The scariest thing


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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2006
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What was the scariest thing tha ghappened to you Tamagotchi. Post them here.

Let me start. The scariest thing that happened to my V3 was when I left it in the toilet at KFC when I had only had it for a day. When I got into the car I was searching for my V3 everywhere. Then I realized that I had left in the KFC toilet. I went back to the toilets but it wasn't there. I was very upset. When I was just about to get into the car a lady called from across the road. She said, 'Did you leave a virtual pet in the KFC toilet?' I said yes. Then she said that she had left it at the counter. I was so relieved. I thanked the lady and went back into KFC and went to the counter. A man was wearing my V3 around his neck. I asked him for my V3. He gave it to me. I was soooooooooooo happy.

There's my story.

mine was worse i didnt leave in kfc i left it on the bus with my game boy we had to wait 4 hours for the bus to come bak

The scariest thing that ever happened to my V3 was when I dicided to see if I could connect it to the TV remote, at that exact second when I pressed conect the power went out. Luckely it was just a quincedence 'cause there was a storm at the time. Still it creeped me out! :furawatchi: :ichigotchi:

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I once left it on the bus (Like dynotama) and I had them on a chain.

I had 5 on a chain, I think.

But I never saw them again.

But it's ok, because my mom felt so bad that she gave me the money it cost for them.

:ichigotchi: Alimania :furawatchi:

Going back to what alimania said about a chain, when I was seven, I carried all of my virtual pets on a chain too. I have a picture of it. Hanging it around my neck was like duck taping a gallon of milk to your head so I just dragged it around. I am 14 now so that was a long time ago already. I must of had thirty something of them. Not just tamagotchis but all the other old ones from '96 like giga pets and nano pets ect. I only have one older model of tamagotchi left, thayts it none of the others so im taking real good care of it!

My scareist moment :

When I was little I had a vurtual pet frog thing like tamagotchi. I brought it at a zoo gift shop in florida. One day the battery cover got stuck inside the toy and wouldnt come off so I had to have my grandpa open it up in a similar way you would debugg a tama and taped the battery in then he dropped it when it was still open and all the screws ran away. my grandpa taped it back together. he was all like " Dont worry I can fix it relax " and he taped it together but it diddnt work. I gave him a hug for trying. :( poor froggy. :angry:

I had this old V3.I give it to my little brother for 3 days. And he lost it! (Well he's only 6) Anyway I got another one.

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