This girl at school...


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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2005
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Chicago, IL
Well, there's this girl at school who I used to be friends with. We stopped hanging out (She was WAY too bossy...), and ever since then she's been really mean and weird to me. She'll stare at me, and when I ask her to stop, she'll say "I wasn't staring at you. Gosh." She's been hanging out with the "popular" girls in our class, and because of that she feels as though she's "above" me and a lot of my friends. It's really annoying... And she feels as though she never has to listen to me ASK HER NICELY to stop something. I really try ignoring her, but she's gone too far.

Here are some examples of what she's done to me:

Pushed me without saying "excuse me" or "sorry," and yells at me when I try getting past her without saying "excuse me."

Stares at me and denies it when I bring it up

• Treats me like a speck of dust

• When I ask her to stop something, she ignores me and keeps doing it

○ In P.E. once, she was doing this REALLY annoying and loud siren sound, and I said (We'll call her A) "A, will you please stop? I have a headache today..." and she kept doing it until she FINALLY got tired of it and started doing some other annoying thing...

○ In P.E. when we were playing hockey, she kept high-sticking (putting her stick above her waist) and I asked her to stop and said that "The teacher said that high-sticking is against the rules." during a break once, and she just went "Psh." and ignored me completely! Then she kept doing it and almost hit me!

She treats me like dirt and treats other people like queens IN FRONT OF ME!

○ In P.E. we were playing kickball, and she kicked the ball (I was the first baseman) and someone threw it to me and I got her out since I stepped on the base before she did. I said "A, you're out!" and so did like five other people, and she turns to me and says "You're so whiney," and FINALLY goes out.

• In P.E. (She's super mean to me in P.E., since we can talk in that class...) we were playing dodgeball, and I threw a ball and someone caught it. I was going out and she started clapping and looking at me!! It was really mean. I almost started crying...

In P.E., on the same day, I turned around to talk to a friend (not the best dodgeball player >.<) and someone hit me. She started LAUGHING and pointing at me!

ANOTHER time in P.E. we were playing hockey. I swung my stick and I accidentally hit her ankle, and she was all "Why'd you hit me?" and I said "I'm sorry, it was an accident..." and she said "Oh, SURE it was!" and I said "Geez, you could at least accept my apology..." and she said "Maybe I would if I knew it wasn't an accident." A few minutes after that she went over and HIT ME IN THE WRIST WITH HER STICK!! Wrist-hitting is NOT an accident. Plus my wrist was, like, in the air... And I said "A, that hurt! The least you could do is apologize!" and she said "Oops, I'm sorry, it was an accident." in a voice that was basically mocking me.

• She CONSTANTLY tries to convert me into being Catholic. It's VERY annoying. I've asked her to stop (she doesn't), but she can't accept the fact that I'm no religion...

• She hangs around my car after school and stares at my nanny and sisters before I get into the car. My nanny says it's really creepy xD

She always touches me... She'll lean on me whenever she gets the chance to. She's done this to lots of people.

• She ALWAYS knocks my stuff over and replaces it with hers, or puts her stuff on top of mine

○ I put my stuff on a hook in my teacher's closet (My coat and stuff) one morning, and when I went to get it at the end of the day, I saw my stuff scattered on the ground and replaced by HERS. I knew she did it...

○ I put my books down on a table once, and when I came back I saw her books and backpack on top of my LUNCH and books! My lunch was smooshed!

Well, those are only SOME of the things she does to me. I don't know what to do anymore! It's getting really hard to ignore her... Plus my mom thinks she's the sweetest girl in the world, so she wouldn't believe me if I told her. I want to tell a teacher, but I don't think they'd do anything. I need some advice! =(


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have you told the teacher? Maybe if you do she will stop. I have the same problem (well...sort of) but I ignore it. If telling her to stop won't work, just tell the teacher. She will get in trouble and maybe she won't bother you anymore.

omg when i raed that it made me think of last year when i was raelly preppy and i was just beginning to get popular so i thought i was better than my b est friends and the just left me and were not my friends anymore but this year im still poular and they r my friends again and now i have a boyriend and all i did was not act so perfect

so just tell her that she is acting perfect and totally ignore her and get ur other friends to do that too and shell stop!

i hape it helps! brittxoxox

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Try telling a teacher/school conselor. they should be able to help. :D

i had the same problem w/ boys(much more pushy) but i also had that problem w/ my friends friend

heres my advice:

u said she yells at u wen u accidently oushed her rite??? just say wateva like she does.

u can just ignore her

wen she puts her stuff on top of yours u take ur stuff nd put it on hers. if she complains say "u get treated the same way u treat others"

if she annoys u, annoy her back

Well it sounds to me like she has self esteem issues. She needs to be notice by others to make herself feel better aboiut herself. Don't acknowlege her when she stares at you and if she is rude, just ignore her. She is just trying to get noticed. If you don't pay attention to her, she won't get what she wants and she may stop bothering you.

It's kinda funny the way she's trying to convert you to Catholicism while being a total jerk to you at the same time.

Anyway, I've experienced that friendships that end on a sour note always end up with hostilities between the two people. It's easier to be mean to someone than it is to stand next to someone you once knew all awkward-like. If you're mean to someone you used to know well, you don't have to think about how you USED to be friends 'cause your hate pushes it out.

You could try making up with her. She will either 1) actually make up with you and you guys will become friends or 2) she'll say "yeah, sure," and then you guys will never talk again after that.

It doesn't sound like she's done anything too severe. At this point, I'd recommend just ignoring her.

It's kinda funny the way she's trying to convert you to Catholicism while being a total jerk to you at the same time.
Anyway, I've experienced that friendships that end on a sour note always end up with hostilities between the two people. It's easier to be mean to someone than it is to stand next to someone you once knew all awkward-like. If you're mean to someone you used to know well, you don't have to think about how you USED to be friends 'cause your hate pushes it out.

You could try making up with her. She will either 1) actually make up with you and you guys will become friends or 2) she'll say "yeah, sure," and then you guys will never talk again after that.

It doesn't sound like she's done anything too severe. At this point, I'd recommend just ignoring her.
Yeah, I know xD I've told my friends from my old school and they think it's really funny.

I really don't want to be her friend again (Not to be rude, but I don't...), especially not after the way she's been treating me. I'll try telling a teacher, and I'll keep ignoring her like I've been **trying** to do... In case that doesn't work, I at least want a plan to fall back on! =)


She seems to be nasty mostly in p.e. You should tell a teacher/head of year and maybe they will put you in a different p.e group away from her. You should just try your best to stay away from her as she's obviously needy and not worth it.

I don't really know what to say. :/

Maybe you should talk to her about it- if she isn't agreeable and is still rude at least you can say you tryied. ;]

She just sounds like a girl looking for attention of the poluars.

Just be nice. It doesn't mean you have to be best buds again, but just be kind in the ways in which you deal with her.

If she's becoming a pain jsut ignore her.

If she gets worse tell the teacher.

I'm sure you'll handle the problem very well!


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