The Sue Games


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hart ignrd eboni's enoremous chest & thught about becuming a vampiya.

"it wont be kul if i die over and over tho," he sad. "then i can neva die. i cant die as it is cuz the author iz stoopid, wry shuld i bothr?"

"0H my g0sH!1!! 1!!11 I+ is z0 c1e4n h3re! I w4NN4 g3+ a Zm00+h13!" dey aaaaaaaaare mY F4yveoritee dink. oh, H11~~!! IM Stephanie! stweph sad 2 evewy1. I dun wike it wen YOU MEAN so no be meen pwease!

(Ahhh! Sorry kutchipatchigirl, you are accepted. I didn't see your form.)

saphire cryed and cryed be4 geting up and runing 2 anuder part of de aena.

"well vampires are cool and you get to be all goffik," Ibogy said, pouting at hart and ajusting her corset even moar. "who woldnt wanna b a vampire?"

she waz 2 bord so now se just quit hiding and went srounf ta stadium bcuz. she spok loudly hey any1 want to b my friend.

OOC: Runner, when does the Games Start? Ok anyways, back to the Story.

stephaine said: I WNA BE UR FRIENMD! We Can DANCE IN A FEilsd ov FloWerZ and PWAY in a PWaygROunD!1!!11!

May: ebony u need to stp cuz he is my bf OK? bsides u ned to wr more clothes bc u r being sooooo skandelus (SP??????)

okay i promze i wont kill you then she said but since she was very smart she said but there isznt any flowerz or playgrounds but whatevere haha ill protect u.

hart give ebone a shrt from nowear. "try tis on so u wont skar us aall w/ ur chest" he sugjesteded.

Enoby laffed, dropping the top to da floor. "Y do i need dis? ur all just beeng preppy losers. U DON'T GET GOFFIK STILE, OK?"


"fine suit urself" hart sad, taking bak teh shirt.

He then went too work digging a hole using a rok

whil diggin his hole, hart found a sekret passage. it led to an undergwaund shellter w/ elektricity(sp) & food &H20 & stuffs lyk wepons.

"kul" he sad.

somehow noing abb out da undergawnd cahmber hart found, saphire ran in da chamber & tok evewythang & left.

May: we shuld go down in there and see wuts in der!

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