The tama hater


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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2006
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Once there was a boy named ____. He used to ♥ tamas a lot. He ♥ed them so much he would fight if somebody tried to steal them. but one day...

Plz continue, & fill in the blanks by quoting!

he left it at home. and his mum hated them and threw them in the fire. then the boy went home and couldnt find it and went crazy. then he just realized he wasted all his time on them then when his friend told him 'bout tamagotchi V4 he was back in action!!!!!! :D

then he totally flipped. they were out of stock, and the worst part is, his best friend stole it from the shopping cart while he wasnt looking! then he said......


He whent home and fianllay managed to find one on eBay, the bid was ending in two minutes.

and then......

He won the bid, but he ended up getting a fake one! He got his hammer & smashed it. He was so angry, he...


Burned the remains and threw the ashes into a pot of boiling water

and gave them to his friend to drink and told him it was tea! :mellow:

He spent the rest of his life hunting down and destroying other peoples tamas. It was on the news and everything. So he decided to call himself Lord Tamamort. Everyone was so afraid of him that they called him 'you-know-who' or 'he-who-must-not-be-named'.

One day, he heard a prophecy... A prophecy that said he would finally find his equal...

He found his equal. He immediately went to their house and tried to kill them, but they survived, even though their parents didn't. They became the tama that lived.

They were famous for being the only one who had ever survived one of Tamamort's attacks...

Tamamort needed to kill Tammy Potter, the tama that lived, so he could become invincible. But his plans were interrupted, for Tammy Potter was going to Tamawarts school of tamacraft and tamadry, where he'd have the protection of Tambledore, the only one Tamamort had ever feared...

Tamamort needed a better plan, if he was to take out Tammy...

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