Things you wouldn't tell people?


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Basically Tamatalk. No offense. Aha.

Everything else, I'm pretty open about with my friends.

I just don't want people stalking me on a Tamagotchi site.

It's complicated, because my friends know about lots of you, but they have no idea I've never met you.

Because -- I lied. I told them you were all old friends from England. Like, "Yeah, I went to school with Phoebe and Katie and Michelle and Ksenia! But over the years they moved to Texas, Pennsylvania, New Zealand, Australia, etc. So now I have international friends!"

I love you guys, and you are mentioned, but everyone thinks I used to go to school in England with you.

I lied. D:

I'm a bad person.
Thats what I did!

I love to talk about you and then I'll be like "But -name- moved away to -placename-. I miss them"

They think I seem to make my friends move away because I know a lot of people who are not in NZ.

I'm not going to tell many people at school that I am beginning to like Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus again.

If me and Ksenia ever meet when we're still kids, I'll tell my parents, "well, this is Ksenia, my best friend from camp. I call her Senny. Her and her family moved somewhere for somereason, and she came back for random holida, cetra cetra."

I'll NEVER tell TT people me real life unless I chatted on MSN webcam with you, and know you well. (No, I'm not a stalker. I swear on my life)

I once told my BFF about Ksenia and Beth, and she got all P!ssed at me, so I'm like "they're just my friends from Camp!" and to this day, I'm sure she still knows I'm lying about that. -.-

Tamatalk ._.

And stuff that I'm (obviously) not telling 8D

This topic made me realize how open I am with my friends. :)

They know about all my weird social anxieties, and of course I can't keep my mouth shut when I'm on my period... That's when I go on my most outrageous feminist tangents.

I think the only stuff I wouldn't tell them is just stuff about my family or other people that would offend or embarrass the subject, really. I'm a nice person, after all.

Well, my closest friend knows I have my own site.

She knows about my friend Christine & how we met on sites.

But not you guys, afraid she won't understand.

I might tell her soon though, cuz you guys like, rock. <333

I....Used to be a 40 year old man. I had a sexchange and I'v always been this height. Now I pretend to a be 13 year old girl!

xD I used that to scare off my friends little brother who had some weird crush on me >.>

I have nothing to hide.. At least I think I dont :l.

Oh yur I dont tell my friends about TT.

Other then that. I HAVE NO SECRETS. Except for stuff like crushes but they're not really private I mean.. I tell one person the next day the whole class knows soo...

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