TMGC +C or iD L?


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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2011
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Hello. I have recently been looking for a new tamagotchi. And I was wondering which one should I get? So I thought I should ask you! So if you have some good tips or advice, reply to this saying which one I should get and why.


+C iD L

Pros: ......... Pros: .........

Cons: ....... Cons: .........

Thank you all very much!

I don't know a whole lot about the +C but I'm in love with the iD L.


32 characters

good items

Not too many happy symbols to worry about

Can download things



Doughnut park

Small enough to take places

Inset screen


No Nazotchi friends

Secret locations

32 friend stamps to collect

iD L Spot/station thingy

Visit parents

Again, I stress the characters won't make you bored.

Colors are more intense than the +c or iD

I'm positive there's more but that's whats on my head. :)


Expensive so you wanna be extra careful (Is this with the +C too?)

Have to have a phoen to download

Um... that's all I got. :)

Go iD L!

I don't have a +Color but I do have the iD and iD-L.I've read a few logs with the +color in it but I love my iD-L!



Downloads for more fun games and items

lots of clothes and hats!

cute pets

fun games

Cute designs

Things to unlock

The happy charms/tokens/flowers

Sell grown food at the Tama Marche

Seeds for plants,not trees

Sharper screen

Discount items in the park

theres alot of other stuff too! :)


Well I really don't have any.The price is really good right now,about $59 on ebay.Amazon has some too (!!!) but I think they're more expensive ;)

+Color Pros

Grow trees instead of plants


Less characters

No real goal,you don't have the happy charms

fewer items

no pets

no selling food

no discount items

less sharp screen

its literally flat on the bottom 0.o

I hear the games get old fast

So i'd pick the iD-L but its your decision :)

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I don't own a Tamagotchi +C, iD or iDL (yet :3), but from what I've heard the iDL is the way to go. It has more features, characters and a better screen. And the +C is going up in price, so you won't be spending that much more on an iDL.

Ask OldSchoolTama.

She has both and was able to help me figure out the best one when I had the same question.

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