They Call Us Show Girls


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Haha I'm listening to Mamma Mia! at this very moment. :)

Bri applauded for Sophie once she finished. Bri had never realized how talented this group of girls was. The tall blonde, being as curious as she was, picked up her box and walked over to Sebastian. "Uhm, are you aware of anything going on between Mei and a certain crew member?" she asked in a low tone, eyebrow raised.

And for some reason today I had the sudden urge to learn Thank You For The Music on piano. I'm workin' on it :)

Caden clapped politely for Sophie and her performance, smiling at how good it was. He was impressed, to say the least, at how talented all these girls were. They could all sing so well, but Joseph had never bothered to even find that out! "That was great," he told her from his seat, before taking a sip of his cider. Somehow, he was feeling a little better about this job after all. Of course he'd wanted it, but he didn't know if he'd be able to really keep standards high.

THis is about to be a fail of a form, but whatevs.

Name: Elenora Rose Childs

Age(25+): 32, though if you ask, she'll say 27

Gender: female

Looks: Average height, stick skinny, auburn hair, brown eyes. Wears baggy dancer clothes. In great shape, mostly because she's a health nut

Personality: Way too energetic for anyone to tolerate. But you mess with her, and you'll feel like you're in hell.

Position(Director, Choreographer, etc.): Choreographer!

How you got into the business: Was a Follie herself for the maximum amount of years, and loved it so much she became the choreographer.

Backstory: Well, you see- this is my roleplay, so I'll put this in when I feel like it. :)

Ellen took her lunch up to where Caden was sitting and said, "You seem to be handling your first day relatively well." She crossed her legs, watching all of her little precious dancers eat and socialize and whatnot.

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Eli wasn't sure what to do. He simply stood and walked calmly an silently over to the table on which Mei had placed his box of food. He picked up the container and walke silently back to his chair, sinking down into it without another word. He didn't mean to come off as rude to this girl it was just thy he never really conversed with people, let alone females and deffinately not attractive ones at that. He simply preferred to just stay silent and say as little as possible. It was the only way he knew how to prevent himself from saying things without thouroughly thinking it through. You know that thing in your brain, that little filter that stands between your brain and your mouth? Yeah, Eli doesn't have it so he tries to find the easiest way to keep himself from doing or saying anything stupid.

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32? She's a cougar ;]

"Thanks," Caden said as Ellen took a seat next to him, finishing off a mouthful of teriyaki. "I have to say, I had no idea what to expect, even though I've been around since I'd started college. But I'm glad they've taken to it okay. Do you think the ideas are good?"

Mei had finished her lunch, and clapped wildly when Sophie sang. "Yay Sophie!!!! As always, beautiful!" She got to her feet and hopped up and down, before spinning around a couple of times, then doing a backflip. Once she had landed, she let herself fall onto her rear, and sighed happily. "This is going to be our best rehearsal so far!"

Haha, she's not hitting on Caden yet! :)

Bri laughed a bit at Mei's entusiastic gymnist routine. She threw away her lunch, all eaten besides the crust, and started doing twirls across the stage, practicing her spotting.

Ellen smiled and said, "Yes, I think they're good. But I know my girls, and I can tell some of them are starting to feel more competetive than usual. I think it'll all work out, you'll just have to be delicate with some of them." She stood up and clapped her hands, calling to the girls, "If we hurry up and eat, I can start cleaning the song we worked on last week!"

Mei had finished her food, and was already eager to begin. The new formats were going to be so much fun, she just knew it! Everyone sounded so good, and they were finally getting credit for their talents. She loved hearing everyone else sing, and it was interesting to hear the different styles of music they chose. Mei was very much focused on classical and ballad pieces, nothing very pop-esque or comical. She would have to ask someone to help her with that.

"Fill me in on Eli." Bri muttered to Mei as she practiced some of the routine they had learned last week. She just had to know, of course, being as close to Mei as she was. Mei was honestly the only girl she could talk to about anything. You could almost say Mei was one of her best friends.

Mei pretended to be practicing with Bri, when she was really chattering away about Eli. "Well... I'm not quite sure why I like him. I mean, he avoids everyone like the plague. I think... it makes him more appealing to me. And I've always had a soft spot for bad boys. It comes with being raised in a strict household, I guess. Plus, I mean... he's really really hot. And he's not an attention seeking diva or anything, like some other theater guys I've met."

Bri listened and nodded in the right places. "Well, give him your number. Simple as that. Because he'll never be able to resist the amazingness that is Meimei!" Bri announced, getting to the kick line. "Lucky duck. I haven't been interested in anyone since Jeremy," she mumbled after she finished dancing. Jeremy was the man that proposed to Brielle fresh out of high school and then dumped her becasue she wasn't "smart" enough.

Meimei said, "Well, if my instincts are right, which they usually are, I think that you might have a shot with Caden. I mean, sure, it would be weird to be in a relationship with the boss, but if you two are meant to be, you're meant to be. Besides, you two both love music and performance, and you both are nice! Destiny darling. It's destiny! Besides, Jeremy was a d***** bag anyways, and honestly, I bet his current girlfriend isn't as pretty or as cool as you are."

Brielle rolled her eyes and said, "There's nothing going on with Caden and me. I'm his employee, and that's it. Sure, he's cute, but that doesn't mean anything. And guess what? Every girl here loves music. They have just as much of a shot."

"Well... okay. Oh, what about Sebastian? You two seem pretty darn close..." Mei smiled slightly, giving her friend a gentle pat on the shoulder. "He's nice! And Yeah, we all love music, but not everyone here is passionate about it. Not everyone lives it whole heartedly. Music is a lifestyle, not a hobby. Few of us realize that."

Eli sunk down into the chair, he was alone in the back room and it was nice. He enjoyed solitude it gave him time to think and escape reality for a while. He quickly finished up his lunch and tossed the empty container and plastic utensils into the trash bin carelessly. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and slumped back down into his chair.

Sebastian looked up a few times while the girls were singing and dancing and then applauded politely when they were done. He was busy tapping away at his phone when he saw Ellen and Caden in the back. He smirked a bit, a slight smile on his face. He knew thad boy would be a real hit once he was in charge, he had been popular even when he was just looked at like the crazy director's little brother. Now that he was more in the spotlight the girls felt more able to talk to him without getting their head's bitten off, hat and he'd heard a few of them discussing how cute they thought he was.

Brookelyn at her lunch quietly, muttering a polite thank-you to Sebastian. She opened the little plastic container and poured the little cup of dressing onto her salad and shook up the container before eating her meal. She sat on the ground once she was finished, stretching herself out some more. She was sitting on the ground reaching over and trying to streatch out the muscles in her legs and loosen herself up. She could see all the others talking and gossipping and even flirting with others.

Who said I was implying that? She's older than all the guys. Psh, I mean really. Would I really say that? :)

Caden nodded in agreement, also seeming to sense an unusual kind of excitement between the group, obviously caused by the fact that his new ideas would showcase them more, but obviously would require some being frontrunners more than others for certain numbers. He finished off his teriyaki and made his way closer to the stage, to watch the girls rehearse under Ellen's command, ready to make some directorial suggestions here and there.

Ellen clapped her hands once she got onstage. "Well, let's just start the number from the top, shall we?" She pressed the play button on the remote in her hand and upbeat music started playing. Ellen paced back and forth, watching the girls with great scrutiny.

Bri smiled as she walked to her position, performing as though this was real. Every move was sharp, every facial expression genuine. She didn't let anything else control her thoughts. Right here, and now, it was about Bri, and the dance moves. She spun, spotted, pliéd, and kicked perfectly.

Caden perched on the edge of the lighting desk, his eyes scanning all of the dancers, picking up every movement, every facial expression. He wasn't really sure how, if he ever found reason to, he was going to tell them he wanted something different, or that they weren't doing something quite right, because Joseph had always made the point of the fact that he was the one who knew about dancing, because Caden studied music at college. Despite his common disagreements with his brother, he took to heart a lot of what Joseph said, and it was beginning to show. Still, for now, it all looked good to him. Maybe he'd just hope that Ellen would pick up on the things he saw, too.

No way! That's some pretty crazy stuff. :)




Sophie smiled at the applause. It was definitely her thing, her reality. When Ellen commanded that they start the number Sophie took her usual spot. She by no means the best dancer, Bri took that title easily, so performed the moves further away from center stage. She admired Bri for her talent, as she admired everyone else for theirs as well, and just hoped to continue improving her own. Sophie let the music take over her mind and let it flow through her body, creating energy and causing her to enjoy every minute of dancing. As long as it was performing, even though it was no center stage, it was enough to keep Sophie happy.

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Ellen stood in front of Sophie. "Stop looking cheesy." she demanded, walking on to yell at another girl. Ellen stopped in front of Mei. "Mei, that's not your blocking." She stopped in front of Brookelyn. "Brookelyn, sharper." She stopped in front of Bri. "Bri, point your toes. Your feet look a mess today."

When Ellen demanded for Bri to point her feet more, she just nodded, taking the comment in easily. Brielle managed to point her toes more than she was before. It hurt, but that was show business for you. You could either do what they want, or they'd fire you. After hitting her final pose, Bri looked up, noticing Caden watching the girls. Weird... Mr. Fletcher was usually right up on stage, yelling alongside Ellen. This place was already twenty times different.

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