The REAL Way to Bring Your Tama to School!


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Were not supposed to bring it in, but cus we only switch 2x a day i do anyway!! not like any teachers know.....or really care!!!!!

~~~Tiara :furawatchi: I HAVE NAZOTCHI!!

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I always have mine in school. And everyone knows. And several of my friends have them.

And heres the fun part.

We're Juniors in highschool. XD

Its something to do.

Our school hasn't banned them, but you're not allowed to take them in class. I'm sure you can guess what I do.

I used 2 bring mine 2 school but then 1 day I was playing with my V3 at recess with the sound on. Then I went inside and had lunch so the sound was still on but I started talking 2 my friend and I forgot about my tama. Then in Language Arts it beeped in class! My teacher (she's really nice) asked, "What was that?" and I showed her. For a minute she was interested in it and then she remembered I was in trouble so she took it away from me until the end of school (2 hours!)

When I got it back it had gone to the bathroom a few times and was sick, but still 1 heart happy and 1 heart hungry?! I cured it and all was well.

But then the same thing happened in Science class a few weeks later. My science teacher is a little stricter about rules and neatness and order, so she told the other teachers and tamas were banned from school. It turns out that it wasn't only my tama that beeped, because about 20 other kids have them, too. It was happening in class a lot.

Some of my friends still bring theirs 2 school but they only play with it at:

1) Lunch

2) Recess

3) B4 school

4) After school

5) In between classes

So I don't bring mine 2 school anymore. :) :D :ph34r: :) ;)

I bring my tamagotchi to school everyday :D i leave it in my desk unpaused and take care of it when i have free time and no one seems to notice... :)


but there was this one time in 3rd grade where we watching a puppet show and i was playing with my tamagotchi during that time. my teacher saw that my friends and i had tamagotchis and she took it away from us until the end of the day.


but i still brang my tamagotchi to school...

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I bring mines to school EVERY DAY!!!! ALL the teachers know. I even asked my teacher to hold it for gym class. I have a layard. So...ya.

:) 1. Turn off sound

2. Keep in pocket, locker,etc.

3.Check on it when:

-a pit stop


-or a time when nobody is around.

I bring mine to school all the time. Nobody knows....(twilight zone music)
i do that every day at school

when i'm done meh math i just sit there and play... the lang. arts teacher and art teachers allow them to...... the others are toooooooooooo strict... no real hiding involved though, i play seceretly in the other classes and they just don't notice...... the chem teacher's blind as a bat, that may help... LOL!!


I Normally take mine everyday, it's in my side pocket in my bag, and sometimes in my pocket. I always leave the sound turned off: once it wen of in History but luckily every1 was shouting so ma teacher did'nt hear!!! :p :eek: B) :blink: :wacko: :nazotchi: :mimitchi: :blink: :) :angry: :eek: :D :D

PS. I love Emoticons!!!! or whatever they are called!!!

Were not allowed to take them to school! but at my school last year we were! :lol: <_< :( :ph34r: :wacko: :furawatchi: :hitodetchi: :ichigotchi: :kuribotchi: :mametchi: :mimitchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :gozarutchi: :pochitchi:

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I always bring mine to school the best classes to play it is:


homeroom before class starts

health :)

i do practically the same thing and i hid it from the tadle tellers and pause it during emergencies :)

:blink: I live in Trinidad and I bring my tamagotchi to school every day and some teachers know I have it and one teacher seems very intrested in it when it has a baby :) ;) :ph34r: :eek: :blink: :eek: :) :p B) :lol: ;) :eek: :mellow:
cool! You should get v4 I know you'd have v3 relased.

Our Grade6 teacher let us have them in class and occasinaly look after them because she thought it was a good lesson in responsability and stuff so its all good but if they were seen she would get mad. She let us play with em under our desks aslong as we payed attention.

But now im in highschool so Iv gotta be carful!

That reminds me in year 5 there was this big class fight over tamas our year 5 teacher didnt like them in class and the guys hate then sooooooo they told the teacher 2 burn them if they were seen :pochitchi: :mimitchi: <_< But then all the girls were screaming " NOOOOOOOOOOO MY BABY WILL DIE! Lol it was pretty funny me and my friends started yelling" you idiots they will die!!!!!!"

and thats how tamas got banned from our school. But then kids kept bringing them and teachers confiscated them so they got unbanned because they would die otherwise...and we pretended that we couldbt pause them and that if they died we would have to buy another for 25 bucks lol.

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