This is getting out of hand...


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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2006
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Good Lord, another help topic by snickerpie xD.

I am obssessed with Trauma Center. But not just "Yeah, Trauma Center's pretty cool..." I'm like, "OMG OMG OMG TRAUMA CENTER ROX YOUR SOX!!!! DEREK AND ANGIE RULE!!!!!" And I totally agree with trauma_centere_fan, TC totally rocks. And that's not all. I think Derek is *coughcutecough* and today, I was staring at our janitor because he looks a bit like Derek! O__O

So, can you help me with my obsession? PLEASE?!

It's not a big deal to be obsessed with something you like. In fact, I happen to get obsessed over things A LOT. But because of that, I tend to annoy my friends and family with constant talk over whatever it is I'm *currently* obsessed with. :roll eyes:

If you really want to become less-obsessed with something, you can always find new things to take interest in. In my experience, when I find new things to obsess over my old obsessions die down. And I do that again and keep things fresh...and it turns into a never ending cycle. xD

You can also take down any pictures or posters you have. That helps.

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That's what I was thinking at first, but then I decided I wanted my post to be longer. xD

It's alright I'm obsessed with an anime called Keroro Gunso or in english SGT.Frog! XD See how obsessed I am? It's perfectly alright.

Im obsessed with anime.......ANIME WHO SAID ANIME! *coughs* yeah, so its not wierd to be obsessed

Get your mother to ban the game. Ask her to hide it as well as she could.

If they absalutely won't whatever you do, throw it under your bed and leave it there.

I have the same obsession; observe: *reads manga for 4 hours straight* Also observe: *wolves chocolate*


Cecib :D

;) It's only bad if you don't do something with all that input your getting... I'm obsessed with future military anime like Gundam, Votoms, and Dancouga but I turn that obsession into something useful, like my own comic book about future warfare...

If Trauma Center is your thing... what else do you like to do? You can make a story about surgeons... or study medical stuff... you can make a comic book <3 but don't let all that energy go untapped! There's millions of possibilities! Maybe you should look into a career in medicine? :)

There's nothing wrong unless you become 'hooked' to the point where you're playing the game 24/7.

Im exactly the same as you are. Whenever I like something, I'll become pretty much addicted to it. WHen I first got my Junior High agenda, I held it all day, and took it wherever I went.

Current Obsession: Warriors.

Nobody can 'help' you with this. It's not a big deal!! Everyone gets phases of obsession! I've certainly had a few...

It might take you a couple of weeks, it might take you a year. Either way, you'll get over it. Don't worry, da na na na na, be happy! Da na na na na. (sorry)


Current Obsession: Warriors.
Because of your username and your avatar, I'm guessing that you mean the Warriors cats books by Erin Hunter.


Okay, there. I'm obsessed with the Warriors book series, and that's perfectly okay. I'd bet that most people on this website are addicted to Tamagotchis (like me), since it's a Tamagotchi fan forum, and that's fine. It's also completely fine to be into something-whether it's a game, a book, a sport-as long as you don't let it take over your life. Everyone has interests. What's important is that we stay focused on our friends, our family, and school. Our "addictions" come next :furawatchi: .

It's not a big deal to be obsessed with something you like. In fact, I happen to get obsessed over things A LOT. But because of that, I tend to annoy my friends and family with constant talk over whatever it is I'm *currently* obsessed with. :roll eyes:
If you really want to become less-obsessed with something, you can always find new things to take interest in. In my experience, when I find new things to obsess over my old obsessions die down. And I do that again and keep things fresh...and it turns into a never ending cycle. xD
The exact same thing happens with me ;)

:D TamagotchiGirl2007 :)

It's totally normal to get obsessed once in a while, in fact im obsessed with *cough* *pointes at avvie* its fine, i call it more, fangirlism XD but if it gets really out of hand like playing it 24/7 and talking about it and thinking of it ALL the time, its best to talk to your parents. or just get hooked on something new :( hope that helps.

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