"The power might not get restored for some


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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
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New York; United States
Oh, joy. On Friday morning, I wake up. The power is out. I figured it would probably be back on by today, but nooooooo. On our battery pack operated, 5 inch tv, the news people said that for some people, the power might not be back on until the middle of NEXT WEEK! HOW DO YOU LIVE LIKE THAT?????? And as if that's not bad enough, it's 20 degrees outside and trees have fallen on power lines and poles. It's freezing in the house, there's nothing to do, and I'm going nuts. I don't think my parents are going to take me to a motel but I really wish they would. I can't stay in the house until power is restored. I'll go even more nuts than I am now. And if you're wondering how I'm telling you all this if the power is out, I'm at my neighbor's house right now, using their computer.

Wow, thats pretty bad.

But surely there's something to do. Play with board games, tamagotchis, read a book, make up a game... There's plenty to do, not everything fun and enjoying revolves around electricity.

You'll survive until the middle of next week.

My life revolves around the computer, as sad as that sounds. XD Hopefully electricity will be restored a little sooner than the middle of next week. Monday would be great. I have school on Monday, I can't wait to go so I can get out of this crazyness.

Well, you can give the computer a break. You can't spend your whole life on the computer (I know I can't talk xD).

There's gotta be something to do. Listen to music on an iPod/MP3, draw, make a collage, paint, make things, make a home-made Christmas present for friends/family. There are billions of things to do.

And if you didn't say it was so cold, I would be suggesting get out of the house and play some sport. If it gets a little warmer, get a soccer ball, or a basketball, or tennis ball and racquet. If you have a wall at your house (outside of course) you can hit or kick the ball into it.

It really wouldn't be so bad if it weren't freezing outside. I suppose I'll survive until the middle of next week. The power hopefully will be on before that. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

I suppose, but thats the weather. Can't control it.

You'll be fine ;)

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That must stink, GotchiGirl96. I hope it gets better soon. In the meantime, follow the advice .:puma:. gave you. It works. ;)

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That happened here once in September or October. Wind storm = fail. Dx

I was fortunate though; my power was out for only about 24 hours. For many people though, it was out for about a week. ;__; Most people migrated to hotel rooms or neighbors' houses.

For people with well water (like me), it's especially inconvient. Because then you have no water!!

But it wasn't too cold out for us. I wouldn't be able to stand not having heat. D:<

Hopefully you get your power back soon!

^ You wouldn't miss school, unless the school was out of power too. D;

And I think she wants to go to school, being they have heat! ^_^

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^ You wouldn't miss school, unless the school was out of power too. D;
And I think she wants to go to school, being they have heat! :D
My school did have a power out the other week. It was soo black on the inside of the main building!

But when the power came on the Fire Alarm came on as well so it was so very annoying because we had to have a drill. -__-

The longest our power went out was about... 4 days.

It was so boring. All I did was sleep all day.. Read my book with a flashlight, and eat cheese on bread (nothing to cook on ._.)

Luckly we had a wood stove to heat our house.

Once we had a power out for about three hours, but luckily my dad is a serious computer geek, so he has this back up power box thingy for our computers so we can still use em. But our milk and eggs still went bad. So, no AC(it was summer, so I had to endure 3 hours of 106 degree weather), no cooking, no lights, all I had was my computer, and I was perfectly happy XD My life revolves around electricity. If I were you, I'd die.

Once we had an outage. It was last autumn, I believe..

A reaturant nearby still had power! o.o

That stinks. I hope it gets better soon!

Cecib :D

Ahh, that totally sucks. D: Our power keeps on going out in the middle of the night, I can tell because all the clocks are wacked up and the cable and stuff is constantly needing to be reset in the morning. Get a fuzzy blanket and drink cold chocolate, practice drawing, play chess...

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