The Tamagotchi 4.5 PC Pack


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gonna save some money!

got 25$ from report card!

got 5$ from babysitting my brother!

got 15$ from making dinner!

already gotten 45$!

gonna get one with pc pack!

pm me if v4.5 comes out in Canada!!

I don't think the PC pack is really a necessity for me at 34.99... All it somes with is a mouse pad, backgrounds for your computer and a tamagotchi, Though I have to say I love the design of the Tama! The microphone thing would be coller if you could talk to your tamagotchi, though. B)

bad news...pc pack sold seperately 34.99 tamagotchi v4.5 14.99 together 50.00 i am not happy :mametchi:
OMG what a lot of money! is that in dollars or pounds

bad news...pc pack sold seperately 34.99 tamagotchi v4.5 14.99 together 50.00 i am not happy :D
I'd kinda rather buy them separately. If the PC pack doesn't come with any other designs

I'd just buy them both separately (if that is really an option :D .).

PC pack will probably have Ura characters in the desktop tama sets.

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