The Story of Moonshine.


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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2006
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England, Surrey UK
Moonshine was a unicorn, who lived in the forest , where there were ruby red flowers grew up the silver and gold trees.

She was the last unicorn on earth. Years and years ago, every unicorn had gone, except Moonshine...

When humans happened to see her, they would tie a rope around her neck and pull her away from her forest.Luckily, Moonshine was quick and always managed to break free again, but this unicorn was so lonely.

Back when the other unicorns were around, Moonshine lived up above the clouds, in the magical world of Hope. But when she woke up, she was in a feild full of buttercups and daises. She was so confused, and fled away to the deepest darkest parts of the forests far away in the countryside...

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This human was a girl called Lily.

She loved horses, and when she saw Moonshine she was so surprised.

Moonshine led the girl around the countryside, and they came to a bubbling stream with wild roses growing all around it.

Moonshine needed a nice cool drink, and as she leaned down to the stream it started to ripple and a picture appeared. :ph34r:

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