The story of Raiden


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[SIZE=11pt]May 20[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]So today we finished the driving and this was the first time for Raiden to go to my home, where my parents live. We won’t be staying long but today he is 21 and met my little sister for the first time. She wasn’t so into him as I was (he is so cute how can I not find him totally adorable… but teenagers it’s either something mean followed by a long sullen silence or a long sullen silence followed by something mean)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]We had the BBQ dinner that became all about my Masters and… that was not optimal for me, but what can you do. Smile and nod you can’t cry while you’re smiling. Other than that we relaxed in the really nice summer weather that hasn’t hit where I live yet ( I am North and my parents live more south..) so that was nice. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]May 21[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Today we woke up and had to pack up and then coordinate with the grand plan of dropping me off and getting to the conference and checking in and doing the meet and greet. It’s the hey i haven’t seen you for a year lets catch up or you’re a new face who are you? And it goes into what’s your project do you have a talk or poster while we eat free food. It’s great. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]So Raiden spent the day in my pocket, not too exciting for a 22 year old but in tama years he is really old and needs to take it easy. He got to listen in on all the fun chit chat we had and the walk we decided to go on as it was hot inside and sooo nice outside. There was boughts of getting lost, giving up, and succeeding in our mission, all in all not a terrible day busy and chaotic but not bad.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]May 22[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Raiden is 23 today and he spent the day in lectures, and talking to people and cursing the swill that they dared call coffee, and learning some pretty awesome stuff. It was really awesome, I took some basic notes (the lecture room got hot and so that’s how you stay awake in a lecture. Take notes). I won’t go into too much detail as for the most part no one really cares, or they won’t understand or whatever. But if you do care and are interested in an RNA conference then be my guest to ask me all about it. Today was also the first day that Raiden had an empty meter. It was filled before his attention icon turned off so I’m hoping that it won’t affect him in the long run. It’s hard to tell. It was his hungry meter his happy still had a single heart and he didn’t get sick nor did the icon turn off (as in I left it too long that he has given up hope that I care). So I am really hoping that everything is going to be okay.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]May 23[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Today Raiden is 24 and we took it easy on him, meaning I made sure not to extend his 4 hour limit of alone time and things seemed to work out. Today we were much more tired than yesterday and the lecture hall that the talks were in was much colder and the coffee was just as evil and gross. So it was hard to pay attention but he also heard me present my poster and I had no seriously hard questions (which I was disappointed about). After posters we went on adventure and google maps got us lost and I almost died and finally we found the restaurant and much to my relief (and Raidens) I did not die. I may have been a little late in catching him going to bed (7 minutes so his attention light was still on so this is still considered a close call). But today we spoke with my new supervisor touched base on my new research project (for the PhD) met his other student and all in all it was a good experience and I am ever so glad Raiden was there with me and didn’t die.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]May 24[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]We made it home and today is the day we have had our first full fledged care miss. That’s right I am that person today. We had a long drive back and I knew I let him go a little long on his alone time. He can tolerate 4 hours and be okay. But he went 5. So his hungry meter was empty and his attention icon was off. He was okay other than that and had a single happy heart. So this counts as his first full blown care miss. So if there is a limit of 5 we will find out if not we will also find that out. But do I have the fear that the two close calls and the one full on will affect him later in life? Yes, Yes I do. Will I beat myself up about it? Already did and I have moved on.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]But Raiden lived to 25 years old he is half a century. And he is also older than I am. He is my longest living Tamagotchi ever hands down. He has reached my next goal so what comes next getting to 30! Can we do this? Yes, I think so? Will my goals get longer? We shall see i like these goals every 5 days I get to celebrate. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]May 25[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]So we are back to our routine. Wake up to my alarm get breakfast coffee and dressed and off to the lab. It all worked out quite well until we got to 2:30 my time and that was it. Raiden felt his age and I felt like an old man. We are both dead on our feet tired so we called it quits and tried to work we really did… So we did other things. Working on the stuff in between draft 1 and draft 2 of a book that I have been working on for over a year, adventuring Unova winning a gym badge catching a munna…. (whatever that is) and trying not to sleep. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Right I suppose I should say that Raiden did not die today. He is 26 years old and had the usual stellar care that he had grown accustomed to. At most he was missing a single hungry heart and a single happy heart at the same time and that only happened once. All the rest it was down one and I topped him up. 4 more days until he’s 30 and we have reached our next goal.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]May 26[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Raiden is 27 and celebrating friday. I don’t normally but this was a friday I needed. I am tired and I think I’m dying the sun is giving me melanoma and I might have spring allergies…. Ugh! But silver lining we did the one walk everyone should do once attending my University and that’s walk down the hill… it’s about 4-5 km so it was a good hour walk. Not too shabby I got to catch up on my Game of thrones book (I think I’m on book three near the end I can’t give more without spoilers -- also books are way better and the shows cut some major plot lines!!!!). I am one of those people who can easily d o2-3 things at once I can go up to five successfully which is why I can write a book, watch netflix work on my thesis defense learn a language and run 4 tamagotchis quite easily (also lab work is a thing I do). I thrive on chaos it seems…. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]So anyways back to Raiden this is his story not mine and I’m sure everyone is tired and bored with my ramblings. So we bought the 1200 gp melon, and that was pretty much all the cash he had. So he will be eating that melon until we have made that money back (and that should take some time as I have gotten into the habit of the sprint game and if you win 30gp if you lose 0 and there’s a 33.333333…. Chance of winning. Also I can press the B button a couple times and set it down and do my own thing. Wow this is longer than I had thought, so until next time![/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]May 27[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]So today Raiden is 28 years old and he is doing well, we have had no sicknesses or deaths or anything like that. He was a tad chubby but at the time you are reading this or I am typing this, his chubs has been dealt with. He has no pooch for all the extra cookies. He is the perfect tamagotchi to have around when you take a nap, he doesn’t get mail or demand my attention during my nap (in fact I could have had a 4 hour nap before he would need me) so all in all he is my best buddy right now. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]May 28[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Today Raiden is 29 years old…. And we witnessed our first lost magicarp…. Yeah that’s right you can get yours stolen by a pigeotto….. Well needless to day Raiden was shocked it was shocking. His beloved carp just up and vanished right before his eyes. (Don’t worry we have a replacement and Raiden is okay now). We worked on my Defense mainly working on my presentation first getting it within time limits and to stop stumbling over my works, we have time yet (a week and that’s it) but we are getting there I just have to stop stumbling on my dang words. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]In our breaks of me running through my presentation and cursing at a word I say or fixing my slides or whatever we took on the second gym leader in Unova and we won, even being under leveled. Now this run is for me to get to know gen 5. I don’t know who turns into what or their names really so this is how I plan to do it (rock monster and ugly fat purple cat dude are the sorts of names they get from me). So far we aren’t seeing seasons but this game is beautiful. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]May 29th[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Raiden is a ripe 30 year old tama, he certainly hasn’t broken any records yet, but he’s broken mine. And he spent his big day in the lab with me… dealing with my presentation anxiety, and lab work and working with pink slime….. And salt. And today we fished up our first golden carp (and named it Shiny) And it is hot hot hot! Raiden was in the grumpy old man mood so by did he complain (it’s so hot my wrinkles have formed mini pools of sweat between them i am a walking swimming pool of sweat! I’m leaking sweat my beard of dripping with sweat it’s nasty)[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]But we have to get back to perfecting my presentation and practicing it and so forth. So fingers crossed i don’t fall into a nap and wake up at 3 am and having no idea what to do now.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]May 30th[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Here we are, day 30 with Raiden, Day thirty with this log and he is a nice old man at the age of 31. Today was a tad hard on him (But he assured me that it was well worth it things worked today ( I would have loved them to work in march but that’s science it hates you and you like it anyways) and I have been working on my thesis defense so he knows I have a lot on my mind and he knows that I have not forgotten him or abandoned him. He is my friend and my cheerleader. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Other than being down to a single hungry heart and being chubby he took today in stride. We have also devised an experiment, we think that the very expensive melon gives more than a single happy heart (its more than the lobster like yowza). He got a little jealous with my excitement at the tama circus VDP… But he is the one who had been around for 30 days while the P’s the adults stay until they get that final puzzle piece (and I am on generation 20 out of my alphabet run and 18 built in characters). [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]May 31[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Raiden has enjoyed his final day of May, and enjoyed being 32. Yowza I made it to the end of May (and so did me). And we are so ready to say goodbye to the spring in between I don’t know what I am doing weather and say hello to summer and hot sweaty hell. As you can tell we are all primed up to complain about the weather. But at least I work in a place where the AC is usually so good I need to wear a sweater. We had a quick pop into the lab and spent the day studying for me defense and working on my slides and so on. So it has been a bit boring.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]OH! The melon gives at least 2 happy hearts next we will try to get his happy meter down to a single one and see if it fills 3![/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]That face says he is just ready to accept the old man role Hey you kids get off my lawn![/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]June 1!![/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]YOWZA we made it all the way to June! Who would have guessed that Raiden and I would have stuck it through this long? I would have been the first to say that we would have flopped half way through May. One month down hopefully many to go. Now for the next big goal getting to Canada day (July 1st for those non-canadians.. It’s like Independence Day but in Canada and in true Canadian fashion we celebrate first). So he survived a crazy month of May, what are in for in June? Well so far we have panic, bile, nausea, deadlines, and being very much an adult, I’m all grown up when did that happen? [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]So enough happy feelings I am not having a happy feelings sort of day but that’s besides the point. Raiden is 33 years old today and nothing much has changed with him. Today he was ready for sunshine and hot sticky gross weather, what did we get instead, a cold wet morning rain, torrential downpour followed by hail in the afternoon with some thunder for good measure and an evening dose of you guessed it rain. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]So we had a quick pop into the lab we made some stuff to grow pink slime in, we had some issues, I was not having a very good day. And we went hope and my eye hurts (yes just one how weird right? So I must be dying) and we have to practice practice and practice my presentation for a practice one tomorrow then we have finally have friday.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]June 2 [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Good news, Raiden didn’t die and he is 34 years old (one more until we hit 35!), and the bad news is I am freaking out. I have to be all grown up and do a thesis defense and he got a care miss he was alone for 2 hours and bam a full blown care miss and that is scary. So excuse my rant read this with the voice of someone on a brink of a mental snap pr a break down or going off on the deep end. So I am a stupid stuttering moron and trying very hard to not be that to be a Viking, a strong Viking I have the blood of a viking and I need to live up to that. And Raiden is not getting old and is not needing me more often. I checked I filled his meters and an hour later he was still 100% hungry and 100% happy. And as I am typing this I am trying to figure when he will drop. So that leaves me with I didn’t fill his meters before he went to bed. So if he had 2 when he went to bed that makes sense even if he had three it makes sense. Because he always wakes up and drops a heart and takes a dump. So big breathe in, big breathe out I am a viking and Raiden is one too. He is fine. Now all I have to do is practice and study and practice and figure out answers to questions and not be the first in the history of my university to fail their thesis defense. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]June 3[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Today Raiden is 35 years old and I have not been very productive…. But I have decided to invest in myself and have full faith in myself in that yes I can do this. So that is that (also I was going to buy it anyways and it was on sale the it is a shiny new pink Ipod) and Raiden met my dear old friend my V2, I had hatched a boy named Albus. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]Other than that I have nothing else to say today. But I am blood of the Viking I am not some saxon swine. I am blood of a viking (there is no way I can fail now Jeg er blod av vikinget ikke saxonsvin)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]June 4[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Today Raiden is 36 years old I know I know not as impressive as some others (*cough* 191 years old *cough*) but everyone has to start somewhere and we are right on our way. I had some other stuff but Raiden informed me those thoughts are why I am a terrible human being, so just assume I thought something horrible. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]Raiden saw his friend evolve into an apple, and watched my mix grow into a very orange monkey, and heard me practice with less stumbling over my words and a tad bit more confidence. I got this I saw with a bit more certainty in my voice. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]June 5[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Raiden has lived to be 37 today, this is going to be a rather short update as my defense is tomorrow and I am doubting everything and I am sure I am losing my mind. Can I even do this? What was I thinking? [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]June 6[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Today is D day, or at least it is in the morning. Raiden slept in longer than he is accustomed to, but this was the only way to ensure that while I was being eviscerated that he would not perish. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]So how did the day go? Well….. I PASSED! Hooray huzza! Blessed be however you want to say I have said it. I am now a Masters of Science in Biochemistry and dang that power feels good. Shh you feel that? It’s the power. Knowledge is power. Study hard be evil. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Raiden lived and he is the ripe age of 38 today. 2 days until he’s 40. I think we can do this, and we have no more big trials until we move ( I may have to cheat with that. Not going to lie I am not sure I can keep him alive while dealing with my parents and moving house (moving to a different province I might add) and setting up my very first apartment, furniture, food and the likes. So yeah you have been warned and amply so.)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]June 7[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The aftershocks! Okay that was a tad dramatic but I think it is in my rights as I am now the proud owner of a shiny new Master’s degree. Today Raiden is 39 and anticipating passing another milestone at age 40 (tomorrow!) and he was feeling his age today. We worked all day in the lab (growing pink slime) and collecting cells from chemstores, putting the cells and dry ice in the freezer… wow my life must sound so weird… well on friday I am growing up large cultures of [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]E.coli. [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Anyways we felt old and tired and hot. Raiden and his buddy Albus were well fed but I the human was not. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]After running up and down stairs, we had to go be a grown up and go to the bank and the post office and spend more money than we would have liked and finally we made it home. And of course my computer decides it just can’t.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]So we had one hectic day and in the end all I wanna do is have a nap and I am certain my old man agrees with me when I say naps for all.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]June 8th [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Raiden did it! He is 40 years old! 10 days until he is halfway to 100! I know 40 days with him and you’d think I would have learned to contain my amazement and wonder at him making to reach each of my little goals right now it’s every 5 (tama years), But I can’t so I shan’t![/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]Today in the land of science, I made media to grow [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]E. coli[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] in, we made some smaller cultures and we gave some bacteria some DNA and the power went out…. So the chances that it worked are well I am expecting nothing.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]And I am going to do something a little odd and talk about Albus my V2 he is gen 1 and a perfect care adult. This never happens to me, so I am thinking that Raiden has trained me to be a better tama mom! I think I may start just chatting about my V2 every once in awhile. [/SIZE]
