the rich and sad mimitchi


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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2005
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once there was a mimitchi who was called jojo and she was the richest mimitchi ever but she was really sad because she had no friends so one day she...........

She decided to go over to a group of tamas."Hi",She of them said,"you're the rich tama and we don't like rich tamas"."yeah,rich tamas are mean",said another tama from the group."I'm not mean!",she said,but all the tamas in the group just laughed. <_< :p :puroperatchi: :hitodetchi:

and jojo went away and cried. then from around the corner she heard this voice that said " i wish i had some friends" so jojo walked around the corner and saw a..........

She saw a v2 Ginjigotchi being teased because she was poor.jojo went over and scared away the mean tamas."Thank you,my name is Miri.I am a magical tama and will grant you 1 wish"So jojo said " i wish for.............

me to be even richer! so I can buy you poor suckers as my slaves. Then that mean group of kids will bow down to me. Here is what I bought with my more money, horses, 999 1/2 slaves (I had 1000 but I cut one in half), jewellery, and I had a party for the other very rich Tamas, also I bought a money making machine. So I had trillions until I got even more money when I........ :lol: <_< :unsure:

"Oh no!" Said Jojo and ran to her money machine. "Where is that Ginjigotchi??" Whispered Jojo to herself and found her. "Hey You! What happened to my money machine?" Demanded Jojo. The Ginjigotchi turned around and said...

"I broke it because you were cruel to my people.""YOUR people,HaHa.Miri stop your gabble and fix it.Miri replied"I am the Queen of TamaLand.I came here to see how my people were treated and i find this.I should.......

leave, but I won't if you give me $1000. Ok said JoJo. So the money machine was fixed and JoJo bought 99,999,999,999,999,679,999,999,999,999,991,111,229,999,099,999,999 more. One day Jojo passed a shop window. In it was a very expensive......... :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi: :kuribotchi: :kuribotchi:

A very expensive ring. Jojo was very fond of rings, so she went back to Miri because she needed the $1000 back. "Miri! I back please" Said Jojo. Miri laughed. "You must be crazy. What do you need?" Replied Miri. "A very nice, expensive ring in a very nice, expensive store" Whispered Jojo. Miri thought for a moment and said..

"You are greedy Jojo,i gave my money to the Sprogs Orphanage to help the homeless...

"I WANT THAT RING NOW!!!!!!!!!",Jojo screamed and stomped her foot."You're not going to get what you want if you act like this",Miri said in an angry voice and dissappered in a puff of smoke.Jojo was angry.really angry

But then she calmed down and her money machines made 50,000 mor dollars. She went back to the store and bought all their rings. The she went home got more money and did the same to all the shops in TamagotchiLand. After she had 3,000,000,000,000,000,000

rings, JoJO bought fries, juice and a hamburger. But by accident she dropped a ring on the floor. She didn't want to pick it up......

But the bomb didn't last long, and soon she was more greedy than ever! she robbed a tama bank! the bank manager (a fat robotchi :D ), said.....

give me 100 dollars and you can own this bank. So it was settled. Soon after she became president. Then JoJo bought the Eiffel Tower, Niagra Falls, and..... :D ^_^ :D

Made the worlds largest largest ice cream mountain. but it collapsed on top of her, and her friends had to help her out or she would drown in ice cream! but she didn't have any friends. she called for help.....

then a yoshi ate the ice cream and helped JoJo out.

but jojo said "haha!! u can b my slave!!gwa ha ha!"

but mario (on ds and other games :p ) took yoshi away from her!


( :D ^_^ :D :lol: :lol: :lol: )

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