The Walking Dead


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Jul 26, 2012
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The Walking Dead

Story: The world has ended. The military is gone. The dead own the streets. One could go days without seeing another living person, but hardly hours without running into the dead. Those that survive hide, scavenge, and fight every day. Survivors have formed groups and travel constantly, in search of safety that never seems to come. Cities are death traps, towns are overrun, it seems nowhere has escaped the plague. Danger is a constant reality, but increasingly this is not only from the dead but from other groups as well. As time passes it is growing increasingly obvious that those who have survived are losing their humanity. You are one of the last remaining people on Earth, what are you willing to do to survive?

Background: The roleplay takes place in the world of the Walking Dead television show but earlier in the apocalypse event ( a few days after the onset of the apocalypse ). Zombies follow the same rules, where you can bash their skull in with two swings of the butt of a pistol and yet are strong enough to rip a man clean open. They're slow most of the time but in groups they can frenzy and even run. Only a head shot kills them and everyone who dies turns into one.


1. Follow Tamatalk rules.

2. Romance is fine, nothing beyond PG-13

3. This is literate to semi-literate, at least a few sentences.

4. All characters start in a small town or the surrounding towns.

5. Characters have to be realistic. No super sword wielding heroes that kill fifty zombies in one sitting.


Full Name:






Sexual Orientation:

Blurbs: ( Put anything here, hometown, history, interests, etc. )



Full Name: Sable Rose Finnley

Gender: Male

Age: Sixteen

Personality: Sable is not loose promises tied to tumbleweeds. His weighted words are bound to anchors, thrown where it’s left and bearing its rust until someone takes his hand and guides him away. Plucking his heartstrings will make him dance in the palm of your hands and there isn’t much that’ll stop him besides a harsh wake-up call, which can quickly transform him into a weeping puddle bent on resolving the situation. Once his boo-boo’s are mended, it’s likely that he’ll make the same mistakes again. He’s a caretaker, foremost, and a storyteller and a kind shelter from whirlwinds and storms with a flair for expressing himself in shameless ways. He’s a bleeding heart with a set of wobbling legs. There’s always room for one more: one more beggar, one more criminal begging for repentance, one more mistake. There’s always room for forgiveness. He does not believe that Humanity is unkind—only lost. Shouldering the responsibility to steer Humanity in the right direction has never been an unwanted duty. It gives him hope. The possibility of a peaceful future drives him forward, relentlessly, and recklessly. Although quiet at first, if you are able to open his rib cage and see how he actually is, he jump on you faster than you can believe.

Appearance: Shaggy auburn hair tousled into lazy curls, a limp-noodle smile and sunken eyes - it’s not exactly what you’d imagine when picturing him, but that’s Sable for you. It’s the way he carries himself. He’s always marched to the beat of his own optimistic drum, and his grooming is no exception, despite the fact that it’s lead to more than a few speculations on his living arrangements. He’s not what you’d call immaculately groomed. Yeah, yeah, Giggles showers everyday but he tends to smell more like a blossoming flower than a musky boy who’s dipped his toes in the cologne department. Beyond tangling his fingers through his hair and shaking the remnants of water from it like a sopping wet puppy, Sable doesn’t own a cupboard full of hair gel and can’t be bothered to do anything besides slicking it back across his skull lightly. Sable's all warmth and soft curves and barely-contained energy; ungainly and unmanly and probably a little too touchy. His ever-changing hazel eyes and bowed lips are quick to map out the expressions on his rounded face; sometimes, the boy will practice in front of a mirror so that he knows what people see whenever he offers any shy smiles, encouraging winks or silly faces. There’s a smattering of freckles en masse, speckled across the bridge of his nose, his cheekbones, his shoulders, his hips, in dull brown constellations. He has very fine features, always bordering on feminine. His jaw is cut at a sharp angle, and his thin brows slant slightly. His lips are thin, but not outrageously so. His cheekbones are high, bordering on catlike. Really, did you expect him to grow any? He's been that short for ages, so don't come back expecting that he's decided to wear some sissy high-heel shoes or platforms just to make himself look bigger – he's not a peacock and he's not gonna' cater to your needs. So, Sable's still approximately five feet and five inches tall, give or take a few inches depending on how straight he's standing or if he's lounging on the stairs. This little bitty weasel-boy isn't the poster boy for beautifully elegant human's strutting around the modelling world, big deal.

Weapon(s): Doesn't exactly have one, if you consider running and hiding as one, sure.

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Blurbs: He was born in London, England but since has moved to America. The accent is faded slightly, faint, but still there.

Other: -

Full Name: Kassiel Sachio Winefield

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Personality: I promise that he isn't as foppish as he seems. Everything he does, everything he says, every look he gives, he does so with a breed of intensity totally and entirely characteristic of himself. He has the most uncommon presence. It's in the uncanny way he invades peoples personal spaces without coming off like a creep twitching a savvy-moustache. He's perceptive and acutely aware of his environment, even if he's slow to understand exactly what he's contemplating. He enjoys picking out the details in other people; the flutter of eyelashes, the clipped conjunction of lip movements, the fluctuating calibre of pupils, changing invariably; and trying to filter out their thoughts without vocalizing himself. Comparably to any youngster, Kassiel tends to take life as it comes, because he knows he'll come out alright; all in one piece, at the very least. He's fairly laid-back about worries unless they involve his friends. Because of his intense, often insatiable, curiosity, he's more likely than not to ask an inappropriate question in any given situation should it constantly nag at the back of his mind. Not much comes out of him, although compared to how much goes in, quite a stretch.

Appearance: Have you ever stood next to a particularly tall, awkwardly built tree? He's the kind of sloped lamp-pole you're sure is about to topple over you, fascinating to look at unless he's gawking at you from a higher vantage, straight down your unfortunately-buttoned blouse. He's got the lean musculature of a slippery man whose abilities in out-distancing his pursuers far outweigh his ability to appear imposing. If you were chasing him, he'd definitely find a way to shimmy past the smallest alleys. This isn't to say that he isn't in good shape: he's sculpted. It's just that he isn't built like a stocky lumberman- he's sharp corners, knobby knees, gliding limbs and broad-chested. It certainly doesn't suit his personality. He's aware of the looks - of the fact that he doesn't look quite right. Instead of responding with his general unease, Kassiel displays himself with an easy grace that's hard to ignore: fluffing his peacock feathers for all to see. He doesn't just move: he swaggers, he saunters, he promenades with an unforgivable ankle-boogie that sets your molars grating. His eyes are a pale, ghostly blue hue, an anomaly seeing as both of his parents, supposedly, had drab, unimpressive eyes of murky brown. If you took his hair, the you'd find yourself messing with thick tresses, naturally black, that's artfully shaved on the sides and left heavy on top. It follows no particular style; not usual and certainly not in style.

Weapon(s): A 40 caliber pistol.

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Blurbs: He has trouble seeing the difference between certain colors. He suffers from a general lack of perceptual sensitivity, in other words: he's color blind. Obviously, it's not something that he notices, but he'll occasionally ask for advice when needed.


It was decided the night before that Kassiel would leave at the crack of dawn, to go hunt through the city for supplies. He needed a thing or two, and to see if he could find anybody else. Food was running a little low, plus there was the lack of soap and many other things. Since the young man was a common citizen in the city before the outbreak, he was familiar with every street and back alley. His built structure just adds as a bonus to his intelligence. Climbing fences, running through narrow ways, and jumping roof to roof was rather easy for him. He knew this even before the decision. So why wait around for an 'order', when you can just volunteer and get a move on? Life was about survival of the fittest now. When the sun began peak over the horizon, Kassiel was already dressed and ready. An empty pack back strapped to his back pack, a pistol in hand, and the sling on his hip; he was prepared to encounter a number of walking dead if bad luck decided to strike him.

Hours seemed to blur into days, and the days had all but lost their sense of time due to the wave of pain and fever that had taken hold over the city. For hours at a time Sable would sleep despite his best efforts to remain conscious through the more dangerous hours of the days or evenings, and the hours he was fully aware of his surroundings were slim. Whilst his other waking moments were filled with the exhausted battle of regaining that control over his mind due to loneliness and claustrophobia he suffered from. It was a wonder he was still alive, some would call it a miracle, but if it were in fact a miracle; wouldn't he had been found by now? If it were to be called anything, it sure wasn't that. In fact, he could call it pure rotten luck he had wound up where he was. If he hadn't of stumbled upon this apartment building any sooner, he surely would have been someone's meal.

The building he had found refuge in was a total of five stories tall, the first two floors were littered with bodies of those who currently resided, similar to the two above him which reeked of decayed bodies from suicide. The floor he was on however, were nearly empty from the food and medical supplies lacking from those who came by. Needless to say Sable was thankful he had happened to stumble upon such a place like this in his time of need.

Sitting up in his bed, Sable pushed the ocean of bed sheets off his small, slender body and placed his feet to the floor, leaning forward to poke two small, bony fingers between the black curtains. A bright ray of sunlight managed to seep through, but it disappeared once the boy straightened his posture to run his fingers through his heap of tangles and curls laying upon his head. It had been almost five days since he resided here, and it was the longest days he had ever lived through in his life. He had no plan leaving, nor had any idea of how. It had been forever since he had seen other human life, and expected not to see another again, really. Inhaling a breath of air, he softly exhaled and stood up on wobbly limbs to hobble over to the connected kitchen for a very limited breakfast.

Kassiel's personal camp was set up in some national woods on the outskirts of the city. It would take him all day to just walk to the city limits. Gratefully, he had a vehicle this time, so he could arrive at the city by seven, leaving him a good twelve hours of hunting, before needing to return back to camp before dark. It was dangerous to try and stay in the city. Everywhere you turn there are small or even larger groups of infected just strolling around. They where everywhere to be found. To stay in the city is just asking to be turn into them. After driving for a hour, Kassiel arrived to his destination. Among a train yard, fences surround the city, leaving the yard free of infected. Along the fence, he had found where the links don't connect to pole, leaving the a hole large enough to slide through. Once in the city, he took to the alleys. Pistol bat in hand, he swung at any beast that stood in his way. Of course encountering them didn't delight him, but he had to do what he needed to do. Finally his target was in sight. A local grocery store, stacked with apartments in the top. It was be tricky inside. Anyone who once lived in those apartments could be infected and wondering around. But he had to check still. Still, fear clung to him as he turned the corner of the building and pulled open the door. Ding-a-ling. He cursed under his breath. Above the door was a bell, so every time the door is open, it will ring. Now everything infecting within the few feet radius will be on his tail in minutes. He had to be quick.

Softly stepping over to the cupboards, Sable opened it and drew his slender hand in, padding fingertips around to search for anything he could eat. Feeling nothing, he huffed in annoyance and began to stand on his toes, managing to get his eyes to reach and at least peek in. Once doing so, he spotted a can of beans in the far back and took another take to retrieve it. "Finally." he whispered in success, placing it onto the counter and beginning to look for something to open it. Sable knew that soon he would probably have to relocate and find another place. Still, though, as long as he was safe while being alone, that was really all that mattered at the moment.

Suddenly, the sound of the store bell rang softly. Listening to it, Sable flinched and flew to the window in mere quickness, cutting his finger open on a loose piece of wood in the process. The blood started running down his finger, and Sable glared at it with pain. "Ouch," He muttered to himself before looking down to the store below. He couldn't see anything as he began to think, suddenly seeing a horde of creatures walking towards the entrance of the store. They were still pretty far and hobbling slowly, but he knew that there must have been somebody who walked into the store and made that bell ring. But, what if it was one of those things who came into it? There would be no way he could defend himself if there was an entire horde. But if there was another survivor... maybe they could help. That would be his ticket out of here. Going against his better judgement, Sable slipped on his bright red plaid button-up shirt and grabbed a small screwdriver and ran down the flight of each stair. Entering the back entrance of the store, he took a quick glance and saw nothing. "Hello?"

Re-adjusting his grip on the pistol, Kassiel closed the door lightly behind him. Walking briskly to the first aisle, he found most of its shelving bare, but there were a few things. Littering the ground were canned foods. Not hesitating to check what cans they really are, he swung his back pack in front of him and begun to throw the cans inside. Moving on to the next aisle, he found some bottle drinks, and some packed snacks. For a store that looked mostly empty it had some descent supplies remaining. From outside, Kassiel was unaware of the number of infected starting to surround the building. He was hoping for maybe twenty, but only if he was lucky, and today, lady luck was no where to found. Shoving a few more cans in the bag, he froze like a deer in headlights when he heard footsteps. It sounded like they where coming from the back. Staying low to the ground, he quickly grabbed some more cans, spying some sticking out from under the shelves. Remaining still, he listened closely. It sounded as if metal was being shoved somewhere. The door? What was going on?

Immediately, Sable ran to the door, pulling the doors shut and shoving a random piece of wood he had found on the ground into the handles, keeping it temporarily locked. Turning around nervously, he took a deep breath and glanced around the store, trying to find the person who walked into the store. Finally, he saw him in the aisle; a young man, taking a few cans from the floor and stuffing them into a backpack. Sable clutched his forearms nervously, his breaths coming in shaky.

"They're coming," Sable then said quietly, his teeth chattering. "I tried barring the door but with the amount of them coming.. it won't last for long. You should get out of here, I don't have any weapons or anything," he told him, biting his lip. He had no idea what else he could say besides that -- this guy could be anybody. Hell, he could have been bitten for all he knew. Maybe a murderer, maybe a rapist, or maybe a schizophrenic. Still, though, he was a human. A live one at that. But Sable knew he could do so little.

Kassiel soonheard the shaky whisper of a young boy. Startled, he whirled around on his heels, only to spy a petite auburn at the end of the aisle. He was obviously frightened. Jumping to his feet, he zipped the bag closed and threw the pack over his shoulder. Glancing towards the back of the store, he asked, "Where did you come from?" Wait, why ask that? That wasn't important right now. Shaking his head, he began side stepping to the back of the store, adjusting his grip on his backpack. "Go ahead of me, you lead the way, I got your back," He told Sable quickly, as he heard the moans growing outside. Soon enough, there was a loud clank, as they began to push against the door. "Go, go!" He whispered harshly.

Sable watched as the man on the ground seemed pretty shocked to hear his voice. He would have smiled if the creatures outside didn't start breaking down the door. Widening his eyes, he listened as he was instructed to continue going and that he followed him. Looking at Kassiel, Sable wondered if he should trust him. But as the door quickly started to break down, he stopped all his thoughts and ran in the direction that he came in, throwing open the back door and going into the stairwell.

"I live in a little apartment above the grocery. This might stop them for a little while longer," Sable muttered, though it was more to himself than to the man. Looking around the tiny stairwell, he looked to the side, seeing a metal barrel in the corner. Running over and grabbing it, he struggled to move it, but finally did it to help barricade the door. The small male thought to himself nervously, shutting his eyes and taking a deep breath before he had another one of his usual panic attacks. Looking down, he saw his finger was still bleeding and frowned slightly, immediately taking his sights away from it. There was no sense in fretting over something that wasn't quite worth it.

Keeping to his word, Kassiel followed the young boy to the back, where he opened a small door which lead to a staircase. Stepping inside the small walk way, he assisted him in moving a metal barrel. With two doors barricade, he took a step back, giving the young boy air to breath as Kassiel took note to his shaking hands. At first he would assume he was infected, but he knew those shakes. When the outbreak first occured, they couldn't stop. He could see the fear pulsing in his eyes. Calmly, he waved a hand up the stairs and whispered, "Go ahead, it's okay."

Sable forgot that there was somebody else with him for a moment. Looking up at the man, he turned to the stairs. Walking over and grabbing his hand, he ran up the stairs until he got to the apartment he was staying at, releasing the man's hand and shutting the door, he soon dead-bolted it. Sighing, Sable slid down the door and put his head in his hands. For the longest time, the young male had no idea what to say. They didn't know each other, but now they were pretty much stranded up here. The other exits out of the place were destroyed when all the chaos of the world ending first started. But, thinking about it, Sable did remember there was a little alley leading to the city streets that was accessible through the window in one of the bedrooms. "I-I think there's a way out of here, if you want to leave," he managed to get out, breaking the silence of the room. He removed his hands from his face and clasped his fingers together before placing them on his knees nervously.

To his surprise, Sable grabbed his hand and practically dragged him along. Finding the right pace, they ran together until they came upon the last door down the hall. On entering the small apartment, he released his hand quickly and locked the dead bolt. Sucking in a breath of air, Kassiel closed his eyes as he stretched his arms over his head. Hearing the young boy slide against the door, he left him be. Letting him have his space for a minute, he began to piece together a plan. The building was no longer safe, that was fact. Glancing over at the window he took in the familiar pink skies. He needed to return to camp as soon as possible. "The camp!" He whispered to himself. Squatting down to the boy's eye level, he held out his hand. "Then let's go!" He piped. Pulling him to his feet, Kassiel smiled reassuringly. "Come with me! There's this camp outside the city, just a few miles out near this lake. There are plenty of supplies there, I can assure you you'll be safe there." His nerves began to jump with excitement. Something out of the ordinary for him. "But we need to leave now, before night falls," He explained as he left, running to check the first bedroom window.

Sable felt the blood rush to his face as he saw the excitement in this man's eyes, asking him to come with him. He really didn't feel careful about leaving, but when he smiled, Sable felt a little better about the offer. "You r-really think so?" he whispered, raising his eyebrows a little and smiling back. He turned around and desperately began gathering his few clothes and supplies he had, shoving them in a knapsack of his. "Alright, let's go."

Kassiel could only laugh softly when he seen the younger one blush. He had finally found someone else and they just agreed to come and get through this together. "Yeah, I promise we can do this. Okay?" he said, voice low and soft like normal. He watched the younger one scramble around to gather his things. "Alright."

Walking back over to where the man was, Sable looked down. It really wasn't that far down, but he still didn't feel easy about making it. "I'll go to that camp with you if you uh.. promise to catch me? Jumping from heights has never really been my strong suit, and I feel really pathetic asking, but.." Sable trailed off, the blood rushing to his cheeks once more as he coughed a little bit. "I wish I could bring some weapons to help us while we're going to the camp. But my only weapon was the screwdriver I just found and well, and that's.. useless." He said, a smile pulling up the corners of his lips nervously. He didn't know why he saw humor in this, but there was something about it that made him smile. A smile that hadn't been seen for a long time.

Walking back to the window, Kassiel began to slide himself through the opening when the younger boy sounded unsure. Looking up at him with confused eyes, he laughed when he became flustered about the height. "No worries, I understand," He spoke as he explained how he had nothing. "Don't worry, I have plenty. Just don't get yourself in any trouble. I'm sure you won't because I'm here." Kassiel turned his head a little, adjusting himself in the window, "Make sure you have everything, and I mean it. Don't forget anything." he said quietly. "I'll be in the alley. Just drop the bag off to me, then I'll catch you," He kept his smile wide. "Trust me, okay?"

Full Name: Ether Bensly

Gender: Male

Age: 12

Personality: A nice, strange little boy. He often makes and fixes mistakes, and likes to joke around alot. He can be kind of dark and gloomy when something sad happens.

Appearance: He has brown hair, navy blue eyes, is often seen wearing the bulletproof vest his dad made him.

Weapon(s): He only has a slingshot, but is very accurate and fast with it.

Sexual Orientation: None

Blurbs: His mother and father died when he was only 8, this depressed him very much. But after he moved in with aunt Chesca, he felt much better. But disaster struck and she died too. He had nobody else left to go to, but simply ran away. He is currently trying to find food.

Other: Nothing else

I felt alone. Wait, I was alone. Walking the streets for some sort of warehouse or something? It didn't matter. All I wanted was something to eat and drink, well, and other survivors of course. As I dragged through day and night, all I had to drink from was murky lakes. And I certainly brushed his teeth with his leftover supplies after doing so.

Occasionally I would start a fire and cook anything he could find. Since I was a boyscout before the apocalypse, I knew what berries to eat and whatnot.

But this wasn't the wilderness. This was my home, all gone. I stopped walking when I heard noises from a nearby window. There was a man standing under it, and a boy just a bit older than me about to jump out. I gasped and ran over to them.

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