There's always someone better and there's always someone worse


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I'm really competitive at everything but it's always good to tell yourself that there will be someone who is better than you. That way your ego doesn't grow too large. But don't beat yourself up over the fact, strive to get better and maybe you can surpass the person that's better than you. In my personal experiences, if I ever lose someone to compete with I just lose motivation to improve.

I accel greatly in reading (i was reading books when I was 3, chapter books around 5) and math (even though i positively hate it).

I don't accel in sports or physical challenges. I also find it hard to socialize with people that I meet irl.

Lol, if I really tried my hardest in Math, I'd be in advanced classes. But I'm too lazy 8D

Oh. You guys make me feel so immature T_T

I am incredibly competitive, I'll say that. But only in things I know I can do better, or I've been told that I'm good at. (or, I just get a bit big headed about it, lol)

I am amazed at your maturity with this, Dazzmina, you are certainly more mature than me. :p It's great that you've realized this and accepted it, because I sure haven't.

With things I know I am not the best at, I don't feel compelled to be better than everyone, because I know that my capability does not lie within the best of the best. With other things I am naturally good at (I swear other people tell me this), I sort of feel the need to compete, to be the best because I know that I can be the best, you know what I mean?

I think that's why it's so hard for me to accept new people who burst onto the scene, whether or not it's in a class at school, here on TT, anywhere. It's not something that I like, but it's hard, because I constantly have thoughts like "O_O that person is stealing my thunder that should be mine". Which, when I think about it, is incredibly selfish. :p I have an example floating around?

I have been told by peers, teachers, and family that I am a good writer. I remember getting out of class to volunteer for something. I think it was English. Another girl (who I am totally on good terms with) came and said "Ms. Smith says I'm a writer and my vocabulary is pretty big already so I can miss this to help you guys." which, I think, is perfectly legit. But I couldn't help but think "Hey! Talented writer is my position around here." and I was stewing about it for a bit, but I realized that there will always be someone better. No matter what I do, there will be someone better. (and that sounds like I'm trying to kill my self esteem but it's true) so I've just come to terms with that and accepted that yes, she's a good writer too.

There are still many, many situations where I feel threatened by things like this, but I try to remember this: There will always be people better than you, but that cannot stop you from putting your best foot forward and being the best you can be.
You and I are so alike! Except I get angry and mean about it if someone is better than me at something I love to do.

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