the shapeshifter series


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Feb 17, 2013
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hi everyone! this is a book im writing, it's about Alice and Louisa, two young princesses. they are faced with difficult challenges as they to be accepted in a world that, unfortunately, is unable to accept anything but the 'norm'. this novel touches on some of the extreme things that happen in our world, such as abusive parents. THIS IS A BOOK FOR OLDER READERS. for the sake of tamatalk i shall delete any swear words. i will remind you once again, the things that happen to the young girls are rare events and if any of what happens in this book happens to you TELL SOMEONE.

now that I've got the mini lecture over, i thought it would important that they don't live on earth :) pls tell me what you think of my story (i want to be a part time writer when im older) i wont mind if you say its rubbish (tht doesnt give you an excuse though... ;) ) anyway! on with the story!

Chapter 1- Louisa

I remember the day I first opened my eyes to the world. Even though it was a
bleak hospital it seemed beautiful and full of colour. I was wrapped in a soft rainbow coloured blanket with gold trimming. I was placed

gently into my mother’s arms, I stared into her dark eyes. I felt weird like there was part of me missing and then I realised why. I had

always had someone else speaking in my head, and now that voice was gone. I
wailed, yearning the comfort of another voice that didn’t come. After a few minutes I was put in a large cot, and although I was surrounded by people

I felt alone. Suddenly my mum’s screams filled the room and then another
wailing interrupted mine. Then I heard it. The voice! It was back!

I waited impatiently for the person that held that voice, and then another baby

was placed by my side.

“she’s got red hair” I heard my farther mutter, what did that matter?
I blinked at her, my sister.


She stared back at me, and there we lay, comforted by each other’s presence.

We grew up closer than the sky and the clouds, always on the same wave length. I was the only one who could snap her out of her dreadful curse placed on her when she was one month old. She very frequently activated her curse, because our parents decided that because she had red hair, that she had to be evil. So they punished her for every little thing such as being sat with her back not perfectly straight, in which case she would need her back whipped until there was no skin left on it. She still had to do training and school so her skin never properly healed.

I was always there for her when she needed me.

“You’re so lucky Sapphire and John” she never called Sapphire and John ‘mum’ and ‘dad’ “got back before they could put that horrible curse on you” Alice sighed, her shoulders slumping.

“I know. It was just a couple of extreme anti-royalists, but maybe mum and dad interrupted the spell and it might not be completed so it will go away in a couple of years” I replied soothingly.

“I hope so” she muttered then suddenly she said “I’m scared to make friends in case we fall out and I hurt them”

“Well, who needs friends? After all I’m always here” I grinned at her and she smiled back gratefully.

It seems to be quite a full blown conversation for a couple of six year olds to have, but us shape-shifters mature fast. We find out who we are destined to at the age of sixteen and at the age of twenty two we carry on ageing just not in looks.

Unbelievable! I’m in isolation, on Valentine’s Day! Talk about bad timing, it all started when I came to school this morning...

I could tell something was up. Yeah, we get stared at quite a fair bit because we’re princesses and all, but not THIS much. Unfortunately I had my own suspicions about what was going on, it is Valentine’s Day. We may only be in year three, but we still had our own dance to go to. There was one boy I wanted to go with, but he was a little shy and probably wouldn’t ask me. As Sapphire and John said ‘it is highly inappropriate for the girl to ask the boy’, which is why I haven’t asked him.

Louisa on the other hand was safe, she already had a boyfriend. He is sweet, kind and funny, his name is Dulcis, which means sweet or agreeable.

As I predicted, the second I got into the school building, I was bombarded with people all asking me to go with them to the dance. They obviously knew they had competition, so some of them had gone to the bother of buying me flowers and other small gifts.

“Right, if you were going to ask me out, go over there” I pointed to the left hand side of the class room “and I’ll make up my mind”

The entirety of the single year three boy population shuffled to the left hand side, including the one I wanted. He stood awkwardly at the back; in his hand was a diamond necklace.

‘dang!’ I thought, they’re expensive, even for us. I walked forward through the crowd towards him. My Esseniol.

“I have chosen” I whispered when I reached him. He looked up, shocked to see me there. I smiled to reassure him, unlike the other idiots in my class, he was sweet, realistic. Definitely my type. Slowly he smiled back, I think he was waiting for me to tell him it was all just a big joke and I was choosing someone else. The thought of leaving him made my smile disappear. Esseniol frowned, wondering whether he had done something wrong or not. I didn’t have to use my mind reading powers to tell what he was thinking as all males are transparent, and can’t hide what they are thinking from a blind person.

“Oh, come on! You have to be joking!” Shouted Egovolantas. He was the most popular boy in our year, he clearly wasn’t happy about the fact that his spot was about to be taken away from him.

“Nope, popularity doesn’t but you anything on my score board” I replied

“Huh” he muttered. “Have you seen what I got you? Isn’t it amazing?”

I glanced over; he produced a shiny ring made exactly to my size. I instantly recognised it as the ring I had lost the day I brought it in to nursery. Moving at the speed of light I snatched the ring out of his hand, even though Sapphire and John always say; ‘it is highly unladylike to snatch’. Upon turning the ring over, I saw my initials carved into the rare and expensive metal and the familiar scratch where my nail caught when I put it on. There was no doubt about it. Egovolantas had stolen the ring.

Chapter 3- Alice (never trust the seemingly innocent)

“You little bastard” I stared straight into his eyes. “Don’t think I don’t know how you got this”

What does he think I am? Stupid?! He had nerve giving me this ring; did he think he was getting away with it? Honestly some people are hopeless in the common sense department. Not me though. This is why I hit him, which is why I’m in isolation on Valentine’s Day, instead of making out with my new boyfriend. I tried explaining how M-A-D mad my parents would be when they found out that I hadn’t started my relationship fast. To which I got an hour long lecture on how I was too young to be in a committed relationship. All I heard was ‘blah, blah, blah, wait till you’re sixteen dear, blah, blah, blah’. Did they really call me ‘dear’? How sad. They clearly saw me as a little angel (no pun about my height intended). On top of that my parents would get worked up over the fact that I: A) hit someone B) was in isolation or C) all of the above. They would probably blame my behaviour on my blood red hair, which is clearly a symbol of the devil. I sighed, they said they would let me out at lunch, but can’t trust what they say as I’m pretty certain the lunch bell has already gone (though I am going off how hungry I am).

Finally! They are letting me out now! Thank god, I am hungry; I could have eaten the desk. Well maybe not, but you know what I mean. The first thing I’ve got to do is to find Esseniol. That won’t take that much skill, he’s most likely outside playing football with his mates being a typical boy. Hopefully. It’s really annoying when boys stop acting like normal I-don’t-care-if-I-get-mud-on-me boy just because they are going out with someone more popular than them. Whoever that girl is they love you for who you are, not who can pretend to be.

Thankfully, I was right about Esseniol playing football. Even if it did mean I had to trek across the muddy field to get to him as the school rules state that only year sixes were allowed to fly on school premises. I could argue that technically my family owned the school so surely I could fly over it. That would take effort and a lot of trouble on my part.

When the boys finally noticed me watching from the sidelines, they all came to an abrupt halt. I didn’t see why they had to stop just for me. Ok, I was the only girlfriend supporting her boyfriend in the game. Most girls were scared of the mud, and ‘supported’ from the concrete, where they chatted and paid no attention to the game whatsoever.

“Hey, what you doing here?” Esseniol asked

“I came to find you. We were interrupted this morning” I replied

“Oh, here” he fished in his pocket before producing the diamond necklace. It looked beautiful and would go nicely with the teardrop shaped earrings I have. In the centre of the clear crystal was a drop of red. This was no ordinary necklace. To make one of these you had to donate part of your soul to make the diamond perfectly clear and a drop of your blood for the centre. I didn’t know how I had missed it before, we had one in our household, it was a present from John to Sapphire. They were the ultimate gift, apart from a blood bond, that you could give. I was shocked that he would do that for me, I mean, he barely knows me! Still it was sweet of him.

“Thank you, it’s beautiful” I whispered, still in shock. He lifted it over my head and fastened it at the back. He looked like he wanted to say something, but didn’t know how to, so I said what I wanted to say.

Chapter 4-Louisa (“it is highly inappropriate...”)

Boom. The feeling of pleasure overwhelmed me. Clearly Alice needed reminding that our parents wouldn’t be too pleased with her as ‘it is highly inappropriate for the girl to start the kisses. If I got there quick enough, her punishment shouldn’t be that severe. I ran across the muddy field not caring about the strange looks I was getting. For goddess’ sake why did she have to be at the far end? It’s a bog and I’m ruining my shoes. I can see her, still at it.

“Alice! It’s highly inappropriate for...” I started

“I know!” she turned on me, she was angry as hell. dang. “I don’t care! Sapphire and John will just have to deal!” her wings unfolded stretching out to their full length. She was ready and willing to fight, something else was on her mind. The sound of her growling pulled me back into reality. At first I thought she was growling at me, but then I came to my senses, she would never growl at me, even if she was really annoyed at me. Her eyes also gave evidence that she wasn’t growling at me. They weren’t focused on me, but slightly behind my left shoulder. Turning I saw Egovolantas the most popular boy in our year. Don’t know why though, he may be rich, but he is ugly as hell. I don’t know what his ex-girlfriend saw in him. Confused as to why Alice was picking a fight with him (yet again) for no reason, I decided to use my mind reading powers to determine what the situation was.

After sifting through the mental chaos that was Egovolantas’ brain, I had discovered that he had taken the ring when we were in nursery. He then planned to give it to Alice as a present, assuming she had forgotten about it and would be mesmerised by the beautiful expensive ring. Alas it wasn’t to be, Alice has the memory of an elephant and would remember that ring even if you replaced her brain. Well that's a bit farfetched but still...

“Why’d you take it?” I asked, stepping forward. He looked nervous; he knew that we both knew and that we had the upper hand in this game.

I should’ve been paying attention, he had run forward and had grabbed my hair, I remembered him saying how he was a black belt in all martial arts including the magic ones. We, however, may be very powerful, but we weren’t masters when it came to using them. I wait patiently, knowing Al would come to my rescue, but all our luck had run out. As she ran towards my captor, he smiled slowly, muttering something under his breath he lifted his free hand and shot pure power at Alice. The force of it flung her to the ground unconscious. I was, for the first time in my life, afraid. What would he do to me? I stayed perfectly still, not wanting to set him off on a mad killing spree. What to do.

Chapter 5- Esseniol (when the going gets tough, the tough gets going)

It was awful. She lay on the muddy floor, looking like a broken rag doll. Oh, goddess, what if she is broken?! He was going to pay for what he had done. As the old saying goes: “when the going gets tough the tough gets going”. I made myself invisible and crept towards my beloved’s sister’s captor. He stood no chance, standing there, totally unaware of his surroundings.

“You gonna call for help? Cos no one can hear you out here” he taunted Louisa. She may not, but I can. My power is to broadcast messages over long distances, and send it to one person instead of everyone in range. I focused my powers on the strongest teacher, the magic teacher.

‘Help!’ I screamed in my mind, the teacher was clearly disturbed by the sudden and un-explained plea, but came anyway.

To cut a long story short, Egovolantas was suspended from school, Louisa was fine and Alice was revived and sent to the bathrooms to clean the mud off her. Which is taking her an awfully long time, I hope she’s ok.

I should really be paying attention to our pixish lesson, Alice loves pixish, and both she and her sister are really good at it.

“That doesn’t, however, give you the excuse to ignore my lesson Esseniol”

dang I had forgotten the teacher could mind read. Though she had a point, it would be mean to use Al, just to get the answers for my pixish homework.

“Right, you can write me an essay on why we should pay attention in class, all in pixish.”

Double dang. I’m taking Alice to my house tonight, no time for homework, ah well, it was my fault. Just at the moment when I’m about to start paying attention to class, I’m distracted yet again. Alice had just walked on, looking stunning, as per usual. She had washed her hair and curled it so it shone and bounced gently on her shoulders. She had changed her outfit to a really rather skimpy, black, over laced thing that showed off her tiny body. Ooh, that got me a glare. Better apologise later. Or now.


That got a smile.

“It’s ok, handsome”

I blushed; I wasn’t very good at love stuff it got to me. Though I guessed I would have to get used to it as Alice seemed obsessed with going as fast as possible. Too fast for me.

‘Sorry handsome, parent issues’. That seemed odd to me, but then again her parents probably had high expectations.

Chapter 6- Alice (Great expectations)

He’d hit home. My parents had very high expectations. They could even get violent when I get it wrong. So unfair. They hate me just because of who I am. What I look like. My personality and how I act.

Unbelievable! I’m in isolation, on Valentine’s Day! Talk about bad timing, it all started when I came to school this morning...

I could tell something was up. Yeah, we get stared at quite a fair bit because we’re princesses and all, but not THIS much. Unfortunately I had my own suspicions about what was going on, it is Valentine’s Day. We may only be in year three, but we still had our own dance to go to. There was one boy I wanted to go with, but he was a little shy and probably wouldn’t ask me. As Sapphire and John said ‘it is highly inappropriate for the girl to ask the boy’, which is why I haven’t asked him.

Louisa on the other hand was safe, she already had a boyfriend. He is sweet, kind and funny, his name is Dulcis, which means sweet or agreeable.

As I predicted, the second I got into the school building, I was bombarded with people all asking me to go with them to the dance. They obviously knew they had competition, so some of them had gone to the bother of buying me flowers and other small gifts.

“Right, if you were going to ask me out, go over there” I pointed to the left hand side of the class room “and I’ll make up my mind”

The entirety of the single year three boy population shuffled to the left hand side, including the one I wanted. He stood awkwardly at the back; in his hand was a diamond necklace.

‘dang!’ I thought, they’re expensive, even for us. I walked forward through the crowd towards him. My Esseniol.

“I have chosen” I whispered when I reached him. He looked up, shocked to see me there. I smiled to reassure him, unlike the other idiots in my class, he was sweet, realistic. Definitely my type. Slowly he smiled back, I think he was waiting for me to tell him it was all just a big joke and I was choosing someone else. The thought of leaving him made my smile disappear. Esseniol frowned, wondering whether he had done something wrong or not. I didn’t have to use my mind reading powers to tell what he was thinking as all males are transparent, and can’t hide what they are thinking from a blind person.

“Oh, come on! You have to be joking!” Shouted Egovolantas. He was the most popular boy in our year, he clearly wasn’t happy about the fact that his spot was about to be taken away from him.

“Nope, popularity doesn’t but you anything on my score board” I replied

“Huh” he muttered. “Have you seen what I got you? Isn’t it amazing?”

I glanced over; he produced a shiny ring made exactly to my size. I instantly recognised it as the ring I had lost the day I brought it in to nursery. Moving at the speed of light I snatched the ring out of his hand, even though Sapphire and John always say; ‘it is highly unladylike to snatch’. Upon turning the ring over, I saw my initials carved into the rare and expensive metal and the familiar scratch where my nail caught when I put it on. There was no doubt about it. Egovolantas had stolen the ring.

Chapter 3- Alice (never trust the seemingly innocent)

“You little bastard” I stared straight into his eyes. “Don’t think I don’t know how you got this”

What does he think I am? Stupid?! He had nerve giving me this ring; did he think he was getting away with it? Honestly some people are hopeless in the common sense department. Not me though. This is why I hit him, which is why I’m in isolation on Valentine’s Day, instead of making out with my new boyfriend. I tried explaining how M-A-D mad my parents would be when they found out that I hadn’t started my relationship fast. To which I got an hour long lecture on how I was too young to be in a committed relationship. All I heard was ‘blah, blah, blah, wait till you’re sixteen dear, blah, blah, blah’. Did they really call me ‘dear’? How sad. They clearly saw me as a little angel (no pun about my height intended). On top of that my parents would get worked up over the fact that I: A) hit someone B) was in isolation or C) all of the above. They would probably blame my behaviour on my blood red hair, which is clearly a symbol of the devil. I sighed, they said they would let me out at lunch, but can’t trust what they say as I’m pretty certain the lunch bell has already gone (though I am going off how hungry I am).

Finally! They are letting me out now! Thank god, I am hungry; I could have eaten the desk. Well maybe not, but you know what I mean. The first thing I’ve got to do is to find Esseniol. That won’t take that much skill, he’s most likely outside playing football with his mates being a typical boy. Hopefully. It’s really annoying when boys stop acting like normal I-don’t-care-if-I-get-mud-on-me boy just because they are going out with someone more popular than them. Whoever that girl is they love you for who you are, not who can pretend to be.

Thankfully, I was right about Esseniol playing football. Even if it did mean I had to trek across the muddy field to get to him as the school rules state that only year sixes were allowed to fly on school premises. I could argue that technically my family owned the school so surely I could fly over it. That would take effort and a lot of trouble on my part.

When the boys finally noticed me watching from the sidelines, they all came to an abrupt halt. I didn’t see why they had to stop just for me. Ok, I was the only girlfriend supporting her boyfriend in the game. Most girls were scared of the mud, and ‘supported’ from the concrete, where they chatted and paid no attention to the game whatsoever.

“Hey, what you doing here?” Esseniol asked

“I came to find you. We were interrupted this morning” I replied

“Oh, here” he fished in his pocket before producing the diamond necklace. It looked beautiful and would go nicely with the teardrop shaped earrings I have. In the centre of the clear crystal was a drop of red. This was no ordinary necklace. To make one of these you had to donate part of your soul to make the diamond perfectly clear and a drop of your blood for the centre. I didn’t know how I had missed it before, we had one in our household, it was a present from John to Sapphire. They were the ultimate gift, apart from a blood bond, that you could give. I was shocked that he would do that for me, I mean, he barely knows me! Still it was sweet of him.

“Thank you, it’s beautiful” I whispered, still in shock. He lifted it over my head and fastened it at the back. He looked like he wanted to say something, but didn’t know how to, so I said what I wanted to say.

Chapter 4-Louisa (“it is highly inappropriate...”)

Boom. The feeling of pleasure overwhelmed me. Clearly Alice needed reminding that our parents wouldn’t be too pleased with her as ‘it is highly inappropriate for the girl to start the kisses. If I got there quick enough, her punishment shouldn’t be that severe. I ran across the muddy field not caring about the strange looks I was getting. For goddess’ sake why did she have to be at the far end? It’s a bog and I’m ruining my shoes. I can see her, still at it.

“Alice! It’s highly inappropriate for...” I started

“I know!” she turned on me, she was angry as hell. dang. “I don’t care! Sapphire and John will just have to deal!” her wings unfolded stretching out to their full length. She was ready and willing to fight, something else was on her mind. The sound of her growling pulled me back into reality. At first I thought she was growling at me, but then I came to my senses, she would never growl at me, even if she was really annoyed at me. Her eyes also gave evidence that she wasn’t growling at me. They weren’t focused on me, but slightly behind my left shoulder. Turning I saw Egovolantas the most popular boy in our year. Don’t know why though, he may be rich, but he is ugly as hell. I don’t know what his ex-girlfriend saw in him. Confused as to why Alice was picking a fight with him (yet again) for no reason, I decided to use my mind reading powers to determine what the situation was.

After sifting through the mental chaos that was Egovolantas’ brain, I had discovered that he had taken the ring when we were in nursery. He then planned to give it to Alice as a present, assuming she had forgotten about it and would be mesmerised by the beautiful expensive ring. Alas it wasn’t to be, Alice has the memory of an elephant and would remember that ring even if you replaced her brain. Well that's a bit farfetched but still...

“Why’d you take it?” I asked, stepping forward. He looked nervous; he knew that we both knew and that we had the upper hand in this game.

I should’ve been paying attention, he had run forward and had grabbed my hair, I remembered him saying how he was a black belt in all martial arts including the magic ones. We, however, may be very powerful, but we weren’t masters when it came to using them. I wait patiently, knowing Al would come to my rescue, but all our luck had run out. As she ran towards my captor, he smiled slowly, muttering something under his breath he lifted his free hand and shot pure power at Alice. The force of it flung her to the ground unconscious. I was, for the first time in my life, afraid. What would he do to me? I stayed perfectly still, not wanting to set him off on a mad killing spree. What to do.

Chapter 5- Esseniol (when the going gets tough, the tough gets going)

It was awful. She lay on the muddy floor, looking like a broken rag doll. Oh, goddess, what if she is broken?! He was going to pay for what he had done. As the old saying goes: “when the going gets tough the tough gets going”. I made myself invisible and crept towards my beloved’s sister’s captor. He stood no chance, standing there, totally unaware of his surroundings.

“You gonna call for help? Cos no one can hear you out here” he taunted Louisa. She may not, but I can. My power is to broadcast messages over long distances, and send it to one person instead of everyone in range. I focused my powers on the strongest teacher, the magic teacher.

‘Help!’ I screamed in my mind, the teacher was clearly disturbed by the sudden and un-explained plea, but came anyway.

To cut a long story short, Egovolantas was suspended from school, Louisa was fine and Alice was revived and sent to the bathrooms to clean the mud off her. Which is taking her an awfully long time, I hope she’s ok.

I should really be paying attention to our pixish lesson, Alice loves pixish, and both she and her sister are really good at it.

“That doesn’t, however, give you the excuse to ignore my lesson Esseniol”

dang I had forgotten the teacher could mind read. Though she had a point, it would be mean to use Al, just to get the answers for my pixish homework.

“Right, you can write me an essay on why we should pay attention in class, all in pixish.”

Double dang. I’m taking Alice to my house tonight, no time for homework, ah well, it was my fault. Just at the moment when I’m about to start paying attention to class, I’m distracted yet again. Alice had just walked on, looking stunning, as per usual. She had washed her hair and curled it so it shone and bounced gently on her shoulders. She had changed her outfit to a really rather skimpy, black, over laced thing that showed off her tiny body. Ooh, that got me a glare. Better apologise later. Or now.


That got a smile.

“It’s ok, handsome”

I blushed; I wasn’t very good at love stuff it got to me. Though I guessed I would have to get used to it as Alice seemed obsessed with going as fast as possible. Too fast for me.

‘Sorry handsome, parent issues’. That seemed odd to me, but then again her parents probably had high expectations.

Chapter 6- Alice (Great expectations)

He’d hit home. My parents had very high expectations. They could even get violent when I get it wrong. So unfair. They hate me just because of who I am. What I look like. My personality and how I act.

just wanted to mention that the B) are supposed to be: B ) also sorry if i posted any swear words, i was really tired and i forgot to go through it before i posted. sorry if i offended anyone with my language ^_^ please reply and say what you think of it, I dont care if you say it's awful, i want to see what people think about my rubbish writing! :)

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