The Poem of Tamagotchis


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Well-known member
Apr 17, 2005
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Spain though now I am studying in England
Before adding on your reply, please read my conditions to follow on this poem:




1. You must add on a full verse whenever you add on.

2. That verse must have the following characteristics:

..a) Must have four lines

.. :D Must rhyme with a ABBA, ABAB, AABB, A-A-, -A-A, AAAA rhyme only

..c) Must make sense

..d) Must have rhythm to it, try to keep each verse with the same number of syllables.

..e) The default number of syllables is 8, but they can have more or less.

3. The verse you add must add onto the story, and written to a smiliar style to the one above, so the poem appears uniform

4. Periodically, the poem may end, and a new one may start. :D Please be sure to check the last posts, and quote the last one to be sure we are adding onto the correct verse


Thank you for reading, and lets begin!!



The Truth Always Lies

In Memetchis Eyes

Memetchi was small and kind,

She helped the poor and the ill,

She never hid the truth behind,

Her eyes to lies were totally blind

Memetchi met a tama,

Who was as tall and strong as a llama,

They went to the park, along the beach,

But memetchi had a lesson to teach........

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