Thinking of Starting A Band...


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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I might be forming a band with a few friends..or my cousins.


But what should I call the band? Please pick from my options. Those ones really stuck out to me. ^_~

Well...what genre?

I've wanted to start a band...but none of my friends play instruments....bandish instruments that is.

Doggiedreams- Um...I don't know. Cheeky, fun, but at the same time emotioal. Just a mix I guess. :(

Well, If I had a band, I would go with MIDNIGHT SUSHI RUN!!!!! or something crazzzy. I do have a band, but all I can play is the violin and the flute.

Well, If I had a band, I would go with MIDNIGHT SUSHI RUN!!!!! or something crazzzy. I do have a band, but all I can play is the violin and the flute.
Can I vote for that one? :mimitchi:

I voted a bit ago..but cant remember what I voted for..I think it was Endless Hour.

Anywho. I have a band! We are called Ghosts in Black Satin.

I think Shameless sounds cool. My favorite band name is Arts & Crafts, but don't steal it, 'cause I'm saving it for if I ever make a band. XD
