Things you do during the day


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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2010
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Lol, I'm not sure if this is already posted but, what do you do other than being on TamaTalk? for me, all I do is tv....and thats what I really do. My life is boring ._. how about you?

i play wow, watch tv and watch little kids.


my life is cool.

Nothing much. Occasionally I read, browse NicoDouga, draw, listen to music, text, chit-chat with friends out of state and / or country, and some other things. Rather boring. :/

Well, I watch TV, go to Gran's to play with my cousins, occasionally going swimming, and camping.


Hmm, in the summer i swim a lot, but otherwise, i play video games a lot, sacred seasons 2, and practice oboe. And.... that's pretty much it on a daily basis. Yeah, i sooo have a life.

I watch TV and play Animal Crossing. And when I do go online, I'm either on Neopets, TamaTalk, Facebook, or FML. Very rarely I'll check my email. My life is boring right now, but that's because it's summer. During the school year I have a lot more going on. I hang out with my friends a lot more, etc.

I go for a run everyday to stay fit, but everything else I do kinda depends on the day.

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In the summer months, I don't do much.

I'll work around the house, jeez there's always a million things that need to be done! -Laundry, dishes, vacuuming, and general tidying. D:

When I feel lazy I'll watch movies in my room, shop at thrift stores, read, play with my tamas, and god knows I eat way too much. :\

Oh, I also work at my part-time job. Which sucks. :|

I go in the sea alot, whether it's surfing or swimming or bodyboarding. Uh, I play on my DS and I hang out with my freinds. I play my guitar and sit and daydream for ages. I read and go on the computer. And that's about it.

My life is pretty simple ~

If I don't have skating practice, soccer practice, or tennis practice (or summer camp in the summer) I be lazy at home and read, watch TV, listen to music or browse youtube for hours. A lot of the time I'll go to the pool with my friends or bike down to Dairy Queen (they know me there), lol.

Oh and play Wiiii =)

Computer stuffffs, y'know, Facebook and all that.

I play with my mice a lot, and sometimes my cat.

I very rarely watch TV.

And I go places with my family usually, or occasionally with friends.

Oh and I eat. A lot.

I go swimming and get random prank calls from the kids at all like:"I know its you, punk!!!!!" *click* I hang up ahahaa so funny! :) Oh and I also take a lot of picturessss of myself and the neighbor kid who just randomly invites himself over:] Yay!!!!..............hah (Is it alright if I just felt like saying yay?)


Read, write, eat, watch TV, gym, hang out with friends and family.

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I run errands with my mom a lot.

I pester my older brother.

I play video games like I'm paid to.

I go swimming in the summer.

I read fanfics. :)

I surf the web.

I email and text with my friends.

I eat. A lot.

I take pictures and browse dA.

I sing. A bit too often.

I find chords for piano songs I wanna learn.

I attempt guitar.

I make videos on my computer.

I watch TV.


Hang out with friends.

Go places.

Music things- Practice instruments, sing, listen to music, write songs that I never seem to finish.

See / look after my cousin.

I usually watch TV before bed.


I go out with my superhero disguise and save the world.


Nahh, my life is boring. :huh:

In the summer, it's

.go to summer school

.hang out with friends that are not on vacation/at camp/at a different summer school


.aaand chill online

Yup. 8U

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Go to school

Watch TV

Go on facebook

Read books

Think about getting a laptop for my birthday (hope I do)

and lots more...

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