The TamaTalk Man!


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A. BTW llama is spelled llama not liama

Your a sheep. A sheep with a red orange. Your red orange marries the ancient purple banana. The next the you know ancient redish purple muntant orange bananas are taking over the world. You:


B. Shred yourself with the ancient redish purple mutant orange bananas

C. Do a mixture of both of the above except while dying yourself green

A. A mansion

LOL, everyone know you can't wish for more wishes.

You meet Fred, do you:

A. Tell him he sucks

B. Tell him he's great

C. Ask him how old he is

d. none of the above... I'd say hi or something

some dude on the street runs up to you and starts doing karate moves

a. SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!

b. poke him in the stomach and calmly walk away

c. run away and tell someone

d. just stand there dodging his lame moves

B.. Rofl

You see an old newspaper you..

A. Draw Stashes, Glasses and bushy eyebrows on the people in it

B. Get the dog with rabies to eat it

C. Flush it down the toilet?

Edit: Typooooooooooo D:<

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You meet up with a dancing banana that is as tall a sky scraper. You....

A. eat it.

B. Smash it.

C. Do the chicken dance!

C. Oh yus!

You have a chance to meet your favourite band/singer What do you do?

A. Spazz out

B. Get ready the night before and just sit there spazzing every 5 mins

C. Refuse the offer :(

D. Say yes all cooley and make that be the end of it.

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You cut your finger what do you do?

A. Cry

B. Put a plaster on it

C. Lick the blood >.>

C. > :D

You are eating a 6-pound cheese wheel when a moth steals it you:

A. Get it back. To much cheese to spare!!

B. Let the moth have it, probably all grossed up by it now

C. Cry like a baby till your mommy buys you a new one

B. I feel like a weirdo today. > :)

You are a chicken. You:

A. Die

B. Become the next family's dinner

C. Transform into a car and then get squashed

B. Walk run away.

You are being squashed by a psychedelic ninja (wow thats random) what do you do?

A.try to escape

B. eat cheese



You sing twinkel twinkel patrick star. What do you do?

A: The computer gets hacked.

B: You get hacked.

C: You AND the computer get hacked.


You did the chicken dance so many times you turned into....A hamster. what do you do?

A: screeeem

B: do the hamster dance (lol that song is funny)

C:wear a patrick star costume..


You do the hamster dance what do you do?

A: You turn back to normal.\

B: You eat a pie.

C: Start a random topic of randomness.

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