The Zone, a RP


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The man didn't look back at Ricky and just grunted. After disappointment, Ricky went back to the center of the park and walked to Game Zone. He polity asked for some quarters and went to the Skee Ball area. He tossed the ball lightly but with some force in it. Ricky also took a glance at the Panic Button on top of the glass counter and wondered if employees ever used them.

When the waitress came by and asked if they were ready to order Lissa smiled up at her politely and rambled off her order. "I will have this Jungle burger, with ketchup, pickles, ooh and some bacon and for the side a ceasar salad, and an extra side of fries" The waitress gave her an odd look as if she didnt believe that a small girl would eat so much food. "Oh and can I also get one of those volcano things afterward for dessert?" She asked. The waitress scribbled down the order skeptically but said nothing

Blair yawned loudly as she checked her phone for the tenth time to check if her shift was over. It wasn't that she didn't like her job, it was just that there were few people visiting the History zone that day. She stood up lazily and headed towards the locker rooms as she shift had just ended. "Finally, time to get some food." She yawned again as the words left her mouth.

Ethan ordered his food and then he looked at her, eyes wide with surprise. "Are you one of those hungry girl types or something? Like, the ones that look tiny and thin but can eat 200 lbs of food? God..." He shook his head with a grin and reached for his glass of water, which he took a nice long sip of.

"It depends on where the cart puts itself. I don't work in the Splash Zone every day. Although I don't mind getting splashed by water, since it's nice and cold water," Landon stopped to finish his orange juice in a gulp. "But I'd prefer working in the Thrill Zone or Extreme Zone. Always funny to see the people scream and throw up after rides."

"You like to watch people puke?" joked Candi. "If you are ever in the kids zone visit me. Sadly I'm positioned in the 'forest of fun'." Candi grumbled. "Breaks almost over, I'll see you after work." Candi walked over to the lockers to get ready for her next silly shift.

Lissa chuckled sipping at her iced tea, " On occasion, " She admitted. She had always had a high metaboism and never really had to worry about what she ate. "That and I am really hungry." Lissa told him setting the glass down gently. "I mean I probably wont finish the volcano, but it just looked so good I couldnt resist. Thats probably one of my biggest weaknesses, sweets. Icream, chocolate, candy, baked goods, I love it all. I really have no self control sometimes..." She trailed off and stopped talking, realizing that she was babbling and looked down.

"See ya." Landon finished the last spoonful of tomato soup and then he paid the guy behind the bar for his meal before heading back to the locker room. He got changed into his work uniform again and then met up with his supervisor to find out where his cart was. "It's in the History Zone." Landon thanked his supervisor before heading out to the History Zone, equipped with a complementary water bottle.

Ethan listened to Lissa before he began to laugh hysterically. "Jeez! You're just like me! Well, I'm more of a salt lover than a sugar lover, and I have a little fat-" He reached his left hand to his stomach and pinched it, revealing some fat, before continuing, "But I still really love ice cream! Ice cream is totally the best! Salty caramel ice cream is totally delicious..." Unfortunately, his dreaming about salty caramel ice cream made him forget that he had been leaning back in his stool, so he lost his balance and toppled to the floor.

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Candi waddled her way back to the kids zone. Back to her usual routine again, pictures with crying kids, pictures with silly teens and pictures with adults who really didn't want to be there. She sighned a few autographs too, for the kids who were stupid enough to buy the over-expensive 'The Zone Autograph Book of Greatness'. Mascots weren't aloud to sign other autograph books just to push the sales. She was now walking around 'Storybook Lane' taking pictures with the actually amused kids.

Name: Kevin Turner

Age: 17

Gender: M

Personality: Kevin is kind, and loves to help people in the park, which he does reguarly.

Sadly, he is also a huge worry wart, which can sometimes annoy people and the fact he is usually quite spastic.

Looks: Is average height and has spikey sandy blonde hair. He also has blue-green eyes that flatter him well. He is over-all a pretty good looking guy.

Job: Shark Mascot

Job Zone: Splash Zone

Crush: Emily (If that's okay o3o)

Lissa blushed and then feeling her face hotten caused her to redden even more. She chuckled soflty along with Ethan. She reached down and offered Ethan a hand when he toppled off his stool and onto the floor. The waitress soon returned with her arms full of plates she set their food down onto the counter . "There ya go." She said "The dessert will be ready shortly." Lissa thanked her politley and dug into her food. She took a few large bites of her hamburger and then from her salad and a few fries. "Mmmm, this is sooo good."

(Kutchipatchigirl, Kevin is accepted.)

Ethan laughed harder as he got up, accepting Lissa's hand up gratefully. He rubbed his head, and then a moment later, he had his sandwich in his hands and a mouthful bread and meat. With a sly grin, he reached a lightning fast hand over to Lissa's plate and stole a fry, even though he had his own french fries sitting in his plate. He quickly brought the fry up to his mouth, where it disappeared almost instantly.

Lissa continued to laugh along with him. She scoffed and made a pouty face Ethan stole a french frie off of her plate. Lissa continued to eat her meal. She finished off the burger, most of the fries, about half of her salad and all of her iced tea but the two half-melted icecubes. Her eyes lit up a bit when she saw the waitress head out of the kitchen with the volcano in her hand. Lissa pushed asaid her plates and picked up the shiny spoon off of her napkin.

Emily looked up at the clock again, her shift was over in about five minutes, and thank goodness for that. She was really getting sick of this wave pool, it was boring because nothing ever really happened. She blew her whistle at a group of preteen children goofing around in the water, hanging off the side of the pool and dunking eachother under water.

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Ethan had managed to polish off everything on his plate, except for a handful of fries. He didn't think he'd be able to finish them. Well, he could, but he had a plan. He laughed when he saw Lissa's eagerness for the volcano of ice cream.

The waitress placed the volcano on the countre. Lissa examined it with delight. It stood almost a foot tall with vanilla icecream underneath a layer of whipped cream. There were large slices of brownies going up the edges of it and there was chocolate syrup drizzled from the top and ran down the sides of the massive dessert. kind of like this. Lissa dug her spoon into the brownie part scooping up a spoon of browin syrup and icecream and stuffing it in her mouth within about two point seven seconds after it was placed down onto the counter.

Kevin waddled his way to the lifeguard post. "Rawr!!!" He randomely shouted at the girl. "Hi Emily!" He sung with a huge smile on his face inside his costume.

"Wow." Ethan stared at the monstrosity of ice cream, whipped cream, brownies and syrup. His mouth, which had been wide open, closed and formed a smile. "Knowing how easily you polished off all those fries, the burger and the salad, I think you'll be able to finish that giant volcano. But.." Ethan quickly took a silver spoon and stole a quick bite from the other side of the volcano. "Yum."

"Oh hi," Emily said to Kevin waving slightly. She then blew her whistle loudly at some children who were running around screaming and laughing "No Running!" she shouted at them.

Lissa giggled. a bit before taking another perfect bite. "Oh my god! This is the most delicious thing I have ever tasted!" She moaned softly taking another few bites, diving into the centre of icream and whipped creamy goodness. "I think i will need to have one of these everyday!"

Blair changed out of her crusaders costume and into jeans and sweatshirt once she entered the locker room. She walked out and headed back towards where she had been standing as she had left a book and her phone there. "I wonder if anyones come across them yet and taken them." She groaned at the thought. "It took me such a long time to earn the money for those." She muttered to herself.

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