The Ungrateful Mametchi


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Jul 29, 2005
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There once was a mametchi that hated evrerything his owner gave him.His name was Moko.Moko's owner,Kate,got so angry.She had spent thousands of points on things that Moko wasn't even 1% grateful for.Kate had tried almost everything.Every time Moko got sick,he would refuse medicine.Every time Kate offered Moko an item to play with,he just shook his head.Kate tried giving him treats,be he refused.Kate tried giving him timouts,but he just got even more one day,kate decided to......

...take him to a Boot Camp for Tamagotchi's. When Moko got there, the other boys were meaner than he was. One came up to him and said "Ya got drugs, man? I need 'em" He asked, leaning his shoulder on Moko. "No! And get your dirty shoulder off my clean one" Replied Moko. The boy faced Moko with an angry face and...

His angry face turned into a smile and shook Moko's hand! LEts be Friends kay dude?... "Uh... ooookay..." replied Moko with a relived face! Well... what do ya wanna do... ? said Moko.. "I wanna do something bad and mean... something like..........

"Tease that Ginjigotchi Miri*.Shes weird,she does stuff like magic."

*Magic TamaQueen from The Rich and Sad Mimitchi

Moko had a smirk on his face.Moko could hardy wait to tease Miri."Magic is dumb",Moko said."Yeah,it sure is",said Moko's friend

Honestly thought Miri and cast a spell on Moko to make him kinder to Kate and he......

fell asleep.The spell put him to sleep.The next morning,Moko woke up and felt very kind."Wha-?I feel so,so n-n-nice",Moko said

When Kate found Moko was awake, she decided to see if the camp had done him any good, so she gave him an Action Figure to play with. Moko was so happy he danced, came up to the screen and gave Kate a kiss!

Kate was so astounded that she gave him a treat as a reward and raised him a lot! Moko became a nice, polite, well-mannered tamagotchi.

Then a few days later, Mrs Busyy body came, presenting Moko with a sweet young Mimetchi named Kala as a wife. Moko was charmed, and...

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