TMGC+C: is it ruining all other versions?


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Well-known member
May 3, 2008
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ever since i got my tama color i have not played with my other tamas..i love the uratama , it being my favorit before the color tamagotchi came out.. i really like the color one and i want to get another one so i can connect it to this one, but really, does this mean i wont ever want to play with my other tamagotchis?!...

how do you feel :? and waht r u doing if you have a tamagotchi color...

You know what? I think i feel the same way.. but i still love my other tamagotchis so i think its just that the TMGC+C is a little different but the previous tamas are still nice... :p :p :p

You know what? I think i feel the same way.. but i still love my other tamagotchis so i think its just that the TMGC+C is a little different but the previous tamas are still nice... :p :p :p
so does that mean that you still play with your other tamas? or just your tama color

lol that is the question i gues lol

I untabbed a Music Star last night. The b&w display doesn't seem strange, but the whole Tamagotchi feels oddly thin.

I agree w/ Binary, my v2 feels really thin, lol. But I was afraid the color would ruin other tams for me too, but it hasn't. I still love my other tams. In fact, I just bought a Jinsei and I can't wait to untab it! I think even if the tngc+c does make you want to leave your other tams alone for awhile, it won't last. The novelty wears off. It's still cool, but I love my others, too!

I just got my black TMGC+C today, in fact I've only opened it for a couple of hours now. I can tell you, it's addictive. I spent most of my time today playing with it, but I don't think I will keep this up for longer than a week. Yes, I do like my other tamas, but this is just so different and a bit exciting, too, with all the new features and everything...

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