This was FREAKY! I expierienced it!


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Hey<?! I am level 50, so you mean all the people who has level 50 got all their mail deleted? But how come my brother, he is level 48 and got all the mail deleted too! And so as my friend who's level 2 only.
I still don't get your Contest part?! What do you mean by ne have to sign up for the contest to get everything even the mails back?!

Reply me... :p
Well, They might have got too many letters in their mailbox, due to sometimes having special characters and stuff. They can get too many friend requests that fill their mailbox and then because of that you don't get letters...

About the contest hall, instead of seeing which rank you got and stuff, just go to the contest hall at the reception to pick up your award, then check the screen on the left in your room to check your rank. :)

Hope my advice helped! :ph34r: :furawatchi:

ps. signing up for the contest doesn't help, i just mean that you still get your award even without the letters.

That was my problem. (And i always say confusing stuff, true :p )

yes but look at the post you read from! :D
Hey<?! I am level 50, so you mean all the people who has level 50 got all their mail deleted? But how come my brother, he is level 48 and got all the mail deleted too! And so as my friend who's level 2 only.

I still don't get your Contest part?! What do you mean by ne have to sign up for the contest to get everything even the mails back?!

Reply me... :furawatchi:
:D :D ps. i think you didn't read well.

No... But that means you have mail in your mailbox now? I don' t get it. It's not because I don't read well but it's just so confusing that I want to get to the end of this 'mystery' faster, so I can play.

P.S I don't think you write well! Your concert hall sentence doesn' t make sense, I even asked my friends who's in 8th Grade and she doesn't get it too!.



Actually, u sign up in the contest hall, then check the mail box than you get your mail back!


piece of cake.

but from now on im only ging to be mimitchi with outfit two.


Ps. Pleease don't close my topic!

I wanna hear replys!

plus i saw BA0529And talked to him but he ran away-

I was a Mametchi
Oh, so it was you who chased me!!!!!!!! LOL!!! I have had that happen several times in the past week, I guess it was because I came in 16th place, or maybe it was just because I was a "Music Star"... And, yes, PLEASE DON"T CLOSE THE TOPIC... please...

OK Chamametchi, why does it say that you are online in the active user box and in your posts it says that you are offline? And also, when I try to PM you, it says that you don't exist.... ARE YOU REAL?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! LOL :D

Ps. i am real.

I just don't understand at all how admin actually made my account online...

There is just somehow a problem in tamatalk...

One weird one!

Sorry, I thought we already were. Just get on again in makiko room 1 and i will except. I just saw you again, and I am being chased by an ojitchi!

Please don't use the forum threads to chat back and forth?

(We have the PM system for that)


Edit: If one of you is having trouble sending PMs, please have the other member send you a PM. No more chatting in threads please.

If all else fails - use Music City or TamaCHAT

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Ps. Pink Memetchi, You must have got it fixed when kuromametchi529 emailed Bandai...

Bandai must have fixed all tamatown!!! :( Hope theres no more...


Now, anyone can PM me:

My ID is Chamametchi_rules, not Chamametchi_rules!.

Now can anyone try to PM me?

i cant seem to get to 5th place ive been at 6th for awhile now & my instrament is stuck on the violin even though on my toy is another instrament

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