The WHOLE Matchmaker pack


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thanks it helped a;lot my tama is already on the 5generation cause of the matchmaker :blink: :eek: :nyatchi: :furawatchi:

I think the matchmaker comes at 10:30 3:00 and 7:00 on all three Versions.

Actally, when it's the day your adalt turn's 7, that's when the matchmaker start's to come.

Hi matchmaker! :D

thanks a lot :mimitchi:

how u doin? :D

do u know places 2 get cheats 4 version 2? :D

frm kezisace

how old is yor tama wen da matchmaker comes? I no you said 6 - 7, but my frends tama got da matchmaker when it was 8 and she hadn't seen him before, and i got the matchmaker when mine was 5! :mellow:

OK.......... whats the book your talking about????


The MatchMaker came at 3:00 for me. Thanks for letting me know to pay attention. The screen went black and fireworks came.

This was my tamagotchi: :eek:

I found something.

(1) When the Mrs BusyBody gives you a mate you do not like, choose 'No'

(2) Right after, go into Time Mode.

(3) Set the time one minute before it says now, for example, If it is 10:30 AM, then set it to 10:29 AM.

(4) Wait one minute. The MatchMaker will come again.

(5) You can do this as many times as you like.

You have to vist the matchmaker in real life and you need to be older. Ok.

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What age does the matchmaker it from ages 6-10?? :unsure: :wacko:
actually, i think it's from 5-10. or 5-9. one of those. but the matchmaker for me is usually 6,7, or 8.

thank you for all those tips but do you now if when the tama gets old because you want it to get old dose it transform agian or dose it stay the same and just age :kusatchi:

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