The Safari - Nightmare In The Wild


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Memetchi gasped.

"Are you okay, Mametchi?" she asked worriedly.

She stared down at her camera to realize that she had gotten the whole thing on tape.

Well, at least that'll be something to brag about when we get home... if we get home.

Suddenly, the cart gets stuck in mud. "Oh no, what now? Even the rains getting worse!" Ichigotchi moaned.

"Oh dear." I mutter, the cart isn't even moving anymore. I guess it's time to call for help! I grab the emergency phone and call for help, but unlucky as we are today, the power lines are probably struck down because I can't call anyone.

I hop out of the cart and think, my mind spinning. Suddenly I have an Idea!

I grab a piece of the fabric from the top of the cart and four branches, staking them into the ground and attatching it to the fabric, successfully making a small tent. "Everyone get in!"

Ichigotchi brings extra fabric and put it on the grass to make a floor for the tent. She munched on a crispy tuna sandwhich, thinking about everyones parents and how they will be worried.

"Well, we can't sleep here.." Ichigotchi announced "What will we do now?"


everyone gasped as they glimpsed something red scurry from tree to tree. It was Masktchi!

"I was wondering if you guys needed a hand. You paged me, remember Mametchi? Ages ago..." Masktchi looked down shyly. "I, um, got some supplies, and I got some marshmellows."

After seating down comfortably on the fabric, Masktchi crinkled something from his backpack. "Well what are we doing here? It's getting dark, ya know... I thought we could have some roasted marshmellows while we're at it.

PS: Is Masktchi even open?!

"It seems we're doing nicely!" I exclaim, pulling out my flashlight from my pack. "Who's up for ghost stories?"

Suddenly, a big wave of wind goes round us. It seems that its getting pretty windy. Ichigotchi looked in her bag for something. "Aha!" Ichigotchi whispers, pulling out glue. She glued the sticks and fabric tight together. "Aren't y'all going to eat your lunch too? I have something to go with it!" She plucked seeds of her head and shared them equally to everyone. "They make your food, nice and sweet! Trust me!" She squeezed the juice from the seed on her sandwich and munched it. "Mmm.." She said to herself.

(From Now On I Play Both Mametchi and Kikitchi.)

As Mametchi and friends sat around a newly-built campfire eating strawberry seeds, Mametchi heard a rustling behind him. A figure emerged! It was Kikitchi!

"Kikitchi, we never knew you were going to come! How did you come so late, its--" Ichigotchi checked her watch "7pm! I guess we have to skip dinner guys. Who knows when this rain is going to end.."

While all this was going on, Masktchi had remembered his shy personality, and had kept himself to himself. "I'm tired," Masktchi lay down, exhausted from being shy. "Where are we going to sleep?"

Kikitchi walked over and joined the group. "Hey guys. It took forever to find you!"

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