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Well-known member
Oct 19, 2007
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My current location is at the computer desk
Please give me your feedback on this story, as all chapters are posted, in time. At the end, i'll post all chapters together, in one post. EnJoY tHe StOrY...

[SIZE=21pt]TiMeWaRp[/SIZE]Written by me!


For the REAL Sarah and Anne Newton

Authors note:-

It is written from a parents point of view..pay attention kiddies!

[SIZE=14pt]Chapter One[/SIZE]

"It has been a lovely day, hasn't it Anne?" I told my daughter. "Uh, yes. It has." Anne responded. "I think we've completed all the stuff on the 'To do' list for the day..." I randomly said. "Yay!" Anne flatly said. I think Anne is embarrassed to be my daughter, which is saddens me because I make alot of effort to be the best mother possible. I'm not sure how she come to be like this. I'd love to tighten our bond.

We continued to wander up the street, silently, practially ignoring eachother, which I detested. Anne spotted a sign in a courtyard of an old house.

SEE WHAT IT'S LIKE TO LIVE IN THE 1880'S. Yes, right here, right now. EST, 1878

It grabbed her attention like a fly to garbage bin. Then, in several seconds, she was like, "Oh, thats boring!" "What changed your mind?" I asked. "Eww, history stuff!" Anne told me. "Oh really now?" I mumbled because now I wanted to check it out. "Could we go please?" I pleaded. It was like she ran me and I was the daughter. "Uhh NO!" Anne snapped. "History sucks!" she declared. "Well, I'm going. Have your own fun!" I said, "No..I'll come." Anne stammered. Maybe she did appreciate me, as a parent, a wave of reasurrance swept over me. "OK, then." I cheered.

As we walked up the frontpath, I grew tense. Was it a good idea to check out this place? Why did I feel scared? I shoved my thoughts to the back of my head and marched up the blackening cement stairs. We both looked up, on the first step. The house was three stories high with crumbling cream-coloured walls. A faded lime green awning hung over every window. Two windows to a floor. A block of wood, painted green (now lime green) were the window sill on each window. The wood rotten but still recognisable as a sill. Pink gingham triangle curtains were in these windows. There were two windows on the floor, so it looked like there was some sort of "dungeon" in the house. A pond-scum tin roof was in the shape of a triangle. The house, itself, looked like a townhouse from a book.

I breathed out. "Lets step back in time, heh!" I giggled. "Yeah, I guess." Anne said. I rang the old fashioned doorbell. On the first ring, the door opened. "Hello. And welcome ladies!." A red-haired maid saluted. She was in a maids costume that probably dated back to the 1880's. A lacy cap was draped over her messy, frizzy bun, tied at the chin in a neat bow. "Hi. I'm, uh, Sarah and this is my daughter Anne." "I'm Shantelle." "Who is it?" a wren-like voice called. The voice belonged to an ageing tall woman approached. "Oh, this is Sarah and Anne.." Shantelle said, and turned to me and said, "Surname?" I responded, "Newton." "Sarah and Anne Newton." Shantelle corrected. "I'm Mistress Margret." Margret smiled. Margret happened to be the tall old lady. "You're Anne, right?" she asked me. "No, I'm Sarah. My daughter is Anne." I said, pointing to Anne. "Hey, care to stay for some lunch?" Margret offered. "Yes, that would be lovely, thank you." I replied. "Come this way, then ladies." Another maid approached. She looked just a little older than Anne. "Just this way." she said, gesturing down the hallway. "By the way, I'm Martha." the maid told us. "I'm -" "Sarah, and thats Anne." she cut me off, already knowing our names. "I already know!!" Martha laughed. Another maid, male this time had walked up to us. "Sarah, this is my right-hand assistant, Tom." It was Margret. The way Margret and Tom were with eachother, it instantly reminded me of Wilhelmina and Marc from Ugly Betty. I don't know why it reminded me of them but Tom did look like the sort of guy who was pushed around like a personal slave. I checked to see if Tom called her, "Your highness." He didn't, of course. "Come. Sit, sit. Siddown. We have soup." Margret chirped, literally shoving me in a chair. "Thanks." I mumbled, shooting a thank-em-girl look at Anne. "Thank you." Anne said. "Thats the first time I've heard you speak, Anne." Tom remarked. "Uh ha ha...yeah...." Anne laughed. I gave her a 'be nice' stare.

When everyone sat down, we had Pea and Ham soup, thats when Margret spoke to me. The whole table was full of maids. Even Martha and Shantelle were there. Shantelle was beside me, with Anne at the other side of me. Shantelle whispered to me saying, "Beware of what you say to Margret." to me, in between everything she said. "So, Sarah. Are you good at or do alot of housework?" Margret interragated. "I do it, but I don't like it; Anne helps too." I responded. "I see!" she sighed. "What does Anne do?" she asked again. "Oh, a bit of everything. See, every second week its all her responsibility so she knows her way around housework." I lied. The only time she ever done housework was when we fight over who's vacuuming. Anne hissed at me, "What the hell?" I said, "Play along." "Ahh." Anne replied. "Don't you, Anne?" loud enough everuone heard. "Yess. Yes I do!"Anne said, in unison. "Say, would you both help us out then?" Margret coaxed. "Help out where?" Anne spoke up. "Oh, around the place.." she replied, looking around. I did too.

I saw old faded rose wallpaper on the walls that was peeling in some places. To match, there was old, dusty wood panelling on the floor. The table was in the middle of the room with a doorway to the kitchen in the top left corner of the dining room. A hallway was also apart of the room wih heaps of rooms. A doorway into another hallway was at the end of the first hallway. The first hallway ran from the front door to the end of the dining room. A stairwell was to the right of the entrance of the second hallway. All the wlls had that familiar rose wallpaper. The floors were all wood panelling. A chandellier hung in the middle of the roof of the dining room.

"So you'll do it?" Margret interragated. "Oh, huh? Yeah, of course." not knowing what I just agreed to. So, it seemed like hours until we all finished our soup, Margret got up suddenly grabed my arm and I grabbed Anne's arm. She led us through the second hallway to a room on our right. She then aruptly whipped out a key and unlocked it. "You ladies are staying here. I'll deliver your uniforms in the morning." She told us. "What? Staying in this room? Uniforms in the morning.." Anne and I barked. "Well, you said you ladies would stay!" she said, shrugging her shoulders. "Oh no!" Anne whispered at me when Margret left, sitting on the limping old bed. I did the same on the other one. Shantelle called out, "Knock knock!" as she knocked and came in. "Sorry, I would've told you earlier." she cried. "It's OK." I said. "See, I was just like you. In fact, we all where." Shantelle admitted. "What!?" Anne and I squealled in unison. "Well, just like you we wanted to check out the 1880's so we came in and..now. We're all maids and or servants, and you guys will be too. You will never live a 21st century life ever again. We're not allowed to leave!!" Shantelle explained. "Why!" I screamed. "Dunno...sorry." she replied. "Just don't meet Alainey." Shantelle warned. "Who is that?" I asked. "Margret's grandmother." she said. "Grandmother? Margret is sooo old, how can she a grandmother alive??" I demanded. "Well. Thats the thing. Alainey isn't..uh, alive." she stuttered. "Not alive? Then how could I meet her?" I pondered. "Well, if you annoy Margret really bad, she'll put you in the "basement" ...with Alainey's body. See Alainey was the first Mistress of this house, in 1878. Her husband was a violent alchoholic and when Alainey told him she was pregnant with his child, he lashed out and locked her in the "basement" and died of Pnenomia. No one cleared her body away...she's a pile of bones ad moth-eaten clothes." she explained. Finally, I got it. "Ahh." was all I could muster. "Yeah, so, um, yeah. Don't be the first, Margret hasn't had to go to that extreme and make someone die like that.." she warned. "Thanks for the tip!" I sarcastically laughed. After that, Shantelle said, "I'll leave you to it, so I'll leave you and uh, get used to your new life and home then." "Yeah" I half-heartedly said. "Thanks for telling me that stuff." I thanked. "It's K." she replied. The phrase, Alainey died of Pnemonia kept ringing in my mind.

xx Chrissy

It's good, but speech needs to be on a new line each time a new speaker speaks - lol.

I like the story. Are you going to be putting up more parts in this thread or is this just an excerpt for us to read and judge?

Here we go!!

[SIZE=14pt]Chapter Two[/SIZE]

I woke up by banging on the door. "Get up!" I heard a distant voice call, I couldn't recognise it as I was half-asleep. "Yeah. Yeah!" I called, in a muffly voice. I saw some maid uniforms on the mahogany rocking chair in the corner, beside Anne's bed. Oh crap, we were going to be maids! Anne was calling some friend on her phone saying that we were prisoners. Thats a mild way to put it, really. I picked up what seemed like my uniform and held it against me. It smelled musty. It was navy with some clover pattern. There were aprons to be worn on top of it. A lacy cap, identical to Shantelle and the maid's fell onto the floor. "Omigod! It's a cap!" Anne remarked. I was in total agrrement with her. "Well, hey, it's the uniform. We gotta follow them rules, you know." I said, bearing Alainey in my mind. "Oh, ha ha. That Alainey thing is a joke!" Anne flatly said. "Seriously, it just doesn't seem just quite right. It's inhumane." she said. "Look, people did inhumane things back then!" I reasured, though speaking, Anne had a very good point, but why would Shantelle somewhat warn us then? See, this is why I think this Alainey thing is true. Call me an idiot. Otherwise, grown women don't make up out-of-the-question warnings, or did they??? Aruptly, Anne said something. "This can still go either way!" Yes, she had a yet another good point. Yet another set of bangs on the door shattered our thoughts and conversation. "HURRY UP!!" I think Margret said. "Yep, we're ready in a sec.." I responded. "Shift yourself!" I told Anne through gritted teeth. As we walked out the door, tying our caps. We sighed and slumped our shoulders.

The first few days was a blur, but if asked I could tell you word for word. As soon as I stepped out of that bedroom, I had been worked to the bone.

I had to clean the fireplace; collect the firewood; serve everyone breakfast; mop all three stories (bear in mind, wood panelling is everywhere); hairbrush the carpet in all the rooms of the house (no vacuum as this is 1878). So I had to to use a flipping hairbrush, Margret made me use MY paddle brush to hack at blooming threadbare carpet. (Really, there is nothing to pick at) Clean the nursery; dust everywhere; serve everyone lunch; wash up; dust chandellier; mop the dining room floor; scrub the wall; wash everyone's clothes (the old-fashioned way); clean the gutter of all leaves; serve everyone afternoon tea; polish all flooring; sort and fold everyones clothes; serve everyone dinner and finally have a shower. I passed out as soon as I layed on the bed, last night. Yeah, there were other maids to help but Margret wanted me to have my first day to do all the housework to see how good I am as a maid and Anne's like: "I just did stuff!" I said that that wasn't fair and she said that Margret made her stay in the nursery after I had done it. Grr, how unfair!!

For all I remember, the second day was worse because I woke up tired and aching, but Margret didn't have any of it so I worked and worked. Cassandra, another maid, saw me moping, practically dragging my arms along the floor with a hunched back and said, "You right there?" Without thinking, I snapped back at her, "DO I LOOK OK, DO I LOOK ALRIGHT???" "Sheesh! Sorry I asked." she replied. "Look, I'm sorry. this work stuff is doing me and my mood in." I apoligised, realising that I had been rude, obviously. "Oh, it's alright. By the way, you can call me Cass." Cass smiled. "If you didn't know, I'm Sarah. I can be called Sah Bear." I giggled, laughing for the first time in days. "Okie doke, Sah Bear!" Cass tried and we both cracked up. A male and female approached us. It was Troy and Olivia, the couple of the house. "Whattya doin' guys??" "Oh, nothing, really." Cass and I laughed. Troy turned up his 'brow and said, "Don't nothing me girlies!" "Well, if you must know, we're laughing at our nicknames." I said. It was good to know I had friends in the first 48 hours. "See, nicknames ain't nothin'!" Troy laughed. "Heh, I guess not, eh, Sah Bear?" Cass replied. "Yeah!" I agreed. Before anything else happened, a voice boomed through our conversation like a chainsaw cutting down a tree. "NO SLACKING OFF!" It was Margret. Of course it was, who else could've it been? "Yes, madam, we won't." we all muttered and slopped off to where we were supposed to be. "Good!" Margret said, to our disappearing backs.

xx Chrissy



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