Tiny's Tama Diaries


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Sep 19, 2009
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As of right now, I only have *one* tamagotchi (v4.5). His name is Ziggy, and right now, he's a :eek: (kuribotchi). Over the past hour or so, I've gotten *so* attatched to him. He's *so* sweet and adorable and loveable. I'll be heartbroken when he leaves me, but anyway, NO SADNESS ALLOWED! Onto the introduction of the diaries! :rolleyes:




This, obviously if you haven't caught on yet, is my v4.5 tamagotchi diary. I'm going to try to have my tamas update their diaries daily or more, and sometimes I'll include links to pictures and videos when it's necessary. I can't *wait* to get started, so I'm going to post this and then have Ziggy get right to it. :wacko:


Please feel free to send fan mail, etc! Ziggy and the future tamas would love if you did so. :ph34r: Also, don't miss any events EVER! They will be announced in the appropriate diary entries. See yah soon!


~ Carly & Ziggy ~

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September 21, 2009

Ziggy's First Entry


hi im ziggy. i hatched at around 2:30 pm today. my egg went boom and i flew out! mommy named me ziggy. oh im sorry i mean *tiny* named me ziggy. shes very nice to me. she keeps telling me how much she loves me. i love her too. we played climb and i won a cupple times. then i pooped a lot and tiny cleened it up. she told me nice things when i cried. i chainged in to a kuribotchi a short while ago. it was a funny feeling. it tickeld. now im a little bored. i want cake! i wonder if tiny will give me some. do we even have any? oh sorry bye!





I hope you all can read Ziggy's sloppy spelling. He's so young. He hasn't been to school yet. Give him a break! :eek:



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September 21, 2009

Ziggy Goes To Preschool And TamaTown


Hello again I went to preschool a little bit ago and lernt that Im supposed to capital eyes some kinds of letters like I and when I start a sentince. I still cant write good or spell stuff but Ill lern some day. I also got some mail in the mailbox. I got my forchun. It was ok but it said I wouldnt get any love and then I got a poop in the mail. That made me sad. I hope I get a better forchoon soon.


Anyway I just went to TamaTown for the first time! I got alots of soovin ears and i ayt a lollipop. Yummers! I cant wait to go back. Tiny says she will buy me toys and stuff when we go back and take some gotchi points with us. Well goodbye for now!






Ziggy had so much fun at preschool and TamaTown! He loves his teacher, and of course, he loved his lollipop! Can you understand him a little better now? Huh. Maybe you won't be able to until he learns how to spell. :eek:



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