girl

Age: 2

Character: Uwasatchi

So, I couldn't take them on TamaTown yesterday, so I hope it's working today! Because I need to add Uwasatchi to my roster.

And I'll get a cute outfit too, I bet!

What about me then? Am I stuck with Dad's dress?

Maybe. I might get you a new outfit, just because you're not Mika, but I also might not.

Aw, okay then...

Hey, don't be sad. I'll let you wear my outfit! xD

I don't want to wear any stupid outfit of yours!

Hey guys, no need to argue!

She started it!

Well, I'm going to stop it with photos!


Jack --------------------------------------------Melanie

So, what do you think?

I look so cute!

It's not all about you, Melanie!

I know, now quit being such a baby!

Quit being such a man!

Hey! Only I can use the Such man joke here!


Yeah, you'd better be! Now, all I really want is my V2!!!!!!!!!

We know!

And now, we're signing off! Byeeee!




Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Jack

Gender: Boy

Age: 3

Character: Gozarutchi

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Melanie

Gender: Girl

Age: 3

Character: Uwasatchi

V2 Status (Blue w/Flowers):

Not here yet.

Yes, people, I added a V2 status even though it's not here yet. What's it to you?

You're crazy!

And you said we would go on TamaTown, but we didn't! >.< Liar!

I didn't lie. I tried to go on TamaTown, but it's not working, still! And I said we'd go on if it was working!


This is why listening is a good thing, Melanie.

Yes, Melanie. Listening is good.

Okay, got off my case already! >.<

Now Melanie, no need to get mad. We're sorry.

Okay =)

Yay, smiles all around! =)


'K, now what are we going to do?

I dunno, what are we gonna do?

We're going to sign off. Byeeee!




Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: jack

Gender: Boy

Age: 5

Character: Ojitchi


Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Melanie

Gender: Girl

Age: 5

Character: Uwasatchi


V2 Status (Blue w/Flowers):

Not here yet.

Sorry for no update yesterday guys, we were at Rainbow's End for the whole day and didn't get back until quarter to nine.

And you left us behind! What kind of tama carer are you?

The kind that thinks about the possibility of fun and would have forgotten about you throughout the day anyway! I'm also the kind that forgets to pause you. Sorry. No need to be a cranky old man! Oh wait, you ARE an old man! But you still don't need to be cranky!

Well then! I'm not talking to you!

Jack, you have to talk to her! She's our tama carer!


Sorry about him. He's just jealous that I'm still young-looking and he's not.



Melanie brushing her teeth ------------Jack asleep yesterday morning -------Melanie asleep yesterday morning

2 days ago


Jack today -----------------------------------Melanie today

I also won a dolphin toy at one on the games!


Say hello to Heather!

Hello Heather!

Seriously? Heather?

Yes, Jack, I did indeed call my dolphin Heather! Got a problem with the name Heather?

No, it's just -

Then you shouldn't be complaining!

Yes Jack, if you have no problem with the name, you shouldn't be complaining about it!


Now what?

Sign off time! Byeeee!




With a guest appearance from Heather the dolphin!

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Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Jack

Gender: Boy

Age: 6

Character: Ojitchi

Status: Married to a Chamametchi

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Melanie

Gender: Girl

Age: 6

Character: Uwasatchi

Status: Married to a Kikitchi

V2 Status (Blue w/Flowers):

Not here yet.

When will that V2 get here?!

Don't worry, it'll get here soon.

Here's hoping.

Think positive. It WILL come soon!



Jack and his Chamametchi wife ------ Melanie and her Kikitchi husband

Yep, they got married!


And then the baby comes in a few days...

What's so bad about babies?

They cry, they poop, they get sick, and then it starts all over again!

So? We'll only be with them a few days, then Teri looks after them.

She's right, Jack.


Well, I don't feel like making a long entry today, so byeeee!




Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Jack

Gender: Boy

Age: 7

Character: Ojitchi

Status: Married to a Chamametchi

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Melanie

Gender: Girl

Age: 7

Character: Uwasatchi

Status: Married to a Kikitchi

V2 Status (Blue w/Flowers):

Name: Steph

Gender: Girl

Age: 0

Character: Marutchi

Yes, people, as you can see, my V2 got here today!!! =D After putting a fresh battery in it, I downloaded it to see what the original owners had left. It was a 4-year-old female Kusatchi named Majig. I decided I'd start from scratch, so I reset it, and... well, this set of pictures will tell you the rest:


Yep, that's about it!

Hi, I'm Steph!

Steph, you can choose any colour to write in, thinking about potential male decendants though. They're not going to want to write in purple are they?

How's this?

Yep, that's a good colour, Steph!


'K, so...

See, Jack, I told you babies weren't that bad! Steph only cried once, and didn't even poop that much!

Okay, you told me!

Yes, I did! And Teri, I told you the V2 would come soon, with positive thinking!



Teri, who are they?

They are Jack and Melanie, the blue Tama-Go and the pink Tama-Go.

Oh. Well, I want to do something! TamaTown?

Steph, V2's can't go on Tamatown.

Aw... Why do they get to?

Even they can't at the moment. It's not working. But they're a later version of Tamagotchi, that's why they get to go on TamaTown.

That's right.


Why isn't TamaTown working? I want it to work!

Melanie, I don't know why, don't ask me. I e-mailed Bandai a few days ago about it.



Now what are we going to do?

We are going to sign off! Byeeee!





Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Jack

Gender: Boy

Age: 8

Character: Ojitchi

Status: Married to a Chamametchi with a baby girl

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Melanie

Gender: Girl

Age: 8

Character: Uwasatchi

Status: Married to a Kikitchi with a baby boy

V2 Status (Blue w/Flowers):

Name: Steph

Gender: Girl

Age: 1

Character: Ringotchi

So, yep, babies and evolution. But, before Steph evolved, I made a video of her rolling around, as V2 toddlers do.

That's it! I also have pictures!


Jack, wife, and baby girl ----------------Melanie, husband, and baby boy ---------------Steph, now a Ringotchi

Hey, it's me Steph! That thing on chat was fun yesterday!

Yes, Steph, it was!

Not that WE would know!

Yeah, we didn't get to type because apparently we can't spell!

Guys, that was a joke, and you didn't even want to type much anyway!

Yeah, that's what you said!

That was BEFORE random tamas started coming back from Tama Planet for no reason!

Yeah, I am RELATED to one of those tamas!

Okay, okay, speak up next time!!!


Yes, Teri.


We're going on chat again, right?

Yes, Steph, we are.

Cool! Will Mika be there?

I'm not sure, he might be. For those of you who don't know, Mika is TicTax's V4.5 and Steph likes him. Read TicTax's log now! It's awesome!!!


You really need to stop!

No, I don't. It's my log, and you guys won't even be here in two days!

True that.

OKAY! So, chat now?

Yes, Steph, chat now. 'K byeeee guys!





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Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Jack

Gender: Boy

Age: 9

Character: Ojitchi

Status: Married to a Chamametchi with a baby girl

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Melanie

Gender: Girl

Age: 9

Character: Uwasatchi

Status: Married to a Kikitchi with a baby boy

V2 Status (Blue w/Flowers):

Name: Steph

Gender: Girl

Age: 1 (I HAVE NO FUDGING IDEA WHY!!! Well, she'll probably be 2 later on)

Character: Ringotchi

So the title of this log is now a lie because, while there are still 2 Tama-Gos running, there's also a V2!

And that would be me!

Yes, and my son still needs a name!!!

Melanie is saying that because Jack's daughter already has a name, but I haven't got one for Melanie's son yet!

Get your name thinking cap on!

Who's jealous now?!

Still you?

NO! Well, maybe, but Melanie is jealous of my daughter!


What, because she has a name?

Yes, Melanie is jealous that my daughter has a name and her son doesn't!

Whatever you say! Psssst! I'm not jealous!

Okay! It's raining bucketloads here! I thought it was supposed to be summer!

Seems like winter!

Yes, Steph, yes it does.

Apart from the fact that the sun is coming through the clouds!

Hey, it's pretty much stopped raining now!

It must have stopped when we were playing Heading! I WON!!!!!


I wonder why.

The weather's pretty funny today.

It sure is. Well, I can't be bothered thinking of other things to say, so byeeee!!!





Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Shinaiarimasu

Gender: Girl

Age: 0

Character: Hoshitchi

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Keegan

Gender: Boy

Age: 0

Character: Mattaritchi

V2 Status (Blue w/Flowers):

Name: Steph

Gender: Girl

Age: 2 (Do V2's ALWAYS age later every day, or is it just Steph?)

Character: Ringotchi

Hey guys! So, Jack and Melanie left last night, leaving me to care for Shinaiarimasu and Keegan... You know what, I'mma nickname Shinaiarimasu Ari. Her whole name is a mouthful to say all the time.

Couldn't agree more!



*still texting*

Ari, we're doing the log now!

*STILL texting*

O_O Where did she get a cellphone anyway?

Probably from that cellphone factory I threw.

You did what now?

Wait, what? O_O

Ari was being mean to me, so I threw a cellphone factory out of anger!

O_O *grabs cellphone and texts Ari that we're doing the log*

Ooh, I like, got a text! *reads* Oh!

Anything you wanna say, Ari?

Yeah! So, like, I went to Memetchi's clothes shop to get a totally cute new outfit, and I saw this totally cute Kilalatchi, and I swear he was like, totally checking me out!

O_O Ari, you're a toddler!

I, like, know!

Interesting. Ari has developed the personality of one of those teenage girls you see on American TV shows! (No offence to any Americans here)


*throws a chair*

Okay, I have one tama that's secretly married, one that throws stuff, and one that acts like an American TV teenager! I'mm the only sane one on this log.

I'm secretly married and that makes me NOT sane?!

Sort of.

*throws Ari*

Keegan, why did you throw Ari?

I don't know, she was just annoying me with her texting. I knew I shouldn't have thrown a cellphone factory. *grabs cellphone and throws it out window*

Nooooo!!! My cellphone is going to be, like, totally destroyed! how am I, like, meant to text my, like, friends!!!!!

Ari, a destroyed cellphone is NOT the end of the world!

She's right, Ari. Well, nothing else to say, so byeeee!!!





Tama-Go Ststus (Blue):

Name: Shinaiarimasu

Gender: Girl

Age: 1

Character: Mikazukutchi

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Keegan

Gender: Boy

Age: 1

Character: Kilalatchi

V2 Status (Blue w/Flowers):

Name: Steph

Gender: Girl

Age: 3

Character: Nyorotchi

Right, so all the tamas evolved today! PICTURES!


Shinaiarumasu (Ari) ----------------------Keegan


Steph ---------------------------------------------------------Steph up close to the screen!

Like, why did you put pictures up?!

Because I can!

Aw, what's wrong Ari? Do you look hideous?

Like, I think that's, like, obvious! Just, like, look at me! I'm, like, so not good enough for, like, anyone!

Ari, I think you're perfect as you are.

I don't! *throws a paper bag on Ari's head* Much better!

Don't listen to him Ari.

Yeah, he just wants an excuse to throw something.

Like, really? So, I'm, like, totally beautiful?

Yeah, you're perfect as you, Ari.

*takes paper bagg off head, grabs cellphone and goes back to texting*


I know, Steph. I know.

*throws a table*

O_O Really Keegan? well, before this gets even madder, I think I'll sign off. Byeeee!!!





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Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Shinaiarimasu

Gender: Girl

Age: 2

Character: Pipotchi

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Keegan

Gender: Boy

Age: 2

Character: Necktie-tchi

V2 Status (Blue w/Flowers):

Name: Steph

Gender: Girl

Age: 4

Character: Nyorotchi in rare costume

So, both Tama-Gos evolved, and I put Steph in the rare costume from the shop codes. The character from it looks like Mimitchi with a black face.


Shinaiarimasu (Ari) ------------------------Keegan ---------------------------------------Steph in costume

Cool, huh?

Cool? I, like, don't have any fingers! I, like, have wings! how am I, like, meant to, like, text anyone with, like, wings?!


Here, use this mechanical arm I found! *throws mechanical arm at Ari*

That's the mechanical arm I used to punch others, like Crystal in chat, when I was a Marutchi!

Well, if it can, like, punch, it should, like, be able to, like, text!

Why, Keegan? You're encouraging her!

She would have had one of her drama queen squeals if I didn't.


O_O Like that?!

This arm doesn't, like, text! It can't, like, move it's fingers, like, fast enough to, like, text!!!!!!

Well, no, it's made for self-defence, not texting.

And you didn't, like, tell me that?!

I kind of did. I said I used it for punching.

To Ari, that says it can punch, not it's made for punching.


And, before Ari throws a diva tantrum, we'd better sign off. Byeeee!





Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Shinaiarimasu

Gender: Girl

Age: 3

Character: Pipotchi

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Keegan

Gender: Boy

Age: 3

Character: Necktie-tchi

V2 Status (Blue w/Flowers):

Name: Steph

Gender: Girl

Age: 5

Character: Nyorotchi

Right, so not much happened today...

*throws dynamite outside*

Heh... don't worry... He always does that.

Like, I can't believe I'm, like, related to him!

'K, so I'm going to Dunedin for the science programme tomorrow, meaning Ari and Keegan get paused.

OMG! Like, you did NOT just say we're, like, getting paused!

"OMG, like" yes I did!


Well. Apparently, Ari doesn't like the idea of getting paused.

What tama does? Although, admittedly, Ari did over-react a bit.

A BIT?! That's an understatement!


*still having a diva tantrum over being paused*

Well. I'll sign off so I can deal with Ari. Byeeee!!!





Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Ari is still the same as yesterday, and paused while I'm here in Dunedin

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Keegan is still the same as yesterday, and paused while I'm here in Dunedin

V2 Status (Blue w/Flowers):

Name: Steph

Gender: Girl

Age: 6

Character: Nyorotchi

Okay, so I paused Ari and Keegan, taking only Steph with me. Steph is at marrying age, but the matchmaker hasn't come yet!!!

It's okay. I'm secretly married remember?

Yes, but how are you meant to have kids?

Oh. Right.

So, obviously there's internet access here. I was given a yellow lanyard with a nametag, my room number and room key on it, so I put the V2 on it too. Now Steph goes with me wherever I go, because I have to wear the lanyard wherever I go!


'K, so this update was just to say I have internet access, and I know it's a very short update. Byeeee!!!



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Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Ari is still the same, and paused while I'm here in Dunedin

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Keegan is still the same, and paused while I'm here in Dunedin

V2 Status (Blue w/Flowers):

Name: Ken

Gender: Boy

Age: 1

Character: Ringotchi

No, my signature is not a typo, I did not forget to change 1st to 2nd. Steph had a baby girl on Sunday, but on Monday she died, taking her daughter with her. The only explanation I have is Chemistry killed her. I checked her before we started our experiment, she was fine. When I checked her at morning tea, she was dead. So I held A+C and waited. A little boy popped out of the egg. I named him Ken, after the meme. He became a Marutchi. This morning, he became a Ringotchi. It seems a little weird to me, having a boy Ringotchi, since Ringotchi is usually a girl. But that's the V2 for you.

Hey. I'm Ken. The male Ringotchi. Hey, wasn't Steph just like me?

Yes Ken, she was. How did you know?

I read back.

'K. Well, I think I, I mean we, have said enough, so byeeee!



Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Shinaiarimasu

Gender: Girl

Age: 3

Character: Pipotchi

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Keegan

Gender: Boy

Age: 3

Character: Necktie-tchi

V2 Status (Blue w/Flowers):

Name: Ken

Gender: Boy

Age: 4

Character: Kiwitchi

'K. I'm home, Ken evolved, I unpaused Ari and Keegan. Not much really. Byeeee!!!


Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Shinaiarimasu

Gender: Girl

Age: 4

Character: Pipotchi

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Keegan

Gender: Boy

Age: 4

Character: Necktie-tchi

V2 Status (Blue w/Flowers):

Name: Sophi

Gender: Girl

Age: 0

Character: Hitodetchi

Once again, no my signature is not a typo. I think the V2 is cursed. Ken died for no reason this morning. I restarted, and out of the egg popped a little girl. Sticking to my word as Steph's daughter was born (before she died), I called her Sophi.

Hai, I'm Sophi!!!

Like, being paused, like, totally sucks!!!

I found a way to entertain myself.

Yes, I know, Keegan. The old man MIKA ended up all the way in Dunedin while I was on TamaCHAT.

O_O *throws Ari's cellphone*

Like, whyyyyyyyyy?! Like, what did I, like, do to you?!

Are they always like this?

Unfortunately, Sophi, they are. Right, now it's PICTURE TIME!!!!!


Sophi ----------------------------------------------------------Shinaiarimasu (Ari) -------------------------Keegan

Awesome, huh?

Like, why is SHE, like, first?! I'M, like, supposed to be, like, first!

I just felt like changing it up a bit today, Ari.

Like, whatever, I'm, like, leaving. *like, storms out of the, like, room*

O_O She has "Like" in her actions?

I can't wait until she's on Tama Planet.

You'll be on Tama Planet with her, Keegan.

>.< *throws ice cubes*

Well, I think that's enough craziness for today. Byeeee!!!





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Tama-Go Status (Blue):

Name: Shinaiarimasu

Gender: Girl

Age: 5

Character: Pipotchi

Tama-Go Status (Pink):

Name: Keegan

Gender: Boy

Age: 5

Character: Ojitchi

V2 Status (Blue w/Flowers):

Name: Sophi

Gender: Girl

Age: 1

Character: Nikatchi

Right, so Sophi had her teenager evolution today, and Keegan decided to evolve into an Ojitchi. Go figure.

Like, ew. Old people are, like, totally gross!

*throws brick at Ari* I may be old, but I still have my throwing power!

Ow! That, like, totally hurt!!!


Wow, it's crazy here!

Yes, Sophi, I know. You learn to put up with it. I did some baking today. I made cupcakes and slice.


Like, no thanks. I have to, like, watch my figure!

Ari, you weigh 88lbs. Your figure doesn't matter at this point.

Yeah, like, whatever.

*throws cupcake at Ari* EAT IT!!!!!

Like, no!

Right, pictures!!!


Shinaiarimasu (Ari) ----------------------Keegan -----------------------------------------Sophi

Yep! That's the pics, and I think I'll end it here. Byeeee!!!




