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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2007
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Pennsylvania, USA
They delight me.

We just had a huge thunderstorm here,

And I was so happy :)

-- Who likes thunderstorms?

-- What simple things delight YOU?


I like thunderstorms.

For some reason, they make me feel calm.

Especially the rain. Usually at night I would fall asleep listening to it.

I love Thunderstorms <3

When I was 8 I would always go sit on the pourch when a thunderstorm hit. It was so warm and cozy ;]

Loud thunder scares me though D:

I have mixed feelings about storms. Sometimes I like to just chill and listen to them. If they're nice. But if they're scary, I hide and freak out. xD

Sometimes if there are crazy ones in the middle of the night, I beg my brother to let me come sleep on his floor. xDD He lets me, too. x33

I adore thunderstorms, except when they crash my computer D:

I love taking walks in the middle of storms without an umbrella, but I also like the feeling of holding an umbrella. But I probably like getting all wet more xD

Listening to music makes me all happy, and being in a corner or other small places. I hate wide, open, uncrowded quiet places. Maybe that's why I like thunder.

I love to sit on my couch and look out the window when it's raining. What I don't like is the extremely loud thunder that usually comes with the rain here.

As for other things, I like to get cozy under my blanket with a good book and just read away. I get so relaxed doing that, sometimes I actually fall asleep and won't wake up until hours later. :>

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I hate thunderstorms.

That means we have to turn off all the electricity in our house.

Yesss. I love them too. Lots of people complain about 'the storm kept me up all night last night!' and I'm like 'are you kidding me? it put me to sleep' ;]

Usually I make a bag of popcorn and just sit by the window, 8D. I love the lightning. I've always tried to get the perfect shot of it.

I hate them!

They scare me to bits.

I just sit there, under the covers, and shivering. And I don't move.

I'm just truly frightened of thunderstorms. They freak me out. :0

I dun mind thunderstorms, until the thunder booms and scares me half to death, or the lighting and rain combination knocks out the power. D:

As for things that delight me, I would have to say relaxing and chatting on forums is a nice thing. I also like Neopets... Great way to kill time, let me tell you. xD

I hate them!They scare me to bits.

I just sit there, under the covers, and shivering. And I don't move.

I'm just truly frightened of thunderstorms. They freak me out. :0
same here. i can't stand them.

I love watching thunder storms - especially when lightening lights up the area :D

I hate it when a dog is so frightened it's pawing you and panting "dog breath" all over you in a panic... ewww :)

I love to sit on my couch and look out the window when it's raining. What I don't like is the extremely loud thunder that usually comes with the rain here.
As for other things, I like to get cozy under my blanket with a good book and just read away. I get so relaxed doing that, sometimes I actually fall asleep and won't wake up until hours later.  :>
Same here. xDD I love watching the rain, taking walks in the rain and almost everything about the rain. What I don't like is thunder. I just like it when it rains without the storm.

I love reading under a blanket too! Other things are walking outside right after a storm and the smell is wonderful! I also love the smell right after someone mows the yard. xDD It is the best smell! Especially when they mow the yard right after a storm!

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