The Zone, a RP


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"Meet me at the Three Bears cafe. You know the one in the kids zone." Alice replied. "I should go now, if I stay in this suit any longer I will probably faint." Candi stuck her tounge out to show how annoyed she was by her costume.

Candi shuffled - since she couldn't walk properly in her flabby costume - over to the lockers and took her costume off and smoothed out her krinkled ACDC t-shirt and her tan shorts. She put on the pair of green flipflops she brought and popped her eyebrow, lip and ear piercings back on. She then headed out to the Three Bears cafe.

Lolol that joke actually made me laugh

Lissa couldn't help but smile at Ethan. "You-you mean this is a costume?! You're not real?!! " She pretended to be heartbroken. She smirked a bit " So what's your name?" She asked him. She felt a bit silly standing in the middle of the parks path talkin to a dancing bear, but she didn't really care she didn't really ever get to talk to anyone often so she wasn't about to complain.

"My name's Teddy Roosevelt. No just kidding, we have a guy with brown hair and a mustache working in the History Zone. My real name's Ethan. And congratulations! You're the first to find out that I'm not real! Well, most people probably know I'm not real, they just never say it out loud." From within the bear suit, Ethan reached down to grab one of his water bottles and drink some water.

Candi stood near the left wall of the cafe, she had found it had the most air conditioning, which she really needed now. She had already purchased a bottle of strawberry flavoured water and in no time drank it all. She leaned against a wall, waiting for her friend to come.

"it's nice to meet you Ethan, I'm Lissa." she introduced herself politely. Lissa looked up at the bright sky and beaming sun. "You must be dying in that thing! It's like a thousand degrees out here, and you're covered in fur and whatnot. That job better pay really good. " she said. Her stomach made a slight grumbling noise. She should have eaten breakfast or atleast ate something before coming here and her stomach was obviously protesting her decision.

"Have no fear; this costume is equipped with the finest giant pocket so I have somewhere to put water and a small fan, and some squeeze-and-activate ice packs." Ethan told her. Inside his costume, he managed to get his phone and carefully look at it. His shift was up! Looking around to make sure no children who's dreams he could possibly shatter if they saw what he was about to do, he then tugged the heavy head of the costume off his head.

Landon headed out to the Three Bears Cafe, after having been excused by a girl who worked at the cart during his lunch break. He gladly strolled his way over to Candi. "Hey Candi. Are we going to sit at the counter today, or in one of the booths?" Landon asked.

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Lissa gasped " you better be careful if someone sees you it'll cause a riot. " she told him half-joking allrhough she knew it just might. That was the thing with kids, they could be so unpredictable, you never know how they might react to something. Lissa smiled politely to Ethan, " I think I'm going to get something to eat before I pass out and I should probably let you get back to work. " she said. Turning around to head toward the way she had originally came from.

"Actually, I'm done with work now, my shift just ended about, oh say... 2 minutes ago. So I guess I can tell my boss that I worked one minute overtime. Maybe I'll get additional pay... See ya later!" Ethan called to Lissa as he watched her head off. He wiped some of the sweat off his head and then put the head back on and headed to the locker room, where he slithered out of the costume and then headed out in his street clothes to go pick up lunch.

Name: Blair Lewis

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Blair is normally a very quiet girl with her head always buried in books. She can seem apathetic at times to people who don't know her well since she doesn't seem to do much in the History Zone and doesn't seem to care when insults are thrown at her except when commented about her height and treated like a child but once others know her better, they see she is a sweet, playful and independent girl who is engrossed with literature and history.

Looks : Blair doesn't care too much about her looks, only her height as she stands at about 4'8" and is average weight with pale skin. She has long, waist length auburn hair that she keeps in a low side ponytail most of the time. She has haunting green eyes that are hidden beneath her bangs. Being in the History Zone, she wears a crusader costume but doesn’t mind it. Whenever she’s not on shift, she isn’t really picky on what she wears and doesn’t mind dressing in something cute once and a while even if it does make her look even more like a little girl.

Job: Mascot

Job Zone: History Zone/Medieval Europe

Crush: None

Other: None

(OC: Is it okay if Candi developes a little crush on Landon?)

Candi though about it for awhile, "Definately counter, the booths are always occupied by families, and it can get really loud." Candi made her way over to the counter and hopped on a stool. "I told you how my day was, how was yours?"

(Aki, you're accepted :D , and to kutchipatchigirl, sure.)

Landon hopped onto a stool. "My day was pretty easy so far for the most part. Business was really slow at my cotton candy cart, and there were only about 2 troublemakers the entire morning. I doubt it'll be as easy in the afternoon, though, since that's when everybody comes. Remember yesterday, when they had to shut the gates of the park since the park reached maximum capacity?" Landon noticed the man behind the bar approach, and Landon ordered a orange juice with ice.

Candi ordered a root-beer which she started drinking immediately. "Yeah, I remember how packed this place was." She said pointing her head towards the booths. "And how long the line was to meet the "Famous Chelsea Chipmunk", god I hate my job." Candi slurped up more of her root-beer. "So what are you going to order? I'm thinking of some fries with gravy."

"Since I'm trying out for varsity soccer in the fall, I think I'm going to have to go healthy and order a grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup." Landon told Candi as he gratefully accepted his drink from the barman and began to slurp it down. "Although if you get french fries, I think I'll steal some."

"Go ahead." Candi gave him a friendly smile.

The waitor came over and they both ordered. "So what are you doing after work today?" She asked.

Lissa headed to one of the parks many themed restaurants and cafes. She headed towardthe Jungle Cafe and took a seat at the counter. She picked up a menu and scanned it over trying to decide what she wanted. She had never eaten at thisrestaurant so she didnt know what was good and what to order. She did however notice a volcano themed icecream dessert on the back page that looked great, but she would have to eat an actually meal before ording a dessert. Lissa flipped the menu back to the beverages and ordered herself a cream soda before going back to trying to pick something to eat.

"I don't know. I kind of want to go ride that new roller coaster in the Thrill Zone- The Glider, that shiny one that's going to be released to the public next week after all the test runs. I think I can get on a test run of the coaster." Landon took another sip of his orange juice.

Ethan wandered around for a bit before deciding to go to the staff cantina. Unfortunately for him, it was full. He had no choice but to go to one of the cafe's around the park. He decided on the Jungle Cafe, hoping it wouldn't be too crowded. It wasn't. He noticed a familiar girl- Lissa at the counter. He sat down next to her. "So we meet again."

"Sounds fun, I love roller coasters. Mind if I tag along?" asked Candi. She gave him another of her prize winning smiles. The waitor came and put the food on the counter. Candi started stabbing fries with her fork.

"Oh, hi." Lissa said looking up and seeing Ethan. "Long time no see, are you sure you're not just following me now?" She joked. She looked back down to her menu still unsure of what to order. The menu was themed so she had to be sure to read the description of what every meal was because they all had jungle themed names. She finally decided on what to order and set her menu down onto the counter closing it gently. She hoped the waitress would come by soon so she could order, eat and then get back out to this amazing park. Lissa had never been to this park before and had been very happy when she'd gotten the pass now she wouldnt have to worry about not being able to see it all because she could come back everyday if she wanted to.

"Yes, I'm a mascot stalker who stalks customers around the park, to educate children on the topic of how to identify stalkers and creepers. Actually, I'm off for an hour since I have lunch, and the staff cantina was stuffed to the brims, so I decided to come here." Ethan opened up his own menu and flipped through it for a moment before settling on some spicy chicken sandwich.

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