The Riddlez....


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Feb 10, 2009
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You say a riddle, and the person below has to guess it, easy! But the riddle cant be impossible....

The only rule is the TT rules.

My turn!

1+3= 7 1+5=11 2+8=18 3+7= ?

I think 17.

the rule= (1st number+2nd number)+2nd number

^in bedmas expression. I hope I am right!!

I get it~



ILoveKuchipa, Its one of those Capital letter ones ^^

I think 17.
the rule= (1st number+2nd number)+2nd number

^in bedmas expression. I hope I am right!!
Yup! Thats right!

What has 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs in the afternoon, and 3 legs in the evening?????

A boy was at a fair and tried to steal some candy .The people called the cops.It was going to take some time for the cops to get there so they put him in the room where they put the stuff to make snow cones.The room was locked and the boy couldn't reach the window.But when The cops got there he was gone and there was a pool of water on the floor.How did he get out?

Hint:whats the most important thing needed to make a snow cone?

To Doodle bear Ice.

A guy shot an eagle 3 cops examined it what happened?

Hint: he didn't shoot it with a gun. And the Eagle didn't die.

Er...He took a picture of it?

Deepsea has a fresh wound. There is a piece of metal stuck in it. She knows what can happen if the wound isn't taken care of, yet she makes no effort to remove the metal. What is wrong with Deepsea and why doesn't she remove it and treat the wound?

Answer to my riddle:He was in the ice room and he stood on a big block of ice and climbed out the window.By the time to cops got there,the ice had melted into a pool of water.

^ a chalkboard!

A bus filled with people went from Maine to California. It was full of people when it left from Maine, but when it got to California, there wasn't a single person on the bus. There were no stops in between. No one climbed out the windows or anything like that.

How can this be?

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