Tick pets


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Well-known member
Dec 25, 2006
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Have you had a pet that had a tick on it? My dad just took one out of my cat, and it was COMPLETELY GROTESQUE It looked like an overweight apple seed. My poor cat! No wonder he was acting wierdly!It was sitting on him for about a few weeks. I shudder just to think about it...o_O

Eww, ticks are disgusting. Glad you got it off.

And no, I never had any ticks on my pets 'cause all I have is a Goldfish and a Butterfly. They can't get ticks, can they?

Eww, ticks are disgusting. Glad you got it off.
And no, I never had any ticks on my pets 'cause all I have is a Goldfish and a Butterfly. They can't get ticks, can they?
I think anything that has blood flow can get ticks. I'm not 100% certain though.

Yes, my pets have had plenty of ticks. No fleas though. We give them flea and tick medicine, but it only seems to help with the fleas. We live in the woods (thank goodness not where the deer with lime (or lyme, I forget) disease live), so we have lots of ticks.

Yes, my pets have had plenty of ticks. No fleas though. We give them flea and tick medicine, but it only seems to help with the fleas. We live in the woods (thank goodness not where the deer with lime (or lyme, I forget) disease live), so we have lots of ticks.
That must suck o.o

Once, on an Animal cruelty show there was dog COVERED in ticks that the owner didnt bother to do anything about... It was so disgusting and sad. They put the dog in a special bath and he eventually got better.

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My Dog (he died when i was 8) Died from Ticks. Before he Died, we counted 23 Ticks on him and about 13 of them were inflated to the size of marbles from all the blood they consumed. My Dad, Grandpa, Brother and i could see that my dog was sick so we put him to sleep so he wouldnt suffer, he was also an old dog too (He was 32 years old in Human Years)

Goldfish can not get ticks...instead, they get Fish Lice(Argulus). They are like the underwater equivalent of a tick. It clings to the fish's side and scrapes away at their scales, and consumes those and the blood that oozes out as well. They do not attatch to air-breathing creatures such as us...but they creep me out even more than ticks do!

Ticks do not attack other invertebrates, either, so your butterfly and all other bugs are safe. Invertebrates have their own parasites, but they are too small to worry about.

My dog had ticks once.

Er was it fleas? o.0 I forget.

Either way, they're a pain.

There is probably more than just one tick on your cat. You should probably search her at least once a day and/or take her to a vet. ;]

Yeah, my dog had a huge one. When my mom got it off, the tick let out alot of blood.

Poor Rocko. :)

But that was only once.

I hope it doesnt happen again.

Ew, ticks. At least it is not YOU who has been attacked. ^^; -cheesy smile-

Seriously, I was reading through the deviantart forums, and one girl said she found a tick in her hair. Yuck.

I have a friend who has limes disease, and is in the hospital right now. I am glad you got the tick off! :D

Ew, ticks. At least it is not YOU who has been attacked. ^^; -cheesy smile-Seriously, I was reading through the deviantart forums, and one girl said she found a tick in her hair. Yuck.
Whenever we would go on school camping trips (we always went up to the woods in gold country) they would always tell us at the end of the day "Now, remember to check yourselfs for ticks. Especially make sure to look in your hair, and have your friends check your back for you."

I find it kind of weird that you guys think a tick is so bad. There's really no problem unless it has a disease. Remember though: Always make sure you get the head out of the skin as well as the rest of the body. And when you've got all of the tick, put it in vinager to kill it.

I've never had a pet that had a tick but I have been biten by one myself. It was only on for a few hours so I didn't get sick or anything and it was REALLY small. I almost had mistaken it for a frekle.

Whenever we would go on school camping trips (we always went up to the woods in gold country) they would always tell us at the end of the day "Now, remember to check yourselfs for ticks. Especially make sure to look in your hair, and have your friends check your back for you."
I find it kind of weird that you guys think a tick is so bad. There's really no problem unless it has a disease. Remember though: Always make sure you get the head out of the skin as well as the rest of the body. And when you've got all of the tick, put it in vinager to kill it.
I'm not sure if this is true but my dad said that viniger only feeds a tick. He said that you need to put it in vegitable oil.

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