The Secret Life Of A Makiko


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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2008
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There was once a beautiful Makiko named Marie. Marie was an A+ student, Student Council President, and was very involved in after school activities. Yet, no boys would ask her out. One day, Mary asked her friend Gigi, who was an Itchigotchi, "Why will no boy ask me out?" So Gigi said, "Try wearing makeup!" So Marie did. But still, nobody would ask her out. Marie got so depressed, she started living in a cardboard box on the middle of the road. She was still beautiful and smart, but she had no parents and no one to go home to. One rainy day, Marie was sitting in her Box-House, and a Kuromametchi walked up to her and said...

~Please keep it going and make it a semi-sad story.

come with me I will give you the time of your life they went to his house and weht his bedroom they woo hood and she finally felt like she belonged and she kept going back to his house and woo hood some more and one day she told him she was pregnant and he abused her so she ran away her parents didn't know what happened so they did nothing they thought she was having a sleep over...

then he kidnapped her and he forced her to marry him and after awhile she loved him. She was still a teen but she was pregnant...

She was crying as she began to show more and more...

That was what she thought at first. But then she noticed that she was still in the KuroMametchi's house. Then, she had an egg! It was a girl :furawatchi: ! Marie named it Gabriella.

suddenly she felt kicking there was another but it wouldnt pop out it was stuck and Kuromametchi came and abused her yelling come on do it all ready and he cursed finally it popped out but then he took her to bed and woo hood with her

her water broke she was about to have triplets but they wouldn't pop out she was in labor for days it turned into weeks they couldn't preform a c-sectionor it would kill her so they had to keep her going for months now she was crting at the top of her lungs WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME over and over she started to curse then the doctors said she must push harder or the babies will die in the next week......

She managed to push out the babies.

Together with her children, Gabriella and the young mimitchi, Anne, she ran away from her evil husband.

As she ran, it started to rain. She was cold, wet and hungry. Her children were crying.

Suddenly, she spotted a well.

She walked over to it, and drank a bucket full of water, and she fed some to her children.

She wanted to drink more, but as she leaned over, she fell into the well!

"MUMMY!!" her children wailed.

But Marie was falling, falling, falling.

It was a long fall.

And soon, it didn't feel like falling.

She felt like she was floating, or flying rather.

After a few minutes, she landed.

She landed in a sunny green field with flowers and a clear blue sky.

There were many friendly-looking tamas.

She suddenly became very happy, to have found the place.

But she remembered her children, who were still left alone, in danger of their father finding them

so at the top of her lungs she shouted to her children " CHILDREN CHILDREN I KNOW THIS MAY SOUND CRAZY BUT U NEED TO JUMP INTO THE WELL IF U DON'T UR EVIL FATHER TO CATCH U!" the children heard what her mother had shouted and thought she might have bumped her head a bit to hard........ but then in the distance they saw thier evil father running towards them so they decided to jump................

continue the story.......

They jumped in and they landed in a mysterious place.

It was a place with very old tamas.

They were surprised to see the two children.

One old lady tama asked them if they were lost.

They said yes, they needed to find their mother, who was a makiko.

The old lady said, "I remember some news about a makiko landing in Sparkle Valley...did you come from the well?"

The children nodded.

"Ahh, you jumped through the transporting well. The well takes whoever jumps in it to four different places. Sparkle Valley, Riri Fields, Coldsilver Town and here, Peaceful Village. Your mother landed Sparkle Valley."

Gabriella finally found her courage to speak and said, "How do we get to Sparkle Valley?"

Then she began telling the old lady tama about her father, and how their mother ran away.

The old lady tama told them the directions to Sparkle Valley.

But to get there, they had to cross Coldsilver Town.

A western town with many gangsters.

The children survived, but they were lost.

They were blown away by the impact of the bomb.

"Where do you think we are?" Anna asked.

"I dunno..." Gabriella replied. "Remember what the old lady said? I think we may"

"Oh no..." Anne gasped. She looked around them.


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The children were scared, really scared. A friendly-looking girl appeared and saw the poor little children. "Hi, I'm Yinu, are you guys looking for some protection from those freaks?" The girl asked. The children nodded, Yinu followed them just to be sure those nasty gangsters didn't follow. A mean guy stepped out on their path out of the blue. "Gimme all your money and nobody gets hurt, all--" Yinu had him knocked out before he even got to finish his sentence. The children gasped, "I have black belt in Tek Kwon Do." Yinu explained.

They finally got of that horrible town. Yinu decided to come and continue to protect them although the most terrible happened to her...

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Yinu dozed off and a gangster carried her off! Then they knocked the children out.

When they woke up, they...

Were in Sparkle Valley! The children saw a their evil father so they ran away. Their mother was nowhere to be seen. A Viioletchi came to them and said "Hello...who are you?".They said nothing about their names but they said "Where are we?We're looking for our mom, a makiko."."Sorry, I didnt see any Makiko" said Violetchi. Then they walked around for a while but their evil father ran to them saying "Where is your mother? I saw her jumping in a well and ending up somewhere around here." then the children....

lied to their evil father that their mother is in coldsilver town so their evil father ran back and they all starts to search for their mother...

Why won't someone reply :nazotchi: ||l|l

while Marie woke up and found her self in someone's house she looked around and saw another violetchi with her pet,Drips "You finally woke up~Oh!How rude of me~My name is Rina and my pet Drips"Rinu said"And this is my brother,Rick"Rinu said pointing to a Kizatchi "where did you come from miss?and what's you're name?"Rinu asked Marie

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