this is a weird question


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Apr 26, 2009
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do you think it is bad to be told by your teacher who to be friends with??????

i have fell out with this girl at skl and she went crying to miss and miss started talking to me saying if you are friends with 1 girl you have to be friends with the other 1 to i turned round to her and say f*** you, you cannot tell me who to be friends with :D

Gosh, It's your social life, not hers. What you do, is just be nice to the girl, just don't be extremely friendly.

Well, no the teacher had no right to tell you who you needed to be friends with, but the person above me is right, you should at the very least be socially polite to the girl in question so that this doesn't happen again and you two can maybe reconcile instead of being angry and fighting again. By socially polite, I mean if you happen to say, stand next to each other in line or something, just say 'Oh, hello, how are you?, goodbye" kinda deal, I don't mean to run around and become best friends

however, in all honestly, you handle the situation very badly with your teacher... She was probably just trying to settle the situation and you took it badly and yelled and cursed at her, apparently, I'm basing that completely on what you just said. That's not a very good way to handle it... and that attitude can honestly make people uncomfortable around you and even effect your friends because they hang out with you.

I'm saying that from personal experience and not to lecture and tell you what to do, so I'm sorry if you think that that's what I'm trying to do here, and I'm not trying to make you feel bad or anything, but this is what I have to say and that's really all

I hope that you don't get hurt/yelled at at anyone in school again, and that the girl will leave you alone from now on and no more trouble will come of it.

She has no right to tell you who to like and who not to like. I'll just leave it at that :furawatchi:

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Well,if the teacher told me to be friends with someone I don't want to be, I'd take no notice. Its not up to them to decide.

The teacher cannot tell you who you can or can't be friends w/. If Bob and Tim are twins and Bob is obnoxious and Tim is nice to you, do you HAVE to be friends with Bob if the teacher tells you to?

(Correct answer: Negative)

That's ridiculous. Teachers can't tell you who to be friends with. That's almost as bad as when they start discussions of politics and shove their own personal views down your throat.

You should be grateful it's illegal for teachers to hit their students now, because if I was in her position, I would NOT have put up with some brat swearing at me. You're what? 10-11 years old? You don't need to be swearing at adults just because you don't like what they say.

No, she shouldn't be telling you who to be friends with, but she's giving you the advice of being tolerant of others, and making friends, or at least being civil towards those you may not like.

Yes, she went about it in the wrong way of telling you you HAD to be friends with her(which I honestly doubt she did), but you have absolutely no right what so ever to talk to an adult the way you did.

You're also lucky it's illegal for parents to hit their kids, because if I pulled that kind of thing when I was your age I would get the beating of a lifetime.

well she is always being obnoxtious and always butting in to peoples privet life and she always tells you what to do so..............

if u think i sud be friends with her u wanna meet her before u say that!!!!!!!

Oh my... something similar happend to me,,

About 2 of my old teachers at my old school told my best friend to stay away from me because i was a bad influence because i didn't go to school much (Insomnia Problems, Headaches, stomach problems...meh)

I just wanted to say to them "Listen, you don't control my effin life or others so stop being such a intrusive moron and gtfo"

I'm so glad i'm out of that school, it was horrible.

Ha! Maybe there's a reason for that. Unsocial much?
I miss the old days. Sometimes all a kid needs is a good smack to set 'em straight.
xD Totally agree on that one! Never did me any harm :3

Well, honestly, everyone else is right. That the teacher was wrong to tell you who to be friends with, but she probably was just telling you to be civil instead of hating each other and/ oy fighting.

And you're asking us on our opinion, and telling us that we're wrong..

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