This is quite a serious question..For Christians.


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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2009
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Second star to the right, straight on til morning.
One of the Ten Commandments is not to murder.

So how come, in the Bible, there are so many battles and wars? I know you've got to defend yourself when someone attacks.. But I thought Jesus preached love, not war.

I've asked my mom about this.. But all she said is; 'Murder is different to war'. But the thing is, I can't see how. I'm really at lost as to why Christians, the loving, forgiving religion, would lead so many battles?

I've been doing stuff about Richard the Lionheart in History and stuff (and I have a way biased teacher. She only shows the bad things Christians have done, and the good things Muslims have done. I've pointed this out to her several times, but she doesn't answer or pretends she didn't hear).

So I just want to know if anyone can explain the 'difference between murder and war.


The way I see it, the difference is your own opinion. It's how you see the difference [or non difference] between war and murder.

[in my opinion]In War, you're fighting for a Country, and your Countries rights. So basically it's defending, and for a cause. Like the saying; 'If you want peace, You must prepare for war"

Murder is killing someone for the sole reason of evil, perhaps revenge. It has no decent purpose, and isn't for a good cause. Murder is usually like an unbalanced thing, such as if you do a minor thing, you receive a major thing [murder].

I'm pretty sure my definitions are pretty bad, but it's the best I could do.

Atheist here, but the bible is full of contradictions once you actually read it and understand it. I don't want to start anything, so I'm just going to leave it at that.

Thanks Kristin. That kinda helped. But I'm stupid and still don't see how they're any different; but your explanations were amazing. ;D

And meowbark; I respect that that's your opinion, but I think you'll find the title says For Christians. And even if you're not, but still want to answer the difference between murder and war question, then please be my guest. But I find it really offensive if you come along and insult what I believe. I don't care what your understanding of the Bible is. Everyone's different, everyone believes different things. It happens that I'm a Christian, and really don't understand the difference between war and murder. I think you'll find your post is slightly off-topic.

Not trying to start anything.

Edit; this is LOVE. btw. Wrong account for some reason.

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(I'm the son of a pastor) well the bible also says it's allright to defend yourself to. In other words someone could be trying to kill you and you would have the right to shoot them or something. If you think about and read the bible alot you'll find out the war and murder are totaly diffrent.

I just need to find that verse in the bible...

I don't think mb was insulting your religion at all :furawatchi:

She just stated that The Bible does contain a lot of contradictions - one of which you yourself have pointed out to us... :furawatchi:

I think the problem you will always have with this kind of question is that it is not just a "religious" or moral question, but a "legal" one too - it's also a really complex question and not easy to answer :furawatchi:

Murder is usually defined as the unlawful killing of another human being.

Many nations give their forces religious dispensation to justify killing another human during an act of war - in other words the Church says it is ok for a soldier to kill their enemy because they are fighting for their country in a "justified" (i.e. legal) war.

Now, lots of folk might agree with that and lots of folk don't agree with that, but it seems to be the way to get around the moral dilema you have pointed out :furawatchi:

This kind of question is something you might put to your Minister or pastor when you next see him (or her).

It's a question that they regularly deal with and yours will probably be able to explain it more clearly and factually without inadvertently insulting your religion and offending you :furawatchi:

Okay, thanks TamaMum..

And this whole contradiction thing; I'm not putting the blame on God - I'm putting the blame on humanity. If you can see what I mean? So obviously I didn't explain as clearly and then took offense to what meowbark said.

But whatever. Thanks.

Well, if you're mad, you have to understand people will always challenge your beliefs. Whether you want them to or not, it's your choice whether you want to ignore them, take offense to what they said, or listen to their point of view. I'm not trying to be rude or anything, just stating the facts.

Sometimes, no matter how hard you look you can't find the answers to the questions you want to know, especially within your faith.

I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but it's just some things that we don't know. I'mma give a bad example now and say such as The Meaning Of Life. Some people has their opinions, some people are just completely baffled by such a question. I think this question could be similar?

Really [in my opinion], I believe that this sort of question can only be answered on opinion.

I know, I fail

Dude. You read my mind. This has been running through my head ever since our Napoleon mock trial in WHAP.

Anyways, I'm currently not sure. I mean...people die. And to me, that's not right. Period. And that's the only thing I know for certain.

War is defending yourself and/or something you love from evil. (Here's an example that we can all relate to: Defending your friend at school from those prissy girls)

Murder IS evil. (BEING one of those prissy girls and teasing others.)

Get it?

It's all right. Don't be confused.

... All I really wanted to know was what you guys thought the difference between murder and war was, or if you didn't think there is one.
Personally, I don't see much difference between killing someone who is an "enemy" and murdering another human.

Usually your country (or your religious leader) has named the enemy and there's no chance for you to decide for yourself if you want to kill another human being.

The crusades are a typical example of a "religious" war that went wrong.

The crusaders (like Richard the Lionhart) were supposed to regain control of the Holy Land and Jerusalem but actually the wars were waged against non-Christians for a variety of economic and political reasons (looting treasure in foreign countries and stopping foreign powers becoming stronger than Christian Europe, targeting political enemies of the Pope...) - to be fair to your teacher, the Christians did do a lot of pretty bad things to non-Christians at that time with the excuse that it was God's work... :furawatchi:

Sometimes history doesn't show humans in a very good light :huh:

^ I know they did. That's why I'm so confused.

I don't understand how people can murder others in cold blood and then say it was the work of God.

Haha. I think I'm getting a bit annoying with my 'I know, that's why I'm confused'ing.

There is a difference between war and murder. When murder is committed, it is purely out of hatred for another person and a life is needlessly taken.

We go to war for a reason. Our leaders don't sit back one day and say "I feel like killing a bunch of people today, lets go to war". It doesn't work that way. If the lives of the people are in danger, or our national security is at stake, war is justified.

However, sometimes war can be murder when it is used for evil purposes. Hitler and the Nazis for example. This was unjust because it was out of hatred toward other people. This would be a kind of war that God condemns.

Here are some short explanations that should answer your question very well.

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There is a difference between war and murder. When murder is committed, it is purely out of hatred for another person and a life is needlessly taken.
We go to war for a reason. Our leaders don't sit back one day and say "I feel like killing a bunch of people today, lets go to war". It doesn't work that way. If the lives of the people are in danger, or our national security is at stake, war is justified.

However, sometimes war can be murder when it is used for evil purposes. Hitler and the Nazis for example. This was unjust because it was out of hatred toward other people. This would be a kind of war that God condemns.

Here are some short explanations that should answer your question very well.
I couldn't put any better. Thank you.

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