The wishing corner group hatch =]


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:marumimitchi: Wishing corner Tamas :marumimitchi:

Name: Sam?

Species: Nikatchi

Time: 3:26PM

Currently: Playing with Chun!

Hearts: Hunger-4/4 Happy-4/4

Gender: boy

Generation: 1

Age: 1 yr.


Name: Chun!

Species: Hinotamatchi

Time: 3:26PM

Currently: Playing with Sam?

Hearts: Hunger-4/4 Happy-4/4

Gender: girl

Generation: 1

Age: 1 yr.


Sam?'s and Chun!'s log:


Well today Sam? played with chun! and chun! played with Sam!..For about a minute. When Sam? was unhappy Chun! gave him a heart to fill his happy level!! :ichigotchi: I was so happy too. Sam? played games and we beat the "Heading" Game! There was a trumpet and confetti!! :ichigotchi: Chun! ALMOST beat the jump game (cause shes on a v1) we got up to 28!!! Then at 7:42 PM till 8:00 They had a bath! ^^ Both of them started at the same time and ended at the same time. They were so pooped today. I put them to bed at 8:40 PM (when they usually go to bed at 9:00PM) and they fell right asleep. :furawatchi: I feel like I acomplished something today.


Sam?'s future: I hope he becomes ... I dunno. Hes a nikatchi! I think I can't take care of him enough to turn into a mametchi...


Chun!'s futue: Im not sure what I hope her to be.

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Currently:Coming up close to the screen. Cute!

Hearts:hunger 4, happy 3




Pet Log: Had a baby today. Yay!

LOl. My tama is about to go to sleep. I beat the heading game.. TWICE today ^^) In a row just now! :blink: !!!!!!!!

:blink: Wishing corner Tamas :angry:

Name: Sam?

Species: Nikatchi

Time: 3:26PM

Currently: Playing with Chun!

Hearts: Hunger-4/4 Happy-4/4

Gender: boy

Generation: 1

Age: 1 yr.


Name: Chun!

Species: Hinotamatchi

Time: 3:26PM

Currently: Playing with Sam?

Hearts: Hunger-4/4 Happy-4/4

Gender: girl

Generation: 1

Age: 1 yr.


Sam?'s and Chun!'s log:


Today I was at my first day in Highschool. YAY My first day =] But.. I had to leave my tamas at home. I switched the time on Sam? so he would be able to sleep through the day and when i came home he woke up!! :p When I got home I madee ityup to him and played the heading game. We beat it twice in a row and got 100 gotchi points each! :p Yay. Chun!... She kind of.. erm... just stood there. She wasnt much fun because the v2 has so many more options.

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REALLY? just look on page one go down till you find the templlate.. You can joiN! ;)

jsut look on page one and scroll down till you find the red lettering. Its a template

:angry: Wishing corner Tamas :(

Name: Sam?

Species: Tarakotchi (BAD CARE :eek: )

Time: 7:26PM

Currently: Playing with Chun!

Hearts: Hunger-4/4 Happy-4/4

Gender: boy

Generation: 1

Age: 4 yr.


Name: Chun!

Species: Maskutchi (BAD CARE :eek: )

Time: 7:26PM

Currently: Walkin' around

Hearts: Hunger-4/4 Happy-4/4

Gender: girl

Generation: 1

Age: 4 yr.


Sam?'s and Chun!'s log:


Second day of highschool. It was grrrrrrrrrrrrrr-eat! I love it much. Tommrows picture day, And I still was TOO shy to bring them to school :D that I have seen the school, I do NOT want to jeoprdize my chances of being un-loserish.. Sorry tamas. =[ I play with them from like 3:15PM till they go to bed since I love em so much, but took bad care :eek: Anyways..I will probably try to catch some shut eye like in an hour and a few minutes. Anywyas, Im so sad they turned into bad characters, but I love masuktchi. And my tarakotchi (wearing a panda suit right now.. ) Thats all. I am going to let them mate after too. Anyways, night in advance!.

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